Video Game Thread (Officially Unofficial)

I've been losing some major sleep with Dragon Age (for PC of course) lately. Campaign takes a good 60 hours, and thats with only doing half the side shit... about 30 hours into my second build now.

Saw my friend play it on console, don't think I'd like it. Isometric view and mouse management are key. Granted, they were nice enough to make the game a bit (see a lot) harder on the PC due to this advantage. Toned it down a bit with the patches, but still pretty fucking hard which is nice to see in a game for once. Sick of games holding my hand. I'd rather watch a movie.
Great game, I never liked BG much but this rox and steals my resting hours away as well. I also heard that it was so hard yada yada bla bla, but I don't really agree. Sure, a few (boss) fights in the beginning were hard (the revenants&co for the juggernaut set as one of my first quests, for example) but overall it hasn't been difficult on normal difficulty, and as the game progresses it's been getting easier and easier. Just pause when needed, get lots of healing (herbalism+spellz) and you're set, pretty much. And next time around I won't waste skills because I don't know what I'm doing, so it should be even easier. Then again, I didn't play much before the easifying patches came along.
download the respec mod to help with mistakes you made, my comp died and I lost my save, but next time through I'm going to go for 3 mages + shale. Magic ftw (always been my fav)
download the respec mod to help with mistakes you made, my comp died and I lost my save, but next time through I'm going to go for 3 mages + shale. Magic ftw (always been my fav)
Nah, I'll do better next time around instead. This run, I've got a dual weapons warrior+rogue+mage+another warrior. Next time around I'll play the rogue myself, just gotta decide wether ranged or melee is the shit and wether I want one offensive mage and one for boosts and healing or just one for everything.
Shale fucked up on my save and keeps giving me the "activate" dialogue which also breaks the game. Fucking annoying. (Disabling and re-enabling the mod just causes him to dissapear completely).

Ah well. Pretty sure i'm close to finishing my first playthrough now anyways.
Well assholes, I finally finished my first semester of grad school and I was going to reward myself with a video game to waste away the days until Spring semester starts up. What are a couple of amazing games that have been released in the past couple years that I might want to consider? Specifically, what are the great action/war games? I think the last one I played was Modern Warfare. Maybe? Can't even remember. Anyway, I have a 360. Reco me some stuff. (No fantasy/gayness please; sci-fi is OK)
Well assholes, I finally finished my first semester of grad school and I was going to reward myself with a video game to waste away the days until Spring semester starts up. What are a couple of amazing games that have been released in the past couple years that I might want to consider? Specifically, what are the great action/war games? I think the last one I played was Modern Warfare. Maybe? Can't even remember. Anyway, I have a 360. Reco me some stuff. (No fantasy/gayness please; sci-fi is OK)

Modern Warfare 2 is out. Fallout 3 still rox, probably a bit more with the expansions. Those two should be enough for the time off!
I've whored this out before but here it goes:

JetSetWilly:Online. A solid remake of the zx spectrum game that came to almost every home computer system back in the day. I'm trying to get a solid player-base built. Competitive, old-school, challenging, and a lot of fun when you have a room of quite a few people and tons of game modes. :). It seems really simple but learning jump-arcs and how to cut corners is pretty challenging. Not to mention the player map. It has tons of different games that involve different maps that require a lot of dexterity even though its only a 3 button game (left, right, spacebar {jump}) The music loops are also bitchin'. Enjoy if you dare :loco:

my user: Acie. I normally have a server up. Version 3 should be out soon. Thanks to Ovine by Design.
Well assholes, I finally finished my first semester of grad school and I was going to reward myself with a video game to waste away the days until Spring semester starts up. What are a couple of amazing games that have been released in the past couple years that I might want to consider? Specifically, what are the great action/war games? I think the last one I played was Modern Warfare. Maybe? Can't even remember. Anyway, I have a 360. Reco me some stuff. (No fantasy/gayness please; sci-fi is OK)

try Modern Warfare 2. a much better campaign than 1. the online play is a lot more tactical than the spray-and-pray tactics of World at War
Thanks for the reco but I'll be damned if school doesn't already start next week. Fffffuuuuuuuuuck
try Modern Warfare 2. a much better campaign than 1.

I couldn't get more than 5 minutes in to the campaign before being bored to tears. I also couldn't be arsed to play it online, didn't feel like getting schooled by unsupervised 12 yr olds prestigiously pwning this country's future. Dorian, you're better off keeping your nose buried in a book, this game requires about as much strategy as connect four. I'd suggest picking up Rainbow Six Vegas 2 on the cheap, and saving your hard earned clams. Purchasing new releases is a sucker's bet. Though, I'll be doing so for Mass Effect 2 and Bioshock 2, those titles warrant the hefty tag.
MW2 is fucking atrocious. Shit campaign compared to the first and the multiplayer is blah. MAG, Battlefield Bc, 1943, and the upcoming Battlefield Bc2 have multiplayer that shits in MW2's mouth
so it's cool to shit on Call of Duty now? man, last year everyone couldn't stop sucking on the COD cock. let me sell my games so i can be cool. stay tuned.
Rest easy my friend, I have always thought Call of Duty was shit and paled in comparison to Battlefield. Don't know what everyone else's problem is but I'm glad they finally see the light.

its a pretty mediocre shooter. its fun to play a public server once and awhile but i couldnt imagine playing competitively to a game like counter strike which is just way better
The whole server stuff is what sucks about new cod, it's a fun game but it's assy that you can't choose what kind of game you want to play (through dedicated servers with actual rules and mods and certain perks blocked etc)