Viking mythology and all that goes with it

Yeah that's it. Karl the Great is often reffered to as Charlemagne (from Karolus Magnus, which means Carl or Charles the great). I think the priest who destroyed it was angry because noone would lisen to him. And yeah Charlemagne gave the Saxons the choice of being washed with holy water or by their own blood, and sometimes they even babtized the saxons when they were unconcious from a blow in the head of blunt object. So I suppose many died, yes.
Yeah, and the Sae paid that particular missionary back in kind....
Manni and Sonni (Moon and Sun) are included in the Norse mythology and in the pantheon of gods and goddesses, too.
TheLastWithPaganBlood said:
Question: Was Loki actually described as being dark/ did he have black hair and eyes etc or is this just because of later pictures that I have this vision of him?

A question for the great Tyra :worship:
hey dont you think the lyrics of the beginning of Thousand Years of Oppression look so much like those of Yggdrasil by Enslaved? (album frost).. :p i guess its just cause they both talk about the same thing.

i don't know the answer of TheLastWithPaganBlood's question, but what i did notice is that in many cultures, most evil people are represented as being dark, whereas beautiful divinities are light colored or fair haired. for example in Mangas, "good" people or fairies and all are blond/blue eyed. also satan is represented as being dark, caricatures of him are actually very similar to jewish caricatures! :laugh: (without wanting to shock anyone, its just something i noticed). ..etc, there are many examples of that everywhere, its almost universal. i guess this is just related to the light as being something beautiful; and darkness being abyssic evil.
Celtik Militia said:
for example in Mangas, "good" people or fairies and all are blond/blue eyed. also satan is represented as being dark, caricatures of him are actually very similar to jewish caricatures! :laugh: (without wanting to shock anyone, its just something i noticed). ..etc, there are many examples of that everywhere, its almost universal. i guess this is just related to the light as being something beautiful; and darkness being abyssic evil.

Thats a half truth, because White is "purity" and dark represents "evil" speaking in terms of demons; but complexity in mangas are based off of where the story takes place geographically and culturally. If you look at Japanese manga, most beautiful characters are NOT faired haired, yet they sport long stright black hair as seen with the typical Japanese woman e.g. Rei from sailor moon, Kikiyo from Inuyasha, Kari from Rouroni Kenshin. If you wee to look at korean Manga, the main character a.k.a. the most beautiful characters have cooler tan skin tone, larger mouth structure than that of the japs. Now, take a look at such mangas that storyline off the "pagan" theme ( Demon Diaries, Ragnorok) and the characters have red long hair, blonde hair and whatever. Also in the anime Revolutionary girl Utena is based off hindu culture and the protagonist is a very pretty girl with very dark skin color, I think her name is Anthy Himineya. So, on the fair skin thing, its partially true only because Japanese are very pale as well and you probably only seen mainstream Anime.
yeah i did only see mainstreem manga cause i'm not really a fan.
anyway nowadays, its considered nice to be tan, the mentalities changed so for new stuff "good guys" are often tan indeed.

i do believe the first aryans in india were considered as gods and were praised by the darker cultures. also in ancient egypt, being pale was a beauty criteria, of course having white skin showed that someone was noble because that prooved the person didnt need to work outside under the burning sun, but this pale skin became a sign of beauty nevertheless. these few examples show that light color showing beauty or "purity" wasnt just for the european culture.
but a counter example would be Judas the traitor in the jewish culture who is said to be red haired, but this person might have really existed.
but i personnally believe blue eyes are universally beautiful (for everyone), i mean i can't see how someone might find that ugly or evil looking, but then again, i dont know. something that i think is universal too is that darkness is scary and the light is comfort and happiness :p so cultures could easilly tend to compare "good and evil" with the persons physical aspect being light or dark. but of course in subsaharian cultures, they didnt cause they're all black. btw i dont know how they treat(ed) albinos, i think they killed them in some tribes but i'm not sure.
Celtik Militia said:
yeah i did only see mainstreem manga cause i'm not really a fan.
anyway nowadays, its considered nice to be tan, the mentalities changed so for new stuff "good guys" are often tan indeed.

i do believe the first aryans in india were considered as gods and were praised by the darker cultures. also in ancient egypt, being pale was a beauty criteria, of course having white skin showed that someone was noble because that prooved the person didnt need to work outside under the burning sun, but this pale skin became a sign of beauty nevertheless. these few examples show that light color showing beauty or "purity" wasnt just for the european culture.
but a counter example would be Judas the traitor in the jewish culture who is said to be red haired, but this person might have really existed.
but i personnally believe blue eyes are universally beautiful (for everyone), i mean i can't see how someone might find that ugly or evil looking, but then again, i dont know. something that i think is universal too is that darkness is scary and the light is comfort and happiness :p so cultures could easilly tend to compare "good and evil" with the persons physical aspect being light or dark. but of course in subsaharian cultures, they didnt cause they're all black. btw i dont know how they treat(ed) albinos, i think they killed them in some tribes but i'm not sure.

