Vice President Palin?

Palin​ appea​rs after​ 7:​30

Palin​ appea​rs after​ 7:​30

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This is why it is important to vote....i dont care who you're voting for....just do it. last year about this time i didn't care who the next president was because i thought anyone is better than what we have now. when i heard Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton were running for president, i was excited because we could possibly have the first black man or woman as president and i was a little more excited for Barack (me being a black man). but i said to myself let me listen to the issues and not let just because he's a black man be my reason for voting for him. i would have been happy with either Hillary or Barack because their policies are 98% the same. i didnt know John McCains policies before the primaries but i listen closely. and i must say this guy is scary to me as he will shoot first and ask questions later. then he goes and picks someone he didn't know, just to solidify his female support base. no one in the lower 48 knew her and as we find out more about her, I am sure John McCain wishes he made a better pick. but he's stuck with her. but as a voter I am not stuck with her. this is the first time in my 38 years i will vote. and because i am in Texas i know my vote won't make a difference because this is a red state but at least i know that i participated in something important to the U.S.A. and to the world.
She's also a total skank ho who's into facials.

This is why it is important to vote....i dont care who you're voting for....just do it. last year about this time i didn't care who the next president was because i thought anyone is better than what we have now. when i heard Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton were running for president, i was excited because we could possibly have the first black man or woman as president and i was a little more excited for Barack (me being a black man). but i said to myself let me listen to the issues and not let just because he's a black man be my reason for voting for him. i would have been happy with either Hillary or Barack because their policies are 98% the same. i didnt know John McCains policies before the primaries but i listen closely. and i must say this guy is scary to me as he will shoot first and ask questions later. then he goes and picks someone he didn't know, just to solidify his female support base. no one in the lower 48 knew her and as we find out more about her, I am sure John McCain wishes he made a better pick. but he's stuck with her. but as a voter I am not stuck with her. this is the first time in my 38 years i will vote. and because i am in Texas i know my vote won't make a difference because this is a red state but at least i know that i participated in something important to the U.S.A. and to the world.

IMO we're fucked either way...but obama will lube our asses for us first
I watched some of the debate tonight and read the re-cap and Mccain is so out of touch with America and will continue the Bush regimes failed economic policies as well as this absurd Iraq war
So apparently our favorite milf, Caribou Barbie, believes dinosaurs and people co-existed:


Whatever happened to separation of church and state???!!!

My biggest concern with this election is the tax breakdown, because most people vote with their wallets:


It's clear that Obama wants the support of most people, and that McCain wants the support of large corporations. Both tax plans are fairly stereotypical of Republican and Democratic candidates, although Obama's tax cuts are unusually big for a Democrat. Of course, the money comes from somewhere and his goal is to tax large corporation execs heavily - a tough move because corporate execs are experts at using all the loopholes in the tax law, as well as offshoring and other tactics to reduce their income tax payouts. Obama wants to fight this, but that's a big monster to battle, and he will make some very rich enemies. He'd better be wearing Kevlar 24/7.

Seems like there is a lot of support here for Obama, so if we want to elect him, everybody make sure they are registered to vote (I had to re-register as I moved this year) and put your vote in. This election will be a very close call like every other recent election. I don't know how anybody in their right mind would want to vote for McCain given his lies and contradictory record, and given that he has been an avid supporter of almost everything the worst president in the history of the USA has done. If McCain wins, what's even scarier than McCain though, is Caribou Barbie becoming president if McCain dies in office.
...If McCain wins, what's even scarier than McCain though, is Caribou Barbie becoming president if McCain dies in office.

If McCain does win (heaven forbid!), he will probably be the most well guarded and protected president in make sure Palin never takes over the oval office.
Too bad he has had cancer 4 times.

Oh come on, don't be so critical! In all truthiness, that just means he's 4 time heavyweight champ! Not even cancer can stop John McCain!! :rock: :lol:

It's HIPAA compliance - you don't make hiring decisions for prospective employees at the office based on health records, therefore you don't do this at the Oval Office either! After all, who better to shepherd America into impending Armageddon than a man with terminal illness?

Since bleeding-heart lesbians Anne and Nancy Wilson of Heart have asked McCain to stop using "Barracuda," I have a new suggestion for McCain's campaign theme song:

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