

New Metal Member
Nov 28, 2001
Philly, USA
Hey ... i am not sure how many of you agree with me, byt the vocals can make or kill a band, in my oppinion. I have litsened to what i thought was really good music, but then this guy would start growling and it would wreck it all. I like vocals like In Flames, Lefay, and just strait up screaming like Slipknot (although i don't care for thier music that much).

Who out there has good vocals? Could anyone recomend a CD to the viewers? Try to name the specific album, because groups like Dimmu Borgir have went through soooo many vocalists.
Iced Earth - everything from Burnt Offerings on has the same vocalist. it's not like in flames or anything, it's more singing - power metal type stuff. very good. their earlier CDs were good too, the vocalists weren't too great though. But Night of the Stormrider is probably their best (with a different singer)
You're complaining about vocals and listening to Kreator? Eh? WTF? Kreator has awful vocals that really detract from the music.

I'll second the Iced Earth vote and add Nevermore, Forbidden, Aghora, Blind Guardian, and Flotsam and Jetsam. Those bands all have good vocals and have had the same singer throughout.

For among the best vocals (both for the quality AND the diversity), I'd go for the album "Stormbirds" by Evereve. Tom Sedotschenko's vocals are simply amazing ; almost each song has a different vocals.... Clean, death, black, you name it... And they're all very well done.

Have I ever said before that this album is a must ? Well, it is.
Tristania (Widow's Weeds and Beyond the Veil)
Theatre of Tragedy (the old ones)
Sentenced (Shadows of the Past, North From Here and Amok)
In Flames (Jester Race and older)
Dark Tranquillity (Skydancer, Mind's I)
and last but not the least, Nightwish!

I forgot about one :

-Moonspell, "Wolfheart". Awesome voice, so deep, when he growls or when he talks, just mesmerizing. Live, this guy is among the most hypnotic I have seen. Another must.
Originally posted by godisanathiest
Oooh, Alas - absolute purity for amazing female vocals...

getting a bit obsessed with that band aren't we :p

hmn, the gathering, Lacuna Coil, Katatonia, Opeth, all great. Radiohead and Smashing Pumpkins are different but great vocals too.
Yah vocals could really kill a band, for example: Nightwish.

I recommend hearing:
Russel Allen - Symphony X (especially on The Divine Wings Of Tragedy-album...)