Video Game Thread (Officially Unofficial)

I'm still waiting for the fucking MGSO beta servers to work...

This is pissing me off. I spent literally 2 days downloading shit for that after I got my disc and key, and then none of the servers work... then they send an email telling us its a go, then I spend 40 minutes setting up 2 different fucking accounts for some reason (why they wanted that, no idea), just for the servers to be unreachable again.

Fuck these cocksuckers.
I didn't play San Andreas as much as the earlier GTA3s, but yes.

Last night I hit the point where the story took a twist and the game really started to sink its teeth into me.
GTA4 is defiintely the best one so far, and with multiplayer, it's possibly the best game I have ever played. I couldn't stop laughing when I played with just rocket launchers or molotov cocktails in free mode.
I bought paintballs at Walmart yesterday

but the guy who worked there in the sports/hardware department (who was actually really nice and not too dumb!) told me their shit was overpriced and that I should go to a paintball store to get gas and a mask
that's awesome. We buy food at a Super WalMart when we go to Florida because it's the only grocery store within 20 miles. The only other time was when I tried to buy some ammo for my handgun and they sold me the wrong size. I mean, how hard is that? You should've seen the look on the manager's face when I came back for a refund. He was like, "uhm, it's kinda illegal to return ammunition" and I said, "well, I'm not leaving until I get my money back, sooo....."
LOL it was tempting - to make sure the cartrdiges fit (it's an unusual caliber) - but I thought that might be a bad idea