Vilewoman's off-topic random retardation thread.

That list is pure fail. How the fuck did Arch Enemy beat legends like Obituary, Morbid Angel and even fuckin' DEATH???
I'm cereal = I'm serious
I have my own slang....

Kick someone in nuts, or watch someone getting kicked in the nuts. Always works for me :heh:
Speaking of nuts, I happened to stumble upon a fairly decent sized pair the other day. I batted them with my finger and cried out in pain.

- Resonator
Doesn't this come from South Park?

haha nice one.
Honestly, I'm super cereal.

I'm porridge, raise you one! :Smug: Wait, make that a full Scottish breakfast.

I know that's not what Rhonda originally meant, but that kind of sparked the question "if your friends were cereals, what kind would they be"

A friend of mine who experiments with far too many things would definitely be froot loops, they make your pee glow. Resonator would be crunchy nuts... or grape nuts.
Just decided to open my house at weekend. Everyone who wants to come can do it.

There will be beer, metal, food, beer, fun, beer, metal and beer. :kickass::rock:
All time open! You can come on every time you want!