Viking mythology and all that goes with it

hi all, i am currently designing a tattoo it reads courage, strength, wisdom in english, old norse i believe is raedhi styrkr viska translated into elder futhark is.........
Huh? I don't get it... Are you asking which runes to use for it? If you are, the words were spelled phonetically, so it which runes you used would have depended on where you lived (which dialect you spoke) and when you lived. I say use your own dialect/accent and spell it how it sounds to you. It is NOT wrong to do so. You'll find many words spelled in many different ways. My name, for example can be found spelled in five different ways, depending on where and when it was carved.
yes Tyra I am asking which runic letter to use I have put one together but it wont let me attach it to my post.... I am not certain that the old norse dialect used is entirely correct,,so rather than translate it from english would it be better to leave it as english and translate it straight to elder futhark???
yes Tyra I am asking which runic letter to use I have put one together but it wont let me attach it to my post.... I am not certain that the old norse dialect used is entirely correct,,so rather than translate it from english would it be better to leave it as english and translate it straight to elder futhark???

Can't you just draw on paint the elder futhark words you wanna tatoo, host them on some picture hosting website, post it here, and see if Tyra agrees with the spelling?
do that :)
Oh, I get it! I can spell it out, but first I want to look up the last word, as I am not familiar with it (and it is identical to another word - just want to make sure!).
should I just translate from english text into runes?

"Having english text written in Runes "
was your reply to me phelice?
Sorry for getting in without asking :D but is this what you're trying to make?
It's supposed to say courage:

Also, if you want to make it in an easier way, there are fonts for windows that look like the futhark (i.e. when you write A it draws the Ansuz, when you write T, Tiwaz, and so on), if you want it tell me and I'll upload it for you.

PS: Sorry if my english sucks ^^
Dude, I can't find any references to the word "viska" that you've used to translate wisdom just doesn't sit right with me, for some reason. There are two ways of saying wise, frodhr (as in Frodo) and viss, so wisdom should be in line with one of them, something like visskunn. When it comes to tats, though, "something like" doesn't cut it, though.
As for the other words, courage and strength, I think you should use modh (mannaz, othala, dagaz) and styrkr (sowulo, teiwaz, eihwaz, raidho, kenaz) (there is also the word thrott for strength, but it has a slightly different meaning). Hope that helps some... I'm better at the 16 count futhark, as it was the more common on rune stones, which changes the symbols somewhat, but I am thinking it's the 24 count you want. I am also most comfortable with the eastern Old Norse, so the suggestions above are what a Swede like myslef would have used. -T
Hey Tyra, can I ask how is it that you know that much about viking mithology? I'm just curious, do you work as an antrophologist (I think that was the job, don't remember very well :P) or it's just something you like?
I am an archaeologist, and I am asatru, and I am generally interested in various belief systems...It's accumulated knowledge over time, and comparative studies and this and that.
Hey Guys

Skimming through some of these posts makes me want to learn more about all this viking mythology but I am completely new to it, have no idea what half the people are talking about.

Apologies if this has been asked one hundred times before but, where should I start? Any recommendations on what books/sites etc. to start reading without getting too confused or overwhelmed with information?

Also is Viking Mythology related to Norse Paganism like the Bible stories are to Christianity or have I crossed two major wires there? Apologies if I have offended anyone with this.

As you can probably see I am a complete newbie when it comes to this but I really would like some guidance as to where to start as what I've read so far sounds very intriguing.

Many thanks for your time.

Viking mythology=Norse mythology. Simple, huh? I'd say start with going to and look in their text section ( Scroll down until you find a text or something that piques your interest and start reading. If you can't choose one, scroll down to "primary sources", and you'll find both versions (poetic and prose) of the Edda in several translations. Pick one that you feel you can understand (some are old and the language may be difficult to understand) and read it, then read the other Edda. That really is the easiest and most cost effective way to get started. If you can get Nigel Pennic at your library, then do that, too. He writes about the runes and how they were used for seidh. If all else fail, read this thread from the beginning - we've covered most newbie questions and some really deep stuff here - or post your question here or PM me. -T
Wow, northvegr is a great page, I didn't know it, thanks for posting it Tyra.
By the way, I recommend you to start with the Prose Edda of Snorri Sturluson, it's the easier to understand, because, if my memory doesn't fail, some of the poems on the poetic Edda were written in kennings, and it might be difficult to understand for a beginner.

/EDIT: I sent you both a pm with something you might like.

/EDIT: I have a stupid question, how to you pronounce this letter: ð?