Ive almost finished the painting im working on right now, theres a detail i need to specify though....
Oden, what would/could be the color of his cloak? i know it could simply be a dusty gray or black, but in this painting hes not really concealing his personnality, or if he is, hes just acting as a warrior. but the cloak is what we see the most and i was wondering what color it could be in such a context. Gray wouldnt fit.
or then, maybe... what could be the color of the cloak of an einherjer or a living warrior?
Tyra, since hes the one youre more akin to, what do you think please? and how are you by the way?
thank you for all answer
bah.. nevermind, i did it red, for each and every painting i make, there must be that red catalogued as 'mine'... and since the sky didnt rendered it well enough to my taste well, i did the cloack of that color. thanks anyway