Under those moronic circumstances it's hard to lighten up. I have the same problem haha.

"There's really no reason to think about how much of a jackass this guy is... but it really is true!!"
I thought you were gonna quit drinking?

Heh... Yeah, I failed at that.

I wasn't drinking when this happened though. I stay sober as possible on week days.

The "Trustees" at work gave me a funny look, but shrugged it off, luckily. And I managed to talk to the other person involved (He actually gave me his phone number, after we spent an hour in cuffs outside a 7-11 together, heh), and we're gonna coincide stories to try and defeat any fines/jail time.

So I guess this isn't so bad now...
good luck with all that, Eric.

haha, my family's also kinda dealing with some legal shit going on due to my little sister having no control over her temper. as a result, lots of fighting going on here, my mom being more insane than usual, and i now live on the top of the house with everyone else so i get to hear their arguments whenever they happen, which is pretty damn often.

so it's really hot, they're fighting, i'm nauseous as hell, therefore don't want to get in my car and drive anywhere more peaceful. woohoo. kill me.
I'm trying really fucking hard to keep myself from posting about work in this thread today, but instead I'm just going straight for the hash when I get home.
Hey Jenn.. guys are guys. We don't think about that kind of shit, especially when we're at a bar drinking with our buddies. And 99% of the time, we say those things for no other reason than conversation and usually completely forget about them as soon as we say them.

I do think it's pretty lame and potentially very offensive, and I think it's funny you returned the favor by pointing out his flaws because he did deserve it... but it's human nature. Letting things like that bother you will only retract from your own well being.

Besides, you'll never convince me that you haven't said similar things to your friends about guys you see around. "Oh he'd be way hotter if only he __________."

It's life, it happens :)

I know it just really bothered me that night. And yes I might say things about men at bars, but never loud enough for them to hear me and be potentially offended.

My brother and his womang are home (he's on military leave for a few weeks)... and she is the most annoying fucking cunt. And she just spoiled an episode of heroes for me.

My (unsolicited) advice as an alternative to the above nonsense:

Take a deep breath. Things are hardly ever as bad as we make them out to be. Don't let other people or random shit life throws at you stress you out. Almost nothing is ever worth getting upset over.
Not with her... It would be like fucking a bottomless pit. I'm fairly certain she's had a good 12+ dicks in her before my brother 3 years ago. Not that thats completely bad, but I'm fairly certain a good number (aka all 12) were in her ass...
i started working out again...on tuesday. i've been drinking more water than usual, but still not enough really. but this morning i woke up with an agonizing pain in my bladder & i've had it on and off all day today. perhaps i had some kidney stones comfortably lodged away and the water flushed them out into my urinary tract? hmmm. doesn't burn to pee or anything. hmm
I think the pain of kidney stones is virtually unbearable. How bad was it? Did it bring you to the ground?