vagner said:Tyra what are the diferences between odinists and the asatru members?
Well, I don't want to do the Odinists a disservice by speaking on their behalf, as I am not as intimately familiar with the faith as with my own, so consider the source:
The main diference is that in asatru, we worship all the gods and goddesses of the Norse pantheon, whereas Odinists see Odin as the Allfather and only worship him. This can be done because one views Odin as a god, but not his family and the Vanir, or because one would consider Odin a symbol for all the other deities - sort of like all the other deities are contained within him, or rather, like they represent different aspects of Odin himself - and therefore it is not necessary to worship all of them individually. I could have explained that so much better in Swedish! Sorry - I hope I am making sense anyhow...
Anyhow, there are other differences, but that's the stickingpoint that makes asatru and Odinism two different religions rather than Odinism yet another "denomination" under the asatru umbrella. Then there are political viwes that often (but not necessarily) come associated with Odinism, but I really don't know how much of that is caused by the religion itself vs by its followers. I think they base that particular view on "Odin is my ancestor and so therefore I am a better human and you cannot be this faith if he is not your ancestor", but, like I said, I cannot speak to that, because I am not Odinist./ T