The annoying thing about some Americans is their overuseage of the word "like" all the time.
They use it every other word practically!
I use it sometimes, just perhaps in the beginning of a sentence, "its like"...
But in the metro (subway, tube.. whatever) here in Paris, I often overhear female American tourists talk (or Canadian for that matter) and when they use "like" 10 times in one sentence I just want to slap them (especially when there's that sort of "noze-sounding" accent... new-yorkan?), its so annoying...
You are likely too young to remember how "like" got started, but it was a Valley Girl thing in the 80's. Come to think of it I can remember a "Family Ties" show that teased about that exact word.
When I see people doing it, I tend to knock down how many IQ points they have but the number of times they say "like". Trends end, sadly human stupidity does not.