Well as for lighter skin, they have these lighteneing topicals to make your skin lighter. You wont see them in your regular supermarket, but you can find them in West Indian shops by the cash register. Quite a few big companies make them for cosmetic appearances, so my deal is that if you are that unhappy with your skin color you can just use a bleachening agent for no more than 15$ a bottle. A cheaper formula, which I think those Egyptians used is fresh Tumeric, a spice thats used in curry. So maybe your right, but it IS widely known anti-melonic agent, so if everybody thought that way about their skin tone, they'd be white.
You know, I really can't find anything in writing right this second that says Loki was dark, but, as you pointed out, more often than not, he's depicted as being darkhaired. In the germanic cultures, that really is something we've learned - dark is evil, blonde is good, red is either angry, wild or simpleminded. The gods truly are a sign of that code!
I will ask my gythia about the Loki thing, though, 'cause I'd like to know for myself, and I swear the woman knows the Eddas backwards and forwards and up-side-down!
Believing in Good and Evil. For example, by christian standards a god like Shiva is "evil". Also, many acounts on Odin written by christians describe him as having a weak moral, being power greedy etc. I'm sure you've seen this written here and there. But since there is no good or evil in indo european cultures, one can't really apply these principals to our faith. Like for example, Jesus was called white christ by the heathens, but if they didn't like him, and if white was a colour for "goodness", then they wouldn't have called him "white christ". They probably just called him whatever the christians called him, who thought that Jesus was "good" and thus white. An indian teacher told me that white stands for purity in Hinduism, and so my theory would be that in Scandinavia white could mean something like pure/beautiful. I'm drunk.
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Oh, OK, I get you. Yeah, I agree. I'm drunk, too. The old Scandinavian way was to say that the colour of joy and life was black, because if you mix all colours you get black, whereas whit was the colour of death, because it is a "blank" void of all colours.

Also, my gythia says she cannot remember any text from the lore that says Loki has a dark complexion (shit, I really am drunk...I can't fucking spell in either language now!). For what it's worth, those that have "visions" of him remember his eyes as being "opalescent violet-blue", but that's not to say that the Edda says so. I recognize Odin by his eyes, though, so I understand what is meant by that, as I can pick him out of a crowd of people or out of a pack of wolves based on his eyes alone(wolves and people don't look much alike, but the brain behind the cranium shines through, through the eyeballs, and it - the brain that is - is the same, regardless of what shape he chooses to take on). That is REALLY fucking difficult to explain, even to those who are believers, never mind to non-believers, and I still don't quite get it myself even though I am the one he talks to and recognizes as his... Nobody said I was sane in the first place, mind you. I need more alcohol now.
All sorts. Don't ask me how that happens, 'cause I have always frowned upon religion (understatement of the year), but apparently there are things in this world that I can't explain, I guess. This is one. He comes in different shapes, though, like he does in the lore, not always as that one-eyed dude with the floppy hat. Recently he was a HUGE black wolf. That would have fucking scared me if I hadn't recognized the eyes, and if it hadn't been for the fact that I, just for a change, actually went looking for something - not Oden, but the answer came through him to me, so that's OK. He always seems to try to freak the shit out of me, but then when I tell him I recognize him and that I am not scared of him, he lets me know that he knows. Very Oden. Frey is much friendlier. The norns worry me, mostly because I am in awe, I guess (don't know how to relate, and I suck at submitting), but I am not scared of Odin. I recognize the warrior spirit and respect it. I guess he appreciates that. Hard to explain, very Norse, and really, really WEIRD. I don't actually believe most religions are more than stories in one way or the other, and a lot of the time, they bring nothing good to this world. Maybe it's because I am a challenge that he is interested, or because I have a warrior heart, or disrespect Jesus as much as he? Who knows. Don't really care, just know that I like it, and that it happens.
Tyra said:
All sorts. Don't ask me how that happens, 'cause I have always frowned upon religion (understatement of the year), but apparently there are things in this world that I can't explain, I guess. This is one. He comes in different shapes, though, like he does in the lore, not always as that one-eyed dude with the floppy hat. Recently he was a HUGE black wolf. That would have fucking scared me if I hadn't recognized the eyes, and if it hadn't been for the fact that I, just for a change, actually went looking for something - not Oden, but the answer came through him to me, so that's OK. He always seems to try to freak the shit out of me, but then when I tell him I recognize him and that I am not scared of him, he lets me know that he knows. Very Oden. Frey is much friendlier. The norns worry me, mostly because I am in awe, I guess (don't know how to relate, and I suck at submitting), but I am not scared of Odin. I recognize the warrior spirit and respect it. I guess he appreciates that. Hard to explain, very Norse, and really, really WEIRD. I don't actually believe most religions are more than stories in one way or the other, and a lot of the time, they bring nothing good to this world. Maybe it's because I am a challenge that he is interested, or because I have a warrior heart, or disrespect Jesus as much as he? Who knows. Don't really care, just know that I like it, and that it happens.

wow that is so awsome! i'd love to feel like you do and have so much faith in paganism. i was brought up in christianty and had to follow sunday school classes all my childhood but never believed or respected that bullshit, i stayed atheist, hence i'd probably never believe paganism cause i wasnt brought up into that although i'd love to be a true pagan beliver. your post was the first time i heard a pagan witness a religious experience, and that was really facinating, much more impressive then the usual "I saw the spirit of Mary in a gloomy cave that know one knows why i was in there in the first place."
anyway, so when Oden changes shapes he doesnt just keep one eye?
Well, he didn't when he was a wolf... When he's a human I've only ever seen him with one eye, though. Well, I was raised ateist, which is why this is so damn hard to explain! I really never went looking for religion. It found me, and I fought it every inch of the way, but, you know, when you're standing face to face with ODIN, you might want to just admit there's a I did, and now I wear an aegismundr tatoo and all. I figure I'd better be ready to go when I have to!
Tyra said:
Well, I was raised ateist, which is why this is so damn hard to explain! I really never went looking for religion. It found me...QUOTE]

Same here, suppose that's normal in Scandina

Personally I saw Hugin and Munin once and I know it was them because there aren't any ravens where I live. At least I think it was them.
Same here, suppose that's normal in Scandina

Is it ???
Because there were many fights between different religions ??
Are there more ateists in Scandina ???
So tell me please....