yeah i did only see mainstreem manga cause i'm not really a fan.
anyway nowadays, its considered nice to be tan, the mentalities changed so for new stuff "good guys" are often tan indeed.
i do believe the first aryans in india were considered as gods and were praised by the darker cultures. also in ancient egypt, being pale was a beauty criteria, of course having white skin showed that someone was noble because that prooved the person didnt need to work outside under the burning sun, but this pale skin became a sign of beauty nevertheless. these few examples show that light color showing beauty or "purity" wasnt just for the european culture.
but a counter example would be Judas the traitor in the jewish culture who is said to be red haired, but this person might have really existed.
but i personnally believe blue eyes are universally beautiful (for everyone), i mean i can't see how someone might find that ugly or evil looking, but then again, i dont know. something that i think is universal too is that darkness is scary and the light is comfort and happiness

so cultures could easilly tend to compare "good and evil" with the persons physical aspect being light or dark. but of course in subsaharian cultures, they didnt cause they're all black. btw i dont know how they treat(ed) albinos, i think they killed them in some tribes but i'm not sure.