Vintersorg contest

Wow. I think it's really weird that it reached Denmark as early as last Wednesday. Are we that far ahead with regards to Vintersorg-records? We seem to be behind with everything else.
You all are talking about the clothes of mr. V...
Did someone seen this video?

PS: Sound = CRAP


Got some pictures here, forgot where I found them though.



Also, I didn't realise they played live quite often. I know members on this board told me Vintersorg is too busy to tour... since I was going to try and get Bloodstock Open-Air to get Borknagar to play. Or am I just dreaming of something that could never happen because they're too busy? :\
Got some pictures here, forgot where I found them though.



Also, I didn't realise they played live quite often. I know members on this board told me Vintersorg is too busy to tour... since I was going to try and get Bloodstock Open-Air to get Borknagar to play. Or am I just dreaming of something that could never happen because they're too busy? :\

IMO he should have keep the hair.
Long hair doesnt cause baldness. cutting hair doesn't make them stronger (you only cut double points)

my hairs are down to my waist too, and i know how boring is to take care of them (wash, dry, brush) but i love them so much that i don't wanna either think to cut them....but if one day they will become unbearable i will probably do.... cutting hair doesn't make them stronger (you only cut double points)

my hairs are down to my waist too, and i know how boring is to take care of them (wash, dry, brush) but i love them so much that i don't wanna either think to cut them....but if one day they will become unbearable i will probably do....

I wash my hair once every few days.
I never dry it, I let it just dry naturally.
I brush it only when I'm going out, sometimes I don't even do it then.

My hair = wonderful.
People envy me way too much for it, as I do absolutely fuck all to keep it looking beautiful and healthy. It just stays that way~ n_n

Makes me question though, what shampoo did Vintersorg use?