Varg Vikernes might have commited suicide yesterday

You didn't like Burzum in your teens so we're screwed then :goggly:

Burzum came about in the early 90's when my extended sabbatical from metal started.
You guys got me into it some years ago and i do think the early stuff is genius with unbeatable creepy atmosphere. The hypnotic repetitive nature of most of the tracks are genius.

I will have to get in the mood to listen to this new one, could never just listen to Burzum passively. Probably a shitty day next week when my clients decide not to pay my invoices shall put me in that said mood. :loco:
Aren't the rips that are floating around all from a vinyl source?

The CD version is floating around, but most of what is going around is the 2 LP version. They sound fairly equal though with a few small differences (better panning on the CD version, but only really noticeable in a few sections).
not a bad disc after a first listen but nothing really stands out too much for me. I actually like the shortest track, 5, most.

i was waiting for a wicked Jesus' Tod like riff somewhere, and while there were attempts at it throughout, most fell flat.
A very good album but Varg has done absolutely NOTHING new. if some unknown band released this stuff, I probably wouldn't give a flying fuck about it. like i said, some good tracks but nothing to write home about. i'm glad he decided to release something else though, its great to hear a 2010 release that reminds me of something old. Varg sure did a good job with that (the production). And I must say, his musicianship is tight. The drums are very precise and his tremolo picking is quick as ever. the clean vocals... eh... i could do without
I agree with this quote:

It sounds like a step forward for Burzum after Filosofem. But not a step forward for black metal in the will be interesting to see how Burzum develops. "Belus" proves that he is still capable of painting the beautiful and familiar landscapes that we've come to recognize in his work.
A very good album but Varg has done absolutely NOTHING new. if some unknown band released this stuff, I probably wouldn't give a flying fuck about it. like i said, some good tracks but nothing to write home about. i'm glad he decided to release something else though, its great to hear a 2010 release that reminds me of something old.

pretty much says it all.
Its hard to say how this one will fall into place after many more listens, but so far it is NOT doing it for me. Sounds totally average, I'm hoping its a grower. Gotta break out the bong & headphones most likely :loco:
A very good album but Varg has done absolutely NOTHING new. if some unknown band released this stuff, I probably wouldn't give a flying fuck about it.

It sounds like a step forward for Burzum after Filosofem. But not a step forward for black metal in the present...
And this. However, to expect he was going to bring some brand new to the genre, is practically unfair. How many bands have twice changed the face of a genre?
Concurrently, if he was releasing Hvis Lyset nowadays, would it have any impact. Wait, it probably would since it would not have been released back then and so black metal would still be in need of a golden calf.

Zod sums it up neatly: it would be unfair to expect anything groundbreaking or magical at this point. Though I agree he can do better, and hope he will, The White God is a very solid record and I'm glad for it!
However, to expect he was going to bring some brand new to the genre, is practically unfair. How many bands have twice changed the face of a genre?

Exactly. The people who are writing it off because it isn't something new are plain silly and basically missing the magic of Burzum. IMHO, of course. Is this Black Metal's savior? No. It isn't intended to be. Is it another piece of the comfy Burzum quilt being woven into the existing piece? Yes.

Let it be noted that I am the first to go on record as comparing Burzum to a comfy quilt.
What's interesting is, perhaps no artist has ever painted themselves into more of a corner.

- sounds just like Hvis Lyset Tar Oss... failure for not evolving
- sounds nothing like Hvis Lyset Tar Oss... failure for straying from his roots

There's really very little he could have done, that wouldn't have widely been considered a disappointment by most. Now that this disc has reset expectations, and now that some of pressure is off, perhaps the next disc will be of a higher quality, regardless of the direction.