I first had to google for a slippery nipple (Never heard of).....
Reminds me of when I was a teenager,my best friend told me he wanted Sex on the Beach..I was like WTF GET AWAY!! till I learned it was a drink <.<
I first had to google for a slippery nipple (Never heard of).....
Reminds me of when I was a teenager,my best friend told me he wanted Sex on the Beach.. <.<
I first had to google for a slippery nipple (Never heard of).....
Then you probably will not have heard of a Smurf Sperm or Screaming Orgasm either!
Also overrated. :Smug: I stick to beer these days, and the odd wine or cider if the selection is good.
Happy easter, good with more time off
It is easter isnt it...Not happy though I was late this morning because one of the churches here decided to do a re-enachtment for the stations of the cross thingie and caused a 45min delay as the procession went down the freeway...Although it was funny to tell my boss I was running late because I was stuck behind jesus.
yeah I got a bit to the drunk side
"Luke, I'm your father"
beer, booze and metal, no jenuss here...