Well, they do... Some associate the fox with Loki, as in the trickster from Germanic lore. There is a character called Skyggabalder, that's the offspring of a cat and a fox. In your case though, I wonder if it's maybe more like a fylgia. A fylgia is a personal spirit, a guardian spirit. Often you know who it is because you feel kinship with certain animals, like I do with the wolf. When you ask people about the first time they met their fylgia, time and time again, strikingly often, you'll hear how unbelievably frightened they were. Recently; I've had two people tell me stories of foxes following them home in the oddest places and at the oddest times. They were both quite frightened, even though they don't think of the fox as a specifically dangerous animal. It's just the feeling that something is out of the ordinary. I felt like my first encounter was a test to see if I had the balls to be one of the pack. Once you figure out what's going on, and you face your fear, stare it down or whateve it takes, you dvelop a kinship with the animal, and it becomes a part of your personality (sort of, kind of hard to explain). One lady I know simply turned around and gave the fox what for. As for my wolf, I spoke to it and said I was not scared of it but loved it instead, and that I still had what it took to be part of the pack. I stared it in the eye the whole time we spoke. I would never do that to a dog if I didn't think that it was called for - I have kept enough dogs to know how they respond to being stared down...
The fox in its role as a fylgia is similar to the horse or the bear - it is a Jarl, and it likes to contact you, but it avoids conflict.
The fox in ON mythology warns of traps, shows up when there is some kind of deception in the air.
The fox in its role as a fylgia is similar to the horse or the bear - it is a Jarl, and it likes to contact you, but it avoids conflict.
The fox in ON mythology warns of traps, shows up when there is some kind of deception in the air.