Divided between the Æsir and the Vanir, and sometimes including the jötnar (giants), the dividing line between these groups is less than clear. However, it is usually accepted that the Æsir (including Odin, Thor and Tyr) were warrior gods, while the Vanir (mainly Niord, Freya and Freyr) were fertility gods. Various other groups of beings, including elves, dwarves and jotun were probably minor gods, and might have had small cults and sacred places devoted to them.
* Ægir (Ruler of the sea. Consort: Ran)
* Andhrímnir (Chef of the gods.)
* Aurvandil (A minor character in the Skáldskaparmál with cognates in other Germanic tales.)
* Balder (God of beauty, innocence, peace, and rebirth. Consort: Nanna)
* Borr (Father of Odin, Vili and Ve. Consort: Bestla)
* Bragi (God of poetry. Consort: Iðunn)
* Búri (The first god and father of Borr.)
* Dagr (God of the daytime, son of Delling and Nótt.)
* Delling (God of dawn and father of Dagr by Nótt.)
* Eir (Goddess of healing.)
* Elli (Goddess of old age.)
* Forseti (God of justice, peace and truth. Son of Baldr and Nanna.)
* Freyja (Goddess of love, sexuality, fertility and battle. Consort: Óðr)
* Freyr (God of fertility. Consort: Gerd)
* Frigg (Goddess of marriage and motherhood. Consort: Odin)
* Fulla (Frigg´s handmaid.)
* Gefjun (Goddess of fertility and plough.)
* Hel (Ruler of Hel, the Norse underworld.)
* Heimdall (One of the Æsir and guardian of Ásgard, their realm.)
* Hermóðr (Odin´s son.)
* Hlín (Goddess of consolation.)
* Höðr (God of winter.)
* Hnir (The silent god.)
* Iðunn (Goddess of youth. Consort: Bragi.)
* Jord (Goddess of the Earth. Mother of Thor by Odin.)
* Kvasir (God of inspiration.)
* Lofn (Goddess of love.)
* Loki (Trickster and god of mischief. Consort: Sigyn)
* Magni (Son of Thor and Jarnsaxa and God of might and strength.)
* Máni (God of Moon.)
* Miming (God of forest.)
* Mímir (Odin´s uncle.)
* Modi (Thor´s son and God of rage.)
* Nanna (An Ásynja married with Baldr and mother to Forseti.)
* Nerthus (A goddess mentioned by Tacitus. Her name is connected to that of Njord.)
* Njord (God of sea ,wind ,fish and wealth.)
* Nótt (Goddess of night, daughter of Narvi and mother of Auð, Jord and Dagr by Naglfari, Annar and Delling, respectively.)
* Odin (Lord of the Æsir. God of both wisdom and war. Consort: Frigg.)
* Óttar (mythology)
* Ran (Keeper of the drowned. Consort: Ægir)
* Saga (mythology) (An obscure goddess, possibly another name for Frigg.)
* Sif (Wife of Thor)
* Sjöfn (Goddess of love.)
* Skaði (Njord's wife.)
* Snotra (Goddess of prudence.)
* Sol (Goddess of Sun.)
* Thor (God of thunder and battle. Consort: Sif.)
* Thrud (Goddess of war.)
* Tyr (God of war and justice.)
* Ullr (God of ski, hunt and duel. Son of Sif.)
* Váli (God of revenge.)
* Var (Goddess of contract.)
* Vé (One of the three gods of creation. Brother of Odin and Vili.)
* Vidar (God of revenge.)
* Vili (One of the three gods of creation. Brother of Odin and Vé.)
* Vör (Goddess of wisdom.)
Pseudo-Norse gods and goddesses
Some characters sometimes presented as Norse deities do not occur in the ancient sources.
* Astrild (Actually a synonym for Amor and Cupid invented and used by Nordic Baroque and Rococo authors. Might be confused with Freya.)
* Jofur (Actually a synonym for Jupiter invented and used by Nordic Baroque and Rococo authors. Might be confused with Thor.)
The following pseudo-deities are presented in Encyclopedia Mythica as Norse.
* Brono (Claimed to be the god of daylight and the son of Baldr. Original source unknown. Might be confused with Dagr or Forseti.)
* Geirrendour (Claimed to be the father of the billow maidens. Original source unknown. Might be confused with Ægir.)
* Glúm (Claimed to be an attendant of Frigg. Source unknown.)
* Laga (Claimed to be the goddess of wells and springs. May be the same as Laha, a Keltic goddess of wells and springs.)