Ive seen a version of Jason and the Argonauts, but i dont know what year its been made, nor the title in english, but in french the title was Jason et la toison d'or. when he goes to fight the bull, he doesnt tame it but tire it until it fall down under its heavy weight. I liked that version, although when Jason and his new conquered wife marry at the end and the movie ends there... i mean... hes supposed to abandon her on his way home and her to take revenge. I just dont rememember her name suddenly. anyway.
Cool, I never knew there was a remake. I'll have to have a search for this one, as for the french if it was made by french I'll watch it with subtitles. I'm no fan with remakes or translated version, they always change something.
Come to think of it, there was mention of a tv two part movie, but never seen it advertised so took it for gossip
Is there any other movies that would be improved by a remake, or even if you have a favourite that hasn't been made yet?
I would like to see Ulysses and his grand journey, the only one I've seen is a cartoon about 20 years ago.
Book conversions;
Earthsea, the anime version was way way off and deserves an english led movie with that one being forgotten.
Katherine Kerr's Dragonsong etc.
Terry Brook's Shannarra series, I prefer the Scions onwards, ie. books 4-7, now that would make Lord of the Rings seem tame.
Margaret Weis: Darksword trilogy.
As for History movies, I think there is many great unmade film for the future and hopefully someone will sit down and make a good conversion of "real" history mixed with a bit of fantasy or filling in the gaps;
Eric the Red and his arctic voyages
Mercia and the inner kingdom of old england
Gaels being thwarted by the geece at the temple in Athens where the city was saved. But also a good story based around the great achievments made by the gaels as well as more Viking sags.
I'm a 50/50 mix of real history and fantasy stories. Yet I think the bog action blockbusters or sad american humour rip-offs are FAR TOO common for my liking. So it just makes me save my money and spend it on art or books
Maybe I just need to get into Uni, finish my degree and then move to northern Europe. It seems that I'm missing out on so much culture there. We're so busy working here downunder that we forget that there's a world around our big island