Viking mythology and all that goes with it

Funny you should ask - my husband said the same thing last night... I was in the middle of applying for a job, so I didn't really think too deeply at the time, and even now that I have, I still don't know the answer... I kind of had the same thought myself the other day. I was driving home from the US when I saw something falling out of the sky. It was bigger and faster than a star, but too far away for a plane. I thought it might have been a dead satellite or something. Turns out it was a meteorite that struck earth. Kewl, as long as you're not standing right where it lands I guess! They must have wondered about that kind of stuff. I mean, in Voluspá, the sky was made from Ymer's scull and all that. There probably was lore, but it may have been lost. I don't know of any at the top of my head like this, anyhow.

Hey Tyra!

My nephew saw the meteor too when he was driving to work. They saw the flash from it hitting. It landed near Walla Walla, Washington.

It was caught on a security camera, so there is some video footage of it.
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oh shit.
I was just hit with a wave of panic, sort of. I was watching the history channel special on Nostradamus and his reading of the end of the world. He said that on Dec. 21 2012 the world would "end", meaning that this age would end through a bunch of natural disasters and such. He said that "the dead would walk again" and the world would be at war and in havoc. As I was thinking of this I came to realize that most of his vision correlates with ragnarok. Loki bringing the army of the dead against the Aesir in Valhal and such as is described in the eddas. If the world is going to end in 4 years, and ragnarok is to come in 4 years, what are we going to do? With the end of the Corpsehall and the rest of Asgard, if we die during the events that ultimately lead the the end of the age, where do we go? Join the army in Asgard during the war between the giants and gods? What about after? there wont be anywhere to go, its not like Baldr and the other surviving gods can get Gimli "up and running" instantly. In that time in between does everyone just go to Niflheim? I know this all may sound weird but I am very interested, it doesn't not seem like much speculation has gone into this subject, especially being as close as we are (possibly). Now I also haven't read any of the last 25 or so pages of this thread since I've been on the forum so this may have been covered already but I am very interested as in what your opinions might be.

I'm going to hide in a big tree
Hey, cool! Thanks for that, Runesinger.
The Vikings and I invaded a pub this weekend! What a blast! That whole crowd can sing Norwegian drinking songs now...
Hmm...which war is that anyway? *goes to put on her invisible armor and shows up as an invisible fighter* haha just kidding! I wish I could fight in the SCA for real though... Have fun fighting!:kickass:
...I guess its embroidery for me still until I find the time to start training. :Smug:
Cool video.
What armies/periods are represented in it? It seems somewhat anachronistic but I don't really know.. a friend of mine went to a Vikings vs Gauls fight like that :p only a thousand year difference ^^
Yeah, that's an SCA video. In the SCA all cultures between the year 700 and 1700 CE are allowed. You get them all on the battle field, except for the rapier dudes and dudettes, who do their own tourneys. Most people up here tend to stick to a Viking or Celt persona, or early medieval, but because we actually fight (as in the fights are not rehearsed or choreographed, but actual fighting with blunted weapons of various kinds), there are rules for what kind of armour you must wear for safety. That means that you may not look very Viking by the time you put on a gorgette and boots, a grill for your face and all that stuff that's completely not Norse. Once the fight is over, you can go back to your Viking garb again.
The group that I play with the most does live steel (non SCA). Then you don't get those issues, but then again, we're all 100% Viking (well, except for a thrall or two).

How did you make out with the dig issue? The research project that my "co-conspiritor" and I are working on will be presented at a seminar in Russia in May, but next week I'm volunteering at a big North America wide archaeo conference in Vancouver. Dunno which is more exciting...

Dragonkeeper: I've spent shit loads of time sewing up new garb again. Silk underdress, mink fur lined woolen cloak and silver fox fur lined wool caftan for myself, made a new card weave belt and then I re-dyed my apron dress and applied new trim to it. Purchased a threefoil brooch, too, to fasten the caftan. For my husband I made a silk lined linen tunic, new leg bindings, a woolen hat and I am still working on a wool Birka coat for him, and I am still working on the embroidery around the neck of his tunic. I bought him a new ring pin, since he seems to have lost his big wrought iron one. My youngest kid got a new cloak that I've blanket stitched along the edges, but otherwise have not done much with (she grows too fast to make much effort...), and the older on, who is "turning teenager", is getting a new red wool cloak, also trimmed, and I've bought her her first set of "grown up" turtle brooches, and I've strung her her first treasure necklace. I'm currently working on a new apron dress for her, too. Oh, and I ended up with a bunch of really thick felt (Mongol style hand made) that I've now started making into a really large wallhanging for the A-frame tent. It helps keep it warm in there when we camp out early in the season. I invited my sister-in law to the pub invasion, and she's now so gung ho, sewing garb and crap, that I'll alos have to help her with her stuff. The lady at the East Indian fabric store knows me by name now...she gives me really good prices on the fabrics as a result (natural linnen @ $8/m as a difference to $20-30/m for example, and a lot of "I'll throw in and extra 1/2 yard of silk" and such). Can't go wrong with that! Anyhow, we'll be very stylish Vikings this year, but my hands are permanently sore, and I have fur up my nose and in my eyes on a permanent basis!
How did you make out with the dig issue? The research project that my "co-conspiritor" and I are working on will be presented at a seminar in Russia in May, but next week I'm volunteering at a big North America wide archaeo conference in Vancouver. Dunno which is more exciting...

