Dude, I can't find any references to the word "viska" that you've used to translate wisdom with...it just doesn't sit right with me, for some reason. There are two ways of saying wise, frodhr (as in Frodo) and viss, so wisdom should be in line with one of them, something like visskunn. When it comes to tats, though, "something like" doesn't cut it, though.
As for the other words, courage and strength, I think you should use modh (mannaz, othala, dagaz) and styrkr (sowulo, teiwaz, eihwaz, raidho, kenaz) (there is also the word thrott for strength, but it has a slightly different meaning). Hope that helps some... I'm better at the 16 count futhark, as it was the more common on rune stones, which changes the symbols somewhat, but I am thinking it's the 24 count you want. I am also most comfortable with the eastern Old Norse, so the suggestions above are what a Swede like myslef would have used. -T