Vice President Palin?

Prayer doesn't really strike me as anything, the problem I have is that it approaches establishment of religion. A politician can believe in whatever sky-daddy s/he wants, but when their beliefs put other things at risk (her censorship attempt, wanting ID taught alongside evolution, et cetera) for religious reasons there's something wrong.


when you say that...i think of this

Whats getting funnier is that now their trying to say that since Alaska is "next", or "close" to Russian, she has skills, or "knowledge" in dealing with them. Thats like saying if you live next to drug dealers you can join the SWAT team and fight the war on drugs. Ugh! You can write this stuff people. Politics is a GOLD MINE of humor.
Thought I'd give this a bump - I was informed today that apparently one of Palin's hobbies is hunting wolves from a plane, which is one of the most vile, despicable "sports" I've ever heard of; now I have no mercy for this stupid white-trash cunt, I hope she gets what's coming to her.
Thought I'd give this a bump - I was informed today that apparently one of Palin's hobbies is hunting wolves from a plane, which is one of the most vile, despicable "sports" I've ever heard of; now I have no mercy for this stupid white-trash cunt, I hope she gets what's coming to her.

I know...just look at my avatar...and tell me that this doesn't concern me. There have been so few people in my life that inspire such instant, blood boiling, pure and true hatred and violent thoughts. I won't even begin to express the true nature of the thoughts I have for her...the blood sucking vampire cunt from hell. I'm not fan of McCain...but I could deal with him if I had to. But her...she's dangerous...and I despise her with every fiber of my being.
doesn't matter who wins...the other party will pay millions to tear them apart. we have our choice of religious wackos or a party that wants hospitals to be like run like post offices. either way, us taxpayers will pay for the slanderfest that ensues.

I may just vote for McCain just to see more of Palin though. If he loses, she'll go back to Alaska and we'll never see those precious mamms again. If we ever knocked boots, it would be a glasses ON event my friends.
I know...just look at my avatar...and tell me that this doesn't concern me. There have been so few people in my life that inspire such instant, blood boiling, pure and true hatred and violent thoughts. I won't even begin to express the true nature of the thoughts I have for her...the blood sucking vampire cunt from hell. I'm not fan of McCain...but I could deal with him if I had to. But her...she's dangerous...and I despise her with every fiber of my being.

Yeah dude, 100% agreed, I've loved all members of the Canis genus (thank you wikipedia :D) my whole life, wolves were always my favorite wild animal in elementary school (everyone had one :)), and having grown up with golden retrievers, I feel a really strong bond to all canines. So yeah, Palin should be devoured alive like the sick member of the population that she is :mad:
^ Thanks for posting that. Interesting read. I'm by no means anti-religion. Everyone is free to choose and believe whatever they wish...I have my own beliefs. But when they want to cram their beliefs down my (or other's) throats, show a total lack of tolerance for other beliefs or non-beliefs, blur the lines between church and state, and practice brainwashing to the point that people forget how to think for really gets my blood boiling. I cannot state strongly enough how dangerous of a woman Palin is. Marcus has the right idea. I'd like to see her thrown to the wolves...literally (except for the fact that wolves rarely attack humans...but since I'm not sure she qualifies as human...maybe they'll make an exception).
what's ridiculous is how revved up everyone is getting over politics lately. always keep in mind that a 2 party system is designed to keep everyone bickering with each other. that way they distract you from the fact that gov't is the problem. both sides are playing us for fools. they force us to pick between the lesser of 2 evils while they tighten the stranglehold. there's no difference between the 2 sides, they both want total control.
Agreed...which is why I stated in the Obama thread that I am completely against a strict 2 party system. No one else (from a third party) stands any kind of chance. And I always get revved up about politics...and many other things. :)
There are roughly a million or so people in this world who will die unnecessarily in the next decade if you vote Palin. If you vote Obama, the USA will still be a farce empire, but at least most of those million or so people will not be killed. (Of course the million I'm referring to are Americans, Iranians, Russians and Georgians).

USA colonization has not ended with Iraq. It's just starting.

Also, a two party system, bad as it is, is still better than a one party system.
We are basically fucked. Nothing will stop "them" short of all the people coming together as one. A united people. That won't happen, to many differences . Seems the only time people come together is to go kill other people. Fundamentally fucked as a species.
Too bad that in Australia, "the culture wars" are gaining more and more prominence so that our politics are becoming totally Americanized. Zero regard for policy, now it's all about appearances, gender, religion, social status, and who you'd like to have a drink with. What a fucking disgrace.

Even a despicable populist politician can gain some respect in my book by detailing their policies.