Unreasonable aspirations


Apr 13, 2002
Well, time for a new thread.

This time the question is...

...is there anything you REALLY would like to do with your life, but you know there's no way it's going to happen? How do you deal with it?

(examples - you want to be a guitar player but your hands were amputated, so you really can't. or, more realistically: you want to work in a specific area, but you are now realizing that you would have needed to study a different subject in university, and there's no going back. stuff like this.)
Oh, what don't I want to do with my life?

I'd like to be an author. It remains to be seen if that will ever happen. I have been published once, and I was (and still am) proud of that short story, but that's the key thing: short story. I have yet to finish a longer project, or come up with an idea that would require a novel in order to be told. Maybe if I discipline myself enough, I might get into writing it... I could easily write a collection of short stories, but I am told that publishers don't find that particularly attractive to publish since it doesn't sell nearly as well as novels, especially where a debutant author is concerned.
On the other hand, I encourage myself with the fact that George R.R. Martin only wrote short stories for a long time, and look at what he's working on now. Yeah.

I'd like to do photography, but this is more of a naive wish. I'm not nearly skilled enough to be able to support myself on that, so it's more of a "I'm learning a little at a time and in a five years maybe I'll manage to sell a photo or two".

Ever since I was a child, I've been interested in paleontology and archaeology (yes, I actually stood in front of my class at age 7 declaring I wanted to be an archaeologist), and I'm definitely still interested in it. I even thought of studying it at university for a while, and it still tempts me. I'm just as interested in that as I am in the subject I've chosen to study (international relations and politics), and it was a difficult choice, but I went with what I chose because in the end I thought it would be more useful knowledge for me, and because I'll definitely never stop reading about archaeology and ancient civilizations and dinosaurs in my free time, and get an "education" in that way. Also, I'm terrible with science and with the kind of archaeology I'm interested in, there will definitely be science involved.
However, nothing's lost yet. I'm 20 years old. If I feel the overwhelming need to study it later in life, then I can do so (screw student loans). My mother didn't begin studying to become a teacher until she was in her 40s and she's now quite a successful teacher. It's never too late.

Finally, something which is related to what I'm going to study; I'd love to work for the UNESCO. But they require French. The one useless bloody language I didn't study, and principles forbid me to take it up. They won't even take interns if they don't speak French. The French can fuck off. Nobody (apart from other Swedes and some Finns) speaks my language, but do I complain? No, I learn five other fucking languages because I like it, and you will too once you start, bitches!
(I could always learn French, I suppose)

On a side note, why do people want to move to Sweden? Here nothing awaits but mass unemployment and ridiculously high taxes and living costs, plus a social democratic government that seems to yearn for the good old, Soviet, state-controls-all days. Wait a few years until the 40s generation retire, then you can move in and take all the jobs, because the then 20-30 year old Swedes won't have any experience, since there weren't any jobs for them when they were younger.

On a second side note, these days I only ever post on this board when I've had alcohol. I wonder why.
its the same everywhere I guess, not that its any better in austria just to say, I like to live here, my job is oke, but its not what I wanna do forever, I need something new, maybe not now and immediatly but in a few years yeah... :)
hm, i guess the grass is always greener on the other side, if you can learn to accept (not to embrace!) defeat, it's much easier. i wanted to be a good deal of things - my career as scientist found its end last year when i decided to quit university. ok, i'm still young enough to try again, but i know it won't happen. also i wished i could live off making music, but one goal i still aim at is to release an album with a random band, with my name in the booklet, and i could buy it at a random store off the shelf.
basically, smaller goals keep you more satisfied, and that's what i learned in the past years. so right now, i don't really want to be anything else than what i am now. if i would be a pro musician, even that would probably get on my nerves over time. so that's the way i deal with it, i suppose.
i would like to be a sound engineer but i first have to pass the entrance exam at a special school to study that! the exams are at the beginning of september...
but my biggest dream is to be a pro musician, but its kinda hard to start a band where i live because its a small village in the middle of nowhere and i don't have my driver license and no one i know plays music here (exept my young brother's friends but they are not motivated and anyway they don't want me in their project!)... so i will wait till september, when i go to college
Well ultimately, like Northern Lights, I would like to be a novelist, because it just feels right when I'm writing stuff, even though I'm not any good. I mean, The feeling of completing a book is always immense. I've only done short stories, but when I lay down what I consider final touches I feel like I've really accomplished something. To get something published and get some money for it would be a dream.

