Vice President Palin?

Obama is now trying to capture the sexy MILF vote. :lol: LMAO

NUCULAR? WTF??? The woman said nucular 4 times during her answer segment!! She can say "Ahmadinejad" but pronounces nuclear like W Bush? Is this an omen? :Smug:
To bad she didnt have to answer the questions they asked her tonight, and her bit about the "media filter" .... sounds like she plans on not doing any interviews where a follow up question could occur, hate to say it but seriously what a cunt.
I found it very annoying that she would change topics while giving her answer, and other times he answer would be nothing but "John McCain is the true maverick, and he has done blah blah blah..., she couldnt answer the question so she would start blowing McCains horn. Biden on the other hand gave great answers, and was clear and concise
ron paul isnt running anymore dude, if he were then maybe Id have a real decision to make. and he wasnt the only one who saw this shit coming a mile away..... noam chompsky anyone.
ron paul isnt running anymore dude, if he were then maybe Id have a real decision to make. and he wasnt the only one who saw this shit coming a mile away..... noam chompsky anyone.

i know he's not running anymore, unfortunately. and i know as well that there are many economists that have been predicting this sort of thing to happen to the economy, there just weren't many of them actually running for president. despite that, he's still an intelligent honest person and has good insight on a few things that have been mentioned in this discussion.:)
i know he's not running anymore, unfortunately. and i know as well that there are many economists that have been predicting this sort of thing to happen to the economy, there just weren't many of them actually running for president. despite that, he's still an intelligent honest person and has good insight on a few things that have been mentioned in this discussion.:)

And one of the few politicians I've seen to cut through the crap and talk common sense.
I thought this was a milf quality thread??

Anyway heres a few thoughts on the election.

Palin wanted Alaskan independence Why- Who would be better off ,ordinary americans or alaskans??

What does Alaska have which most of the world needs??

Have a look at the info Kazrog provided about peoples wallets and find the column of obamas with 0 perecent tax increase who do you think he's targeting??

Remember alot of multi millionaires do not have on shore bank accounts.
Any respect for McCain I once had = lost. It wasn't much, but now there's none. Nice Mass Debater you chose there, pal. Good lord. My cock could have been more eloquent. "gee, shucks, joe six pack, main street, alaska, hockey mom" *wink* Jesus H, what a joke. I'm sure she made Alaska proud, but please....just go back to Alaska and do whatever it is you used to do there.