Larsson said:
I wonder which sort of people worshiped which gods during the ancient times. For example I have heard that farmers worshiped Tor rather then Oden because they feared him or something like that. Anyone know anything about that?
I also wonder to which extents the asatru existed before the viking age(800-1100 right?).
Please excuse my screwed up keyboard...temporary glitch.
This is a difficult question to answer. There is not a name for the faith before the introduction of the Christian faith, so we don t really know what people would have considered themselves. However, symbols and words representing some of the asatru deities are present around the year 0, and for sure by 400 AD. Runes are present by anno 400, also, and symbols often used to represent each god is present in the art by then. Tacitus and others tells of goddess worship being the predominant religion before the year 0. The goddess Nerthus, the main subject of worshipped before then, is thought to have eventually grown into Njord, and Tyr is the main male deity for the period. He seems to have merged with Odin and also remained as Tyr himself in the later period. Either way, at some point, one must, as Lord Renfrew has pointed out, reach The Edge of Knowability. We can only know so many things for sure without having an actual eye witness to ask, and, unfortunately, we don t have one of them. The farther back in time you go, the quicker you will reach that Edge. Goddessworship, none the less, seems almost universal for northern Europe before the bronze age, and some of those goddesses were incorporated into asatru as time went by. The dispute of how the male gods arrived into the culture is ongoing and very nasty, but in the Edda it says there was a war between the Aesir and the Vanir and that they melded at the end of it.
As for the Thor thing, this is my understanding...
Odin is and was feared by some because he knows seith, because he is fickle and because he is the god of war. He is very smart and can fool even Loki. Thor is not so smart. He is friendly and very human in his ways. He is the darling of the plain people because of that, and because he defends them, whereas Odin protects the warriors. Farmers would worship Frej, who is the god of fertility, human, animal and plant. Without him, nothing grows, including cattle and crop. Thor is in charge of thunder, not wetaher. That is Frej s gebiet.