A more likely aspiration is becoming a musician in a band that's touring. I don't care really what conditions I'm living in, as long as I'm making music that I love and I'm playing music that I love... 'tis all I need. Even if I only have like, 10 fans... as long as they get what I do and my music is something to them, then I'll be happy. Just have to find me some musicians and write me some decent songs :p
i wish i had studied languages at university, and i'd still have a chance to do so. but financially it won't be well possible, despite the financial support that I would get from the state (let's face it: when you've started to work, you have established a certain standard of living which is hard - sometimes even impossible - to drop. bills want to be paid.(edit: and I'm not going to take up a loan or any oher form of dependence - not if i can avoid it... ) - heh, now i know why many young women get pregnant :loco: they study during the period of rest from work. the baby is literally a way to break free from old patterns as well, a new chance in life. [/idea-lamps] )

also, i'd like to be able to combine my evergrowing longing for space and freedom with my evergrowing inclination towards nature (woods in particular).

since i was a kid i've always wanted to become a forensic pathologist, that's not going to happen though, for various reasons, including the fact that it's very hard to get into medicine in university, mostly due to the huge amount of people taking the test to enter and the fact that i had a moment of confusion as a teenager and i chose a crappy high school thus my general culture is to small to place myself above hundreds of people to enter.
then it requires over 10 years in university, and after that it's not even sure that i'll manage to do what i want.

i deal with it well i'd say since i like a lot what i'm studying anyway.
Got nothing really. I see what tomorrow brings and deal with it tomorrow.
I'm quite happy where I am now and as long as that is the case I don't bother
dreaming up some shit that I might wanna do one day.
hmm, i do have an unreasonable aspiration i guess, but not profesionally...

profesionally, i still have hope that my grades will be good enough to get a scholarship in a foreign university for a masters degree, and then with that get a decent job related with translating/teaching/investigation etc, something in which I don't have to deal with a lot of people and get paid well enough to live well and simply. I wish to live in a different country at least for some years, but that doesn't seem unreasonable (yet) either.

When I was a kid I always wanted to be a writer, but I don't really aspire to sell a novel or become famous, all I want to do is write something I feel does me justice, something I feel satisfied with. And I still think that some day I'll manage, even if I don't show it to anyone.

In other words, oddly enough I still have enough faith that my future will take care of itself, and that if I try hard enough I can still manage to do anything I really wish for. The exception comes when your wishes don't depend on yourself, in that case, well you just adapt and overcome. Not much else you can do, really, just resign yourself and try to find some substitute.
Hitori said:
The exception comes when your wishes don't depend on yourself, in that case, well you just adapt and overcome. Not much else you can do, really, just resign yourself and try to find some substitute.

Sorry to say, after about 15 years of practicing this approach, that it doesn't work at all. :erk:
so... does that leave me no option but to become bitter and depressed? hah. no, but i mean, if you already know its unreasonable and you wont get it no matter what... that is liberating. because you know its not up to you anymore, and theres nothing you can do to change it. say you're in love with a gay man. you lack what he would need to be happy. even if you think you will never be happy without him, you have to go on, because it doesnt depend on you anymore and you cant change the circumstances.

of course, easier said than done. but really, if there's the slightest chance you COULD accomplish something- like people mentioned in the thread, live off their music or write a novel or join the UNESCO, then its not unreasonable, just a big challenge, but it always could happen if you work hard enough and get lucky.

so, come on then, what are your unreasonable aspirations? you should share in your own thread :p
Hitori said:
so... does that leave me no option but to become bitter and depressed? hah. no, but i mean, if you already know its unreasonable and you wont get it no matter what... that is liberating. because you know its not up to you anymore, and theres nothing you can do to change it. say you're in love with a gay man. you lack what he would need to be happy. even if you think you will never be happy without him, you have to go on, because it doesnt depend on you anymore and you cant change the circumstances.


