Vilewoman's off-topic random retardation thread.

The annoying thing about some Americans is their overuseage of the word "like" all the time.
They use it every other word practically!
I use it sometimes, just perhaps in the beginning of a sentence, "its like"...
But in the metro (subway, tube.. whatever) here in Paris, I often overhear female American tourists talk (or Canadian for that matter) and when they use "like" 10 times in one sentence I just want to slap them (especially when there's that sort of "noze-sounding" accent... new-yorkan?), its so annoying... :p

You are likely too young to remember how "like" got started, but it was a Valley Girl thing in the 80's. Come to think of it I can remember a "Family Ties" show that teased about that exact word.
When I see people doing it, I tend to knock down how many IQ points they have but the number of times they say "like". Trends end, sadly human stupidity does not.
My accent and the words I use are kinda retarded. It's a mix between very southern/London and Sheffieldy/Liverpooly. : <
After an afternoon, night and late night drinking, ended up at a pizza plaze early this morning.

Didn't notice this one guy sitting there until the paramedics came in.
Dude was way messed up, bleeding and stuff.
They raised his head up, opened his eyes and he was just gone.
Not sure he was dead, but if he wasn't he was so out of it it was damn scary.
After an afternoon, night and late night drinking, ended up at a pizza plaze early this morning.

Didn't notice this one guy sitting there until the paramedics came in.
Dude was way messed up, bleeding and stuff.
They raised his head up, opened his eyes and he was just gone.
Not sure he was dead, but if he wasn't he was so out of it it was damn scary.

Damn that's br00tal. :hypno:
Ooooh that's scary...I've seen plenty of near-comatose people on nights out.

Once saw the paramedics give someone the "cover with a blanket" treatment about a block from my street.

Somehow I don't think it was meant to keep him (or her) warm.
A friend of mine hung herself in her boyfriends apartment not too long ago. Sucks quite bad, he of course took it quite hard since he was the one to find her.
Think it's three persons from the same crowd that died during 2008.
All of them rather young.

Only other time I've been up close to a dead person was when I was a teen skiing cross country, this old guy died while skiing, only minutes before we arrived.

I really wouldn't go so far as to joke about winning in the case of dead ppl though, but hey, maybe I'm just an old fuck with no sense of humor?

And no, I wouldn't agree you can/should/must joke about anything, but that's me (again).
A friend of mine hung herself in her boyfriends apartment not too long ago. Sucks quite bad, he of course took it quite hard since he was the one to find her.
Think it's three persons from the same crowd that died during 2008.
All of them rather young.

Only other time I've been up close to a dead person was when I was a teen skiing cross country, this old guy died while skiing, only minutes before we arrived.

I really wouldn't go so far as to joke about winning in the case of dead ppl though, but hey, maybe I'm just an old fuck with no sense of humor?

And no, I wouldn't agree you can/should/must joke about anything, but that's me (again).

Not making a joke gnoff, I am just morbid and want to hear more dead ppl stories :)
A friend of mine hung herself in her boyfriends apartment not too long ago. Sucks quite bad, he of course took it quite hard since he was the one to find her.
Think it's three persons from the same crowd that died during 2008.
All of them rather young.


I know. A friend of ours had something similar. Depression followed by a rather violent episode, then his older brother killed himself. Jumped off a bridge onto train lines, leaving a partner and a young daughter behind. I really don't know how it is fair that it can happen twice and in the same family.
I know. A friend of ours had something similar. Depression followed by a rather violent episode, then his older brother killed himself. Jumped off a bridge onto train lines, leaving a partner and a young daughter behind. I really don't know how it is fair that it can happen twice and in the same family.

I've had four people commit suicide, truly sad stories.
One smoked a joint that he didn't know was laced with PCP and shot himself
Other three hung themselves, two of them where in their teens, one was close to 30 and left behind a baby girl...
Pretty sad stuff.
I hope you dont think it disrespectful if I change the subject. It is getting grim for my taste.

And the meowing of some cats downstairs not helping. I wonder if that is them trying to get a mate or someone torturing them.