Well, I figured I'd wait until april when most summer digs will be announced to have a wider choice.
I didn't email that "co-conspiritor" of yours actually. I'm kind of hesitant because I have no idea what period/country it will be so I wouldn't want to bother him for something which won't interest me. you know.. i'm like.. kind of blindfolded here :p
Hi Tyra!

I'm really looking forward to seeing pictures of the new Viking haute couture as well. Since you know my Norwegian roots, I thought you might find this video funny. Maybe you've seen it. It's a Citibank ad.

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Yeah, that cracked me up when I saw it, cuz it's so typical! Claiming Sweidh or Norwegian ancestry is kind of foolish, cuz the two are so intertwines, that if you go back any more than two or three generations, you'll find that it's all one and the same anyhow (in terms of DNA). Hey, I've made Lina two treasure necklaces to hang between the...ähum...mackerels. I even found a nice spacer for her. She's going to look very spiffy - probably better than her mother, who made the damn outfit! We've had offers for a betrothal...
Well, I figured I'd wait until april when most summer digs will be announced to have a wider choice.
I didn't email that "co-conspiritor" of yours actually. I'm kind of hesitant because I have no idea what period/country it will be so I wouldn't want to bother him for something which won't interest me. you know.. i'm like.. kind of blindfolded here :p
Field school is field school is fieldschool. Doesn't matter what era or country you dig up. All that matters is technique. You don't get to interpret anyhting anyhow, except for the little bits and pieces you get to write in the field diary if you end up digging with a dig leader that's into those. Get the position, then read up on the era. Not to worry. Choose someting based on where it is going to be not too hot/ wet/ expensive to live/ far to travel to, and choose someting that's not extraordinary in terms of extreme conditions. It's better to learn the basic skills you'll need for your average dig that'll pay the bills (as if that will ever happen in this profession), instead of some extreme thing like muddy footprints under tidal waters off the coast of Timbuktu. In the beginning, nobody cares if you've been to Mongolia, Egypt, Madagaskar or Ankh Gor - if you don't know how to set up the digital equipment, your markers, your grid and how to use a trowel, brush and pan and how to remove sod, you won't get hired wheter you've dug up the Queen of Sheeba or the King of the Hans.
Ok, so "60 Minutes" had a segment on Denmark a few weeks ago that partly dealt with the relatively quiet and reserved nature of the Danes, including the complex body language that developed in their culture in order to diminish the need for verbal communication..

I've always heard that Swedes and Norwegians also share these characteristics. Even in the U.S., in places like Minnesota and North Dakota where lots of Scandinavians settled, one can find a very laid back and modest atmosphere. I lived in Minnesota for a while, and i think the movie "Fargo" gave a pretty accurate depiction of the people in that region.

That said, I have a hard time wrapping my mind around the fact that these people are the descendents of the fierce, maurading berzerkers known as the vikings.

So my question is this: is the general character of Scandinavians today still similar to that of the vikings, minus the overt violence and thirst for conquest?

Also, its obvious that death/black metal seems to resonate strongly amongst Scandinavians, but again this seems to contradict their reticent, easy going nature.

Anyone have any thoughts on this?

ADDENDUM: Christianity undoubtedly had an impact on the Scandinavian temperment, as it did in all nations where its tentacles spread, but it didn't really diminish war or conquest as history illustrates.
Yeah, that cracked me up when I saw it, cuz it's so typical! Claiming Sweidh or Norwegian ancestry is kind of foolish, cuz the two are so intertwines, that if you go back any more than two or three generations, you'll find that it's all one and the same anyhow (in terms of DNA). Hey, I've made Lina two treasure necklaces to hang between the...ähum...mackerels. I even found a nice spacer for her. She's going to look very spiffy - probably better than her mother, who made the damn outfit! We've had offers for a betrothal...

Be sure and get a good bride-price. I assume the groom will bring her a horse, armor and sword as is the custom.

Moms are always too soft. They can't resist making their daughter all pretty - even at the expense of their own attire. I can't wait to see the pics.

That's what I thought about that ad too. As soon as I watched it, I started thinking "Hmmmm.... Lillehammer (my grandfather's home) is not too far from the Swedish border..." Maybe some Swedes got over the mountains there...