so, come on then, what are your unreasonable aspirations? you should share in your own thread :p

as for the gay man problem - i am under the impression that while of course you have no way to be happy with that particular person, that does not amount to believing that you can replace your need to be in a fulfilling relationship with someone by, say, becoming an olympic swimmer or the lead guitarist in rammstein. the point here is the type of need, as i famously said in my best paper to date (discussing something else altogether, as you can easily imagine). i was just trying to say that there's no way of meeting a relational need other than through a relationship - in your example, a woman who is in love with a gay man will have to find someone else who is not gay and who loves her back in order to overcome the pain. but it's not possible to fill the gap with activities of another kind. i am saying this because i've tried far and wide to do that and i am now faced with the sad reality: it doesn't work. you can be an accomplished whatever and still feel lonely and depressed over loneliness.

where my aspirations are concerned, most of my close friends know that i would have liked to be a cop and then go on to be a spy, which in italy you can only be if you are a law enforcement officer for a number of years. for a bunch of reasons i picked another career (mainly, the police wasn't hiring when i was out of high school, and my opportunity to join this year was fucked up by external circumstances such as a non-delayable business trip on the day of the preliminary tests). i am reasonably happy with my career, but i still resent not being a spy. i'm not getting any younger so there's no way i can switch jobs anymore really.

in other matters, i would like to have a life without constraints, in the sense that i'd rather not be needed in italy for the next few years, feel free to relocate to wherever the fuck i might like, for job-related reasons and other reasons. but my mother is going to be widowed quite soon and i'm not going to leave her in the middle of fucking nowhere to go away in search of fortune, now am i? so there.

finally, i'd love to meet a man to my liking, and who wants to be with me. but i haven't written this down to 'unreasonable' yet, so wrong thread. :cool:
There are some that are obviously unreasonable.. Ive touched a guitar like twice in my life and yet I keep having this dream of playing my favourite songs in front of thousands of people. Well I guess that's all part of the metalvirus ;)

I also dream about somehow getting ahold on a huge sum of money so I could do what the fuck I want. There are quite a few things Id like to try, for starters Id like to know more about forging and metalwork. Id love to make my own swords and axes and stuff. It may have to do with studying machine engineering and reading some fantasy but metal has begun to fascinate me :) Actually, that may be one of the most reasonable plans I have :err:

Then maybe with all the free time Id start learning to play the guitar as well.. Id like to study Arabic, buy a telescope and learn more about astronomy and so on.. would that I had the time and the money:erk:

Another cool thing would be to redesign old planes. My granddad's godson has restored a Ju52 with a friend of his and are now flying tourists over Düsseldorf.. or something. It would be so cool to do that.. or what Id love to do and most likely never will is to redesign the planes with new materials, see what could be done with today's technology without changing the plane's appearance. This thing with old planes seems to be a gap in today's market actually.. so maybe I WILL get to do it some day, if I finish my studies successfully, that is ;)
hyena said:
a woman who is in love with a gay man will have to find someone else who is not gay and who loves her back in order to overcome the pain. but it's not possible to fill the gap with activities of another kind. i am saying this because i've tried far and wide to do that and i am now faced with the sad reality: it doesn't work. you can be an accomplished whatever and still feel lonely and depressed over loneliness.

I know what you mean, that's exactly what it feels like for unreasonable aspirations.

Nowadays, I'm living a life I dislike pretty much. I've wanted to be an accomplished musician since I was 6 years old, however a lot of circummstances pushed me for being a poor and depressed lawyer with no future and no dreams. I'm too old to start a music school or something related, also my current job don't let me spend time for myself, and it really hurts, it's a kind of feeling like I'm dying inside.
I love drums, Ive always wanted to be a drummer, but Ive always done something else. As a child I always took out all the pans and pots and played on them, had my parents understood this, maybe it would all have been different. :) I would also like, as Tal over there, to have money for things Id like to do - support my nine-pin bowling team (build a new alley, etc.) and open a nice cozy metal club in my town, where I could go and drink beer listening to GOOD music. This one is not so unreasonable, but pretty close, hehe.
I'd actually like to HAVE a life.. instead of no-lifing at work and no-lifing at home.. But then again I'd have to take my fate in my own hands and that would mean I´d actually have to do something :Smug: