Errr.. "Upon realizing how severly damaged his brain was, Skalla-Grimm decided that future generations would not have to endure his menancing low IQ, hence killing his own daughter and cattle.."
Blodørn;6117417 said:Quoted from wikipedia: "Kveld-Ulf's son, referred to as Skalla-Grimm, was a berserker. Kveld-Ulf and Skalla-Grimm are both depicted as irascible and violent throughout the saga. One commits suicide and the latter kills his offspring." haha, what an ownage move.. killing your own offspring, way to go!
Hehe, if you're not a fan of guesswork you're going to get driven up a wall trying to figure stuff out.That's why I try to stick with the basics, and just worry about the other stuff when I'm drinking
^That was awesome, especially the part with:
# "Thorni f*cked. Helgi carved" (the official guidebooks usually tone this inscription down)
# "Ingigerth is the most beautiful of all women" (carved beside a rough drawing of a slavering dog)
Blodørn;6126775 said:It captures the essence of metal really good.
Blodørn;6126802 said:In that way we have something in common with the christians, only that for christians it's not "who can't handle it" its those who try to handle it..