Video Game Thread (Officially Unofficial)

haha, babies are so durn cute.
anyway, on topic: some nerd told me that 360 acts as an HD-DVD player? Is this true? If so, how? When HD-DVD players are costing at minimum $500, I dunno.
Just wondering cuz I'm eventually going to get an HD-DVD player but I might as well get a 360 if this is true.
Good ol consumer logic. Always a wise decision
I believe the HD-DVD thing is another 200 dollars

Burger King is gr1m/
Hell yes. It's a bit different, but it's great. Did you ever play the BF1942 mod Desert Combat? It's like that, except a million times better. There's a rank system and the higher up in rank you go, you can get unlock points for better weapons.
actually all I played was Desert Combat, I fucking loved that. I might pick this up... but I doubt it. Not big on first person shooters any more.
BF2142 has a strange feel to it. I do not like it. All the guns sound really weak and the combat itself just seems weak to me. All of my friends play it, I just can't get into it.

The thread with the batman/super Mario II pic reminded me of how much fun I had playing SMII back in the day, Anybody else enjoy this often overlooked game?
Did I mention how gay Guitar Hero is and subsequently ignoring all comebacks on this page yet? Just checking.

EDIT: oh yeah and Super Mario Bros. 2 was always my personal favorite, I forget the name of what it really was though, something like Super Aye-rab Terrorist IX or whatever.
A friend of mine left Guitar Hero at my house. I'm fucking horrible at this game.

Anyone play Company of Heroes? It's an RTS made by Relic (the guys that did the Warhammer 40k RTS). I've only tried the demo but it's a lot of fun. I really shouldn't be spending money on games at the moment but I might have to go pick this up.