Viking mythology and all that goes with it

Ray Bourque all the way! ;)

I'm a Happy Gilmore type... horrible skater, but with a brutal check and shot. Although I didn't ever try and stab someone with a skate.

I'm just the opposite. I play wing, so I'm speedy on the skates and have to rely on maneuvering to get a shot (breakaway queen).

However, the first penalty I ever got was for fighting. I guess I got a bad temper.

Tyra, We've been over all the Swedish Midsommar traditions, but I found this youtube video of the Norwegian Midsummer eve traditions. It's basically a bunch of Norwegians :goggly: :goggly: :goggly: , a whole lot of alcohol, :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: and a really big bonfire... you do the math... :OMG:

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Question: I bought this awesome looking Tshirt at the pagan fest.. a Tyr shirt with a longship in front and in the back theres written "Foroyar, mitt land"... (the first "o" is crossed").. I know what "mitt land" means but whats "Foroyar"? (it better be some cool shit).
The first o? If it's the second o, then it makes sense, because that spells Faroe islands, but I've no idea if the meaning is the same or not. It's probably a place, though, and I would guess Faroe Isl.
Finally finished the pillar.................





This is where it is eventually going.......

Ooooh, nice job!
Hey, Sleipnir, I've been sick with the 100-day flu, but I'm starting to feel better now, finally. I'll get back to you re your e-mail question shortly!
No, but as a matter of fact, we're going to get together with friends next weekend to (among other things) sample some of your mead. I am sooo looking forwards to that. The AEttir is having a gathering this month, too, but i don't think we'll make it down. I wish so badly we could cuz there's going to be a special guest there, whom I happen to adore. I can't tell you who it is, cuz I've been sworn to secrecy. And besides, I want to attend just for the blót itself, as I feel a bit thin on spirituality atm. Comes from not having enough time to breathe...
On the bright side, I feel a lot better today, and I've managed to do a lot of work on the research project and on my school work today. That's the first time in weeks that I've been able to think straight since coming down with this now-famous "100 day flu". CR
Oh, and did you see that Quiet Press has put out some of those sieves I asked him for on their web site?! I bought one today, and I just got a new three foil brooch for myself, a circular cloak pin for Ölfúss and some buttons for whatever. Yes, Vikings had buttons. Trust me on this one. They're a pain to measure with the total station when you excavate.
Nice video Runesinger! I didn't know they did that in Norway. Looks like fun! Haha drunk people can be really stupid, but funny.
<------ everyone knows I also like any excuse to play with fire hahahaha, safely that is ;)

Cool pillar thingy! I'm sure it will look nice there.

I'm sorry to hear that you were sick. I'm glad to hear that you are feeling better. "100 day flu", sounds horrible! Have fun on the Archeology report :) One of these days I will go to one of those field schools and learn how to be an archeologist. Taking classes in it is not as good as being there and learning it "hands on". Is there any particular field school that you could recommend? I am not going to bother with the American schools, its all about which minority should have preference over that minority and blah blah blah....its just ridiculous. In fact, its stupid. What about people with skills or "first come, first serve" system? That sounds better to me than that political bs. I hope other schools are not like that.
So far the only skills I have are; that I can link stuff to periods and people decently enough and I can draw artifacts and whatever else, and I can record stuff and I take detailed notes. I'm not sure if that helps at all in regarding recommendations. All the other stuff I would have to learn of course. I am totally clueless on how these field schools work. I need help! Hehehe.

