Well, yeah, I am pretty much in agreement with the above statement, but wanted to make a comment:
The Normans (mainly) brought with them a new system when they swept Europe, supposedly based on the Christian faith. They may not have had "slaves", but that is merely semantics. What they and their Christian followers brought with them was a system built on the backs of their own people, rather than on the backs of slaves: With them came the feudal system. The difference between a villein (livegen) and a slave is hairfine, but I tend to think that most thralls of the ON era would have rather been thralls under a Scandinavian master than a villein under one (my personal opinion only). To be a villein means that you by law have to live and work in a specific place that has been alotted to you. They did not own their own land, and they also had to provide free labour services to the owner of the land (generally a vasall) for a set amount of days each year. The villeins were, in reality, treated much harsher than a thrall, and had no rights under the law. This is where the "treat a man well and he will do well for you" ended. These people were worked to the bones, starved and abused, like "slaves" in the proper sense of the word. There really is no way out of the feudal system like there was for a thrall. A thrall could be sold like a slave, or he could buy his way out or be given freedom, but a villein could not. They had to stay, bound to a master that they were born to, forever.
Anyhow, Larsson, just for you, to prove your point that they knew of slaves, thralls and all that in their own ranks:
Bibeln, Nya testamentet. Ny översättning med förklarande anmärkningar av P. Waldenström, fjärde upplagan, 1921 /
Evangelium enligt Matteus. Kap. 20:26-28.
Den som vill varda stor, skall söka det genom att varda såsom en tjänare. Den, som vill vara främst, skall söka det genom att varda såsom en träl.
Träl är en livegen tjänare.
Uttrycket »träl» är därför starkare än
ordet »tjänare». Märk stegringen: Den,
som vill varda stor, skall söka det
genom att varda såsom en tjänare, den,
som vill varda främst (störst bland de
stora), skall söka det genom att varda
såsom en träl. Se till kap. 25: 21.
The Normans (mainly) brought with them a new system when they swept Europe, supposedly based on the Christian faith. They may not have had "slaves", but that is merely semantics. What they and their Christian followers brought with them was a system built on the backs of their own people, rather than on the backs of slaves: With them came the feudal system. The difference between a villein (livegen) and a slave is hairfine, but I tend to think that most thralls of the ON era would have rather been thralls under a Scandinavian master than a villein under one (my personal opinion only). To be a villein means that you by law have to live and work in a specific place that has been alotted to you. They did not own their own land, and they also had to provide free labour services to the owner of the land (generally a vasall) for a set amount of days each year. The villeins were, in reality, treated much harsher than a thrall, and had no rights under the law. This is where the "treat a man well and he will do well for you" ended. These people were worked to the bones, starved and abused, like "slaves" in the proper sense of the word. There really is no way out of the feudal system like there was for a thrall. A thrall could be sold like a slave, or he could buy his way out or be given freedom, but a villein could not. They had to stay, bound to a master that they were born to, forever.
Anyhow, Larsson, just for you, to prove your point that they knew of slaves, thralls and all that in their own ranks:
Bibeln, Nya testamentet. Ny översättning med förklarande anmärkningar av P. Waldenström, fjärde upplagan, 1921 /
Evangelium enligt Matteus. Kap. 20:26-28.
Den som vill varda stor, skall söka det genom att varda såsom en tjänare. Den, som vill vara främst, skall söka det genom att varda såsom en träl.
Träl är en livegen tjänare.
Uttrycket »träl» är därför starkare än
ordet »tjänare». Märk stegringen: Den,
som vill varda stor, skall söka det
genom att varda såsom en tjänare, den,
som vill varda främst (störst bland de
stora), skall söka det genom att varda
såsom en träl. Se till kap. 25: 21.