Well i'd recommend NOT to start with anything from Snorri Sturluson. When I first started, i read 2 modern books resuming the myths, explaining them and all... I thought I knew it all well, then I read the Edda and it wasn't that easy...
oh shit.
I was just hit with a wave of panic, sort of. I was watching the history channel special on Nostradamus and his reading of the end of the world. He said that on Dec. 21 2012 the world would "end", meaning that this age would end through a bunch of natural disasters and such. He said that "the dead would walk again" and the world would be at war and in havoc. As I was thinking of this I came to realize that most of his vision correlates with ragnarok. Loki bringing the army of the dead against the Aesir in Valhal and such as is described in the eddas. If the world is going to end in 4 years, and ragnarok is to come in 4 years, what are we going to do? With the end of the Corpsehall and the rest of Asgard, if we die during the events that ultimately lead the the end of the age, where do we go? Join the army in Asgard during the war between the giants and gods? What about after? there wont be anywhere to go, its not like Baldr and the other surviving gods can get Gimli "up and running" instantly. In that time in between does everyone just go to Niflheim? I know this all may sound weird but I am very interested, it doesn't not seem like much speculation has gone into this subject, especially being as close as we are (possibly). Now I also haven't read any of the last 25 or so pages of this thread since I've been on the forum so this may have been covered already but I am very interested as in what your opinions might be.
Sorry, I completely missed this question. It's pronounced like "th" in "this" or "the", as a difference to the thurisaz tune, which is also pronounced th, but th as in thrash or thing or think. One is th with a d sound, and one i´s th with a t shound. This is a very difficult letter for a German speaking person to pronounce in the first place.../EDIT: I have a stupid question, how to you pronounce this letter: ð?
Yeah, but there are a lot of people on here that are...I ain't german, so it won't be a problem
Thank you.
And when the lawless ones had already come near and set up battering rams, and took the town and fired it on Friday before Sexagesima Sunday, the [Prince] and Knyaginya and [Arch-bishop], seeing that the town was on fire and that the people were already perishing, some by fire and others by sword, took refuge in the Church of the Holy Mother of God and shut themselves in the Sacristy. The pagans breaking down the doors, piled up wood and set fire to the sacred church; and slew all, thus they perished, giving up their souls to God.
Yeah, but there are a lot of people on here that are...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OPqpc4dOTqk(that was just for you Phelice)