*All this talk of mead is making me jealous, I want some mead too! Hehehehehe.*
Mmmmm, well, usually (if it's a worth while field school) you have to have x amount of years of academic training before they will admit you. In my school, we had to have two years of university before we were allowed to attend. There are some European schools that do free-standing classes, though. My school (university of Gotland) has a dig in the summer that anyone can attend, and I think Fårö folkhögskola does, too. There are field schools in York, too, to do with the Jorvik dig, but I cannot remember who runs them (google Jorvik, fieldschool). Then there's a couple of field schools in Finland, too. One I think is run by Helsinki University, but don't quote me. I kind of never really had to worry, as it was part of the requirement and the curriculum for passing second year archaeology, so the school organized it all. All we had to do was show up and do the work. Why don't you start by going to the Shovelbum website and look for field schools. I know they have several listings. I just have no clue how it works in terms of pre-requisites when it's to do with foreign students and all that. Otherwise, go to Dan used to be a prof at my school, but now he runs his own bussiness and teaches classes. I know he is in charge of a few "dig where you stand" projects, and I know the website has info in English on this. And a really cool newsletter!
Thank you so much Tyra for the advice! I have been to a few times since the archeology profesor had recomended it. I will definately check out and the other stuff you mentioned. On the site I could only find university courses, unless I missed something. It is 3am so that is possible haha.
Well, they'd be university or university-college, becasue that's when you do 'em in Sweden in terms of archaeology. There's unviversitet, högskola and folkhögskola, which are all on par with one another, only there isn't really a commonly used English term for any of those other than university. I had never heard of such a thing as a university college until I moved out to Abbotsford, where we have one. Here, there's a bit of a difference in terms of admissions requirements, but I don't think there is in Sweden. It's a technical difference of some sort. Either way, those are going to be the courses on offer, as the schools are government run in Sweden, and so, all of them are on par in terms of Bologna etc. I know Dan at arkedok runs classes through Fårö, which I think is a folkhögskola (Folkhögskolan på Fårö). My own school just found a nice sword at one of their field courses this week!! (Västergarn has been excavated for Viking artifacts for a while now, I think - not sure if they've found any non-Viking stuff). That dig part of the third year course, but in the summer, you can take a month long free standing dig course, which I think is at that same location. T
Yes, that's what I was referring to in my response to Beave (bottom of pg 79: "The most noticable thing that makes us Swedes Swedes, so to speak, is that everyone is supposed to be equal to everyone else - nobody gets to be better or worse in any way, everyone has to be average") and on a few other occasions on this forum. It can be a good thing that everyone is equal, but it can also make it so that nobody can excel without being put down. While equality between the sexes is 30 years ahead of the US' version of Women's Lib (which is good), Swedish society suffers from a gigantic case of Jante (which is not good). Two sides of the same coin, both firmly rooted in the same pre-historical practice.
Socialism does seem to generate an aura of lethargy, but I don't think Sweden should take anything from the U.S. Life is just one long, tiring, frustrating, ulcer-inducing rat race over here.

Do me a favor though, the next time ungrateful "asylum" seekers and immigrants start rioting in Scandinavian streets, will you all please start cracking some skulls, Viking style? Thanks!
Being politically correct is also one thing which is seen as noble here i´m afraid,so never act offensive to an immigrant despite what he´s done!
Thought i´d bring up "jantelagen". I dont know if that´s a known term outside of Scandinavia. It´s basically an unwritten law with the motto "dont think you are anyone or that you´re better than someone else". This is how we describe ourselves and it´s seen as a negative thing,everyone´s jelaous if someone else succeeds in any way.

Oh, so that explains it. Thank you mattsson! Hmm...I don't think this "jantelagen" exists outside of Scandinavia.

Is this the Jorvik dig you were thinking of?
Viking swords (and swords in general) are always one of the coolest things to find :) Speaking of universities, I know what you mean...California has an even weirder university system. I guess I will email Dan for more info on the archeological digs and see if I meet the requirments or not. I will check out other field schools as well. Who knows where I will end up next year...
Although a dig at a Viking site would be really cool!
No, but as a matter of fact, we're going to get together with friends next weekend to (among other things) sample some of your mead. I am sooo looking forwards to that. The AEttir is having a gathering this month, too, but i don't think we'll make it down. I wish so badly we could cuz there's going to be a special guest there, whom I happen to adore. I can't tell you who it is, cuz I've been sworn to secrecy. And besides, I want to attend just for the blót itself, as I feel a bit thin on spirituality atm. Comes from not having enough time to breathe...
On the bright side, I feel a lot better today, and I've managed to do a lot of work on the research project and on my school work today. That's the first time in weeks that I've been able to think straight since coming down with this now-famous "100 day flu". CR

I'm so glad you're feeling better. I was getting a little worried about you. I understand about feeling spiritually depleted. The only thing that sustains me these days is the landvettr in the old growth forest behind my house.

I haven't heard anything about a gathering with the Aettir in April. Maybe it's a private gathering. After it's over, can you tell me who the secret guest star is???
Dragonkeeper, I'll have to look closer. Dan is back from Madagascar now. I think one of the courses on offer doesn't have any real requirements, but I don't know if you can count it towards a degree or anything. E-mail him anyhow - he's a nice guy. You have my real name and all (since you have my e-mail), so tell him I sent you, and he'll know you're serious.

Runesinger - I dunno, but I don't think it was a private thing. But you're not on the list any more, are you? I didn't ask too many questions since I knew we wouldn' make it. Anyhow, the guest was Hengis, who's back in town to stay. I so wanted to be there to hug him. He's one of the few people that I truly adore for no apparent reason, I just do, and Lyle and I've missed him and now he's back!
Dragonkeeper - no that's definitively not it. I think it was through one of the local universities. If you go onto the quicklink to Jorvik Viking Centre, there's a student placement section. It has nothing pertaining to digs, but if you contact them, maybe they can point you in the right direction.
I'm majoring in History, and I'd like to specialize in Scandinavian history.

Can anyone recommend some good books or textbooks? Anything from ancient times to modern times.