Ya lucky sod. I have my choice of places to crash in London, but transport is a fortune. Maybe last minute...
Wait, no, not even possible I am waiting for someone to come back to me... If I land this job I promise I will see AA live ASAP, no matter how far away it is. And celebrate with really fancy trappist beer (always found a champagne fountain is ever so slightly chavvy)
Make a trip to Germany this summer
That is a PROMISE. I would have found the way to do Wacken probably. But I could do with a change of fortunes.
Damn pesky beer gnomes, always refilling your drink when you're not looking.
Damn pesky beer gnomes, always refilling your drink when you're not looking.
I just bought the moomins, season one, on DVD.
I also got a crate of 24 strongbow (sorry spanishlassy, it was on offer for a tenner )
Found me a good local microbrewery. Pennichuck Brewing... working my way through some of their Firehouse Red Ale at the moment, rather malty but tasty.