Viking mythology and all that goes with it

Hello again people :D

The other day I was wondering something, and since internet sometimes isn't THAT reliable, I'm back to ask the specialists :P
This is a question that came back to my mind after looking at AA's new cd cover: In every painting, illustration or whathever I saw of Thor, he's blonde. Is that a mistake made by the first popular artists who painted him and got copied by every artists after by a lack of information, wasn't he actually red haired or is it me the one who's wrong?
In the lore he has RED hair. You're spot on. It's a romanticized artist's concept that he's blonde.
Just a question: Today, driving home from work, I saw two crows/ravens (very close avian cousins ;) I can't tell the difference) sitting in the middle of the road where I was heading. As I drove closer, they wouldn't move until I was about to run over them I didn't see any roadkill or anything around, no visible reason for them to be sitting in the middle of the road other than just to sit there. That got me wondering, are there any kinds of omens or anything attatched to Hugin and Munin?
Hmmm...I dunno...I just think of them as reminders of the fact that Oden sees all, whenever I see them. It just gives me a happy feeling to be reminded of a presence other than my own, sort of. I've never thought of them in terms of omens and such, but then again, I was never really good at reading omens in the first place. Maybe someone else knows a better answer? Ravens are quite big in comparison to crows, the beak is a bit different, too, and they sound different...for future reference.
ive been reading about asatru for about a week, i knew nothing bout it befor, i read somewhere in this forum bout seeing odin? something bout he being scarie most time he appears, the guy (girl?) said he recognized him always by the eyes..

so do u actually see the gods? can someone elaborate?

im new btw, but ive been lurking for quite a while, is there some topic for presentations or something?
Hmmm...I dunno...I just think of them as reminders of the fact that Oden sees all, whenever I see them. It just gives me a happy feeling to be reminded of a presence other than my own, sort of. I've never thought of them in terms of omens and such, but then again, I was never really good at reading omens in the first place. Maybe someone else knows a better answer? Ravens are quite big in comparison to crows, the beak is a bit different, too, and they sound different...for future reference.

Thanks Tyra! I didn't really get a good look at the specific features of the bird, but I'll pay attention next time.

I didn't get a bad feeling from them. It was more of a calming serene kinda feeling that flushed over me. I was the only car on the road, and it was early morning, the sun just over the horizon. It was eerie, but calm. I've recently been taking my spirituality a little more seriously, and its nice to feel like I'm being 'watched'. Its not scary at all.

and btw--welcome to theguythedrinkinghorn!
Brekke - that kind of sums up what I feel, too. Oftentimes, it feels like they're meant as reminders that "Yes, you can". Sometimes I see them in places I know ravens are not supposed to be in, like in the middle of my little niece's funeral. That was just a reminder that I was not alone, and neither was she. I'll tell you a story without mentioning any names or anything, since it's someone some of us on the forum know:
A very dear friend of mine, whom I look up to a lot (and who loves AA), used to be a navy SEAL when he was younger. To become a SEAL, you have to pass some of the most grueling training any military organization can throw at you. Many can do it physically, but give up mentally. When my friend was at that point, on his way up to ring that damn bell that you're supposed to ring if you want to give up and leave the program, feeling completely spent and burned out with exhaustion, he was stopped dead in his tracks by a big-ass raven landing right in front of him, in one of those places where ravens don't go. That's when my friend knew that "Yes, he could", and so he stuck with the program till the end.

Hi, Horny guy! LOL. Well, some do see the gods, some don't, some have visions, some don't. I was the one who "saw" Oden (and a few others). I personally do not "see" them as regular human beings walking around on the street like you and I, but I have visions of some kind. I'm not sure how to explain it any better. Sometimes it's kind of like that feeling you get when you can tell someone is watching you, you know? Other times it's more tangible, like you can feel someone is there, body heat beside my own skin, or cold breath, but I have had "visions" (damn this is hard to explain!!) where I've been taken off to another place. On those occasions, my spirit can see and speak to other spirits. I have no idea how to explain all this to you. I don't believe in ghosts, I do not believe in religion either, I am not on medication and have been told that I am sane, and yet, this defies logic. I also can't explain why it is that when my brother gets hurt, I can feel the pain, even though we are separated by an ocean, or how I know when my friend has had an accident, even though I was sleeping on the other side of the world and woke up from the shock... It just is something that happens to me that I am unable to explain logically. I can shoote so many holes in any logic applied to it that it's not even funny, so I've stopped trying to justify it. It just is, whether I like it or not. It's also why I say we don't choose these gods, they choose us. That, and the fact that when I do see them, they always want me to prove that I still have what it takes to be one of the pack.
ive found the AA lyrics to be a very nice source of lore hehe, i didnt understand some suff before, but now that ive been reading the eddas and stuff its so pleasing to read :)

about this song Annihilation Of Hammerfest from the crusher, what event does it talk about? i dont remember ever hearing of such

also i got a few more questions (sry if it has been asked but i havent read 83 pages yet :P i certainly will when i get time)

was loki ever worshipped? also i heard he sometimes was depicted in a bright side, journying with thor and stuff, but never read anything specific so far, can you tell some of the stories?

also, what reason did loki have to trick hoder the blind into killing baldr? and wasnt loki to the only one who didnt moan his death so he could return from nifelheim? from what ive read some sources attribute full guilt to hoder only and dont mention loki, and odin had a son with a giantess that grew into adulthood in one day and killed hoder right? why did he do such thing if it was loki's fault?

i think its enough so far hehe, thx in advance

can someone give me an opinion about that guy.... it just doesnt seem right (not exactly the word im searching...)...

this is as far as I got.....

Asatru is the original pre-Christian religion of the Northern European Peoples.

before I sensed case anyone wondered, it's the very first sentence. I briefly looked at the rest, all horseshit.

Runes no matter which futhork you choose to use, are Universal Creative Energies. You can best use runes by making a connection to their runic energies in the Quantum Ocean and bringing them into your life.

this guy makes me wanna kick a puppy.
Yeah, kick wait...he's your elder...oh, well, as long as it's not me or L. you'll kick, I agree with Horny Dude. And if you were to kick any puppies, Phelice would come and kick yo´ass, so I don't think it's a good idea.
Btw...there's a whole page on the net dedicated to poking fun at "Ragnar Storyteller" for his take on asatru, so don't overexert yourself. Just ignore.
Yeah, kick wait...he's your elder...oh, well, as long as it's not me or L. you'll kick, I agree with Horny Dude. And if you were to kick any puppies, Phelice would come and kick yo´ass, so I don't think it's a good idea.
Btw...there's a whole page on the net dedicated to poking fun at "Ragnar Storyteller" for his take on asatru, so don't overexert yourself. Just ignore.

love you too T :p

besides, I found something else to waste my time on......I'm warning you though, this is not for the weak hearted.

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That page hurt my brain... I demand recompense!

Oh man, not the Ginos. NO!

oh yes.....oh YES....

and I come from the place they ORIGINATED from, how do you think that makes me feel?

seriously though, I wasted 2 hours on YouTube last night watching these morons, heres another one for ya......

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