Dude, that's too hard a question to answer - it totally depends on what kind of learner you are. Are you good at languages in general?
Oh, I see. Why German? There are many languages that are less complicated and therefore much easier to learn. I didn't find German difficult myself, but it's not necessarily a good language to start out with. Spanish and Italian, for example, are a whole lot easier, more staright forward, sort of. And living where you are, you'd have a bigger chance of ever getting to hear it spoken. If you can't surround yourself with a language, it makes it much more difficult to learn it, so I'd recommend starting with a language that you can at least hear spoken "au naturel".
Somehow, even if I invoked the need for knowledge... I doubt my wife would approveFuck that - get a girlfriend from your country of choice!
Bates, you should look at those patterns, too. I'll PM the addy, but the site has been screwing up for about a week now, so I have to look and see if it's working.-T