VCC Released

It's even worse for me on my machine ... win7 pt9 ... back to 1.06 ... i hope there will soon be a fixed and rtas version... i'm rly beginning to hate this crashes my session ever 15mins... gawwwd.
Finally purchased my copy, and even though I can't use it before the new iLok arrives, I have to give a huge thank you to the support. I had some trouble with my discount code, and the whole deal was taken care of really fast and politely. It's nice there are still some companies that take care of their customers!
Dissapointed there wasn't an easter sale on this....was ready to pull the trigger :(

Anymore updates from you chaps on the latest update? Any good or still buggy?
I replaced the old dlls with the updated ones and now Cubase doesn´t find both plugins :(

Rescanning the plugin folder didn´t do anything
AhChris, look for yout VSTBlacklist.xml file....I think the manual says where it is located. Delete it and reopen Cubase.
Man, finally upgraded to 1.1.2 and the difference in realism is INSANE. You can really hit the channels harder or not so much and hear a significant difference... they definitely improved the dynamic portion of these plugs.

Still debating whether I like the new sounds compared to the beta 2.5 but I am still getting a handle on them!

I can definitely get a SUPER 'raw + sent thru an analog console stem style' sound out of these plugs tho, that's for SURE!

Hats off to Slate, once again...!

The only thing I really miss is the 'inaccurate' Brit N model featured in the 2.5 BETA. I think I'll get over it, though =D