Vilewoman's off-topic random retardation thread.

Well clubs are pretty expensive...maybe trying to find some golf club socks with a band's name he likes on them?
Give me more than one cup of coffee and I am sure I could do better, tehehe.

There's an idea for Vic Merch, AA golf club socks :grin:
Well clubs are pretty expensive...maybe trying to find some golf club socks with a band's name he likes on them?
Give me more than one cup of coffee and I am sure I could do better, tehehe.

There's an idea for Vic Merch, AA golf club socks :grin:

OK, so I've never believed you before, but now I do.
You really ARE an evil bitch!

AA golf stuff!??


Crazy woman :lol:

But yeah, he'd love that shit if I could arrange it :rock:

Hey guys?
Could you set me up with a golf club sock with your logo on it?
You're never going to one of our shows again...
But yeah, he'd love that shit if I could arrange it :rock:
Hey guys?
Could you set me up with a golf club sock with your logo on it?
You're never going to one of our shows again...

Dude, the stuff that you see for golfers here is mental... And you do see metal and emo golfers too. And rasta men with golf pants... Cures your hangover right away.

The worst got to be the drunken erasmus golfers. I may tell Edinburgh city council that urban golf may not be such a good idea anyway.
Yes :heh:

On a side note, talk to you all in a few days, my first flight leaves in a few hours :grin:

Have a safe flight!!!

The person sitting next to you is on for a rough ride, you probably will be all excited and babbling about metal golf socks. :rock:

Prepare the tranquiliser dart... we have to sedate a small parcel of concentrated eevil...
265 beers subjected to the judging part of the Swedish Championships of home brewed beer, so far.
Registration for almost 4 days remaining, we'll most likely hit well over 300 separate beers this year.
Since each beer is entered in 5 bottles, they'll have 1500+ bottles when they collect them all, or about 500 liters of beer

I will take part in the judging again this year of course, but not in the final jury as last year, "only" in the regular rounds. I'll be judging 2 main classes out of the 11 I reckon.
Usually 20 to 40 beers in each class. If we in Göteborg do get a class of 40 it's most likely the only class we'll be judging though, spread out over the two days instead.

So next Saturday and Sunday, 28 and 29 March, I know what I'll do for sure...
9 am each day we start sampling beers, yay