Viking mythology and all that goes with it

No, I wish. It's the "Christian Democrats". Fortunately they don't get many votes in a country like Sweden. Mind you, most of the time, even they don't come up with ideas as stupid as that particular one.
Hey Tara, I was waiting to see your reply to the valknut question. I figured you would have a good explaination. As for the breastfeeding thing... Gods, what is it with these people? We have the same issue here in the U.S. with people who think breastfeeding is dirty, and shouldn't be allowed in public. If anything, it seems these idiots are the ones with sex on the brain. I remember a few years back in some store where this woman was feeding her child, who was covered with a blanket so you couldn't see anything. These two old guys were acting all offended by it and making deragatory remarks just loud enough to make her uncomfortable. I finally had enough & let them have it. I'm like "oh, it's disgusting for her to use them for what nature intended them for, but I bet you'de have no problems if she was up on some stage shaking them for your entertainment, right?" I then told them to stop being rude and shut the fuck up & look in another direction if it bothered them.
Thank you for that! Yay! I suppose you heard about that woman in Florida who got banned from some mall because she had gone into a bathroom stall, closed the door to the stall, covered the infant with a nursing blanket and nursed it. How in Hel anyone knew she was nursing in there is beyond me, but she didn't get banned for taking up the stall for too long or anything, but she got banned for pulling her boob out. In a stall. In the bathroom. With a blanket covering the infant. I mean, I can see it offending if you pull out your boob in the middle of a food court and nurse your five-year-old, but common now! Most people never even knew when I was nursing that I was doing it. You try to be respectful of others as much as you can, but seriously, not being able to nurse in a bathroom stall is just dumb.
If I'd have been that woman at the mall with you, I'd have pulled my other one out, aimed and fired. I used to be able to hit a guy in the eye from across the room, but then again, I have no shame. And I am not a Christian, so I don't subscribe to the thought of my body being the Devil's tool.
If I'd have been that woman at the mall with you, I'd have pulled my other one out, aimed and fired. I used to be able to hit a guy in the eye from across the room, but then again, I have no shame. And I am not a Christian, so I don't subscribe to the thought of my body being the Devil's tool.

Damn! I woulda have loved to see that... :lol:
Actually, I quite enjoy women breastfeeding in public. Hehe.

That's weird of the KDS. I to quite like Göran Hägglund, and sometimes his party, but eventually it always comes down to me being of quite different morals than these "Christians" and it's just not compatible in the long run.
i was surprised to learn that the "Odin Statt Jesus" Tshirts are actually issued by the german NPD. thats pretty cool. Finally a good political party which is actually pagan (or pro-pagan).

Anyway shit, i finally figured out what i wanted to get tatooed... it would have been an yggdrasil and a valknot over it (i'm sparing you the other details)... but now i'm wondering if i should put the valknot or not :s
Last weekend I saw a guy with one of those t-shirts. He also had a crossed over swastika and a Slipknot patch on his backpack, and I thought of you Celtik

i hope you didn't think about me for the cross on the swastika and the slipknot patch ;)
anyway thats pretty funny; that a guy with a NPD-made Tshirt has a crossed out swastika.
well nah, i don't care about mallcore kids wearing slipknot shit. if they wanna be gay thats their problem. as for anti-nazis, there are so many here (like everywhere) that if i had to attack each one of them for being such a sheep wannabe human rights activist, i'd be fighting 50 times a day, so i'll pass :p
Sorry! Mind you, I did warn you...Hehe. I just feel that one should not throw out answers to deep personal questions that can be misinterpreted in any way, shape or form, especially when it has to do with hatred, and especially when it is done in a forum that represents one of my kin. (Please, don't ever confuse my own personal views with those of Johan's, because I would never propose to speak on his behalf unless he gives me specific permission, and if he did, I would tell you that he had done so.) A good question deserves a good answer, and sometimes they end up long. That's OK, as long as someone gets it.
What's so sweet about Jesus anyhow? What I'd like to know is how come he's so very European looking in all the paintings. I thought he was born to jewish parents in Palestine...

I guess hat for the same reasons that supposedly assexual angel are always pretty blonde kids, just because it would be easier for the people who did not read or so to accept them,and to accept Jesus. Anyway, although i´m not xtian, i thin he was nice person, the first hippy, other thing is what has been made in his name by others...
Hey, Pagan, speaking of funny Christian ideas, did you know that KDS has lobbied the Swedish government to make breastfeeding illegal? It's childabuse, they say. They also say women get turned on while nursing. Honestly, I've nursed two babies, and I wish it felt good. Then I would have not hated it so bad. But it doesn't feel good. It sucks, in more ways than one. But, apparently, in some people's minds, the female body is still dirty and sinful and falls to the temptations of Satan quite easily. We're supposed to give all the babies Carnation Good Start instead. I wonder if KDS will help pay for all that formula. Speaking of funny ideas.

:OMG: ...fucking hell, poor kids of them...i think i was abused in that way till my teeth were terrible sharp for my mum...
i dont remember if it was in this thread were we were discusing about x-mas traditions and so...anyway, i just heard today that x-mas trees decoration comes from germnic tribes because they though that spirits live on the tree´s leaves, so at winter, when there are no leaves, they used to decorate trees with painted stones to replace the leaves and make the spirits stay on the trees...

well...just an informative note!
Never heard of this tradition. I've always heard that the folks decorated theirs houses with fir and spruce branches to honor Balder. The evergreens symbolized the belief that Balder will live again.

The holly was hung in the windows and doors to protect against the bale-worms (evil serpent spirits). They would get caught on the prickles of the holly leaves.

In my blog "Taking back the Yule" I pointed out that the reason it's so difficult to "put the Christ in Christmas" is that he never belonged there in the first place. 90% of Christmas traditions are from ancient Norse origin.
