Vortex and the last DB

if your not familiar with Dimmu Borgir, but just want to hear more Vortex, i definately recommend you dl "Insight and the Catharsis" on Spiritual Black Dimensions. the end of that shows the true talent of Mustis, the keyboard player, and Vortex's incredible voice!
DCA is ok , not brilliant nor stupid. A little to much Vortex is my opinion.
And his talent is FAR FROM WASTED!! It would've been stupid if he sang more on the album. His vocalstyle wouldn't be as special as it is if it was used in every song... That would be truely pathetic.. That's what I call a talent wasted! period =)
'Death Cult Armegeddon' is a great album, no doubt about it, and yes, Vortex is criminally under used. The best part of the album is when he breaks out in 'Progenies of the Great Apocalypse' (track 2).

Any lover of Vortex's vocals would be pissed off though.... what are the band thinking?
I think D.B. and BORKNAGAR are two great bands,but so different:BORKNAGAR are more progressive and sophisticated;the DIMMUS are more heavy and majestic.The new album of DIMMU are for me a masterpiece,but it's true SIMMEN have not the right space on the songs.I hope for the next album:maybe songs based on duets SAGRATH/SIMEN!
i highly agree with requiem, dimmu should use a LOT more of vortex's vocals. he is such a talented vocalist. i like when vortex goes back to some old borknagar styles on 'death cult armageddon,' it sounds killer. it's on track 7 - allehelgens dod i hellveds rike, around 2:21. i LOVE that vocal style. i can't wait to hear the new borknagar cd though!
The more I listen to DCA, the more I think it's really boring and commercial. Great drumming and nothing more.

I usually put DCA in my cd player and listen for a few minutes. When my feelings start to become too angry and bored, I stop that album and begin to listening to some great true-fucking-blackmetal stuff:

..as Craft's "terror propaganda" or Sargeist's "Satanic black devotion" is playing, the temperature goes down and the chilly wind starts blowing in my room.

AAAAAAAahhhh yeah. That's blackmetal!
Simen's vocals are awesome on DCA, although I would have loved to heard more. I thought that the two songs with him on vocals were the best on the album especially "Progenies Of The Great Apocolypse" (which i think is one of the best DB tracks ever) i also thought the strign arrangements worked really well for DB this time.
Dimmu Borgir hit their peak with Spiritual Black Dimension. It has only gone downhill from there, and DCA is no exception..

And yes, it's a crime that Simen isn't used more. It could have lifted the album a bit from its dismal repeditiveness. I guess Dimmu couldn't recover from the loss of Astennu.
I agree that Vortex's voice isn't used enough on Death Cult Armageddon. The moments when it is used are bittersweet because they sound so good, but are so brief. I could understand going for moderation, but they held back too much. More of his clean vocals would've done well to alleviate the dearth of contrast in some of the songs.
It may be just me, but I sense the aura of Mayhem's Grand Decleration of War, and Satyricon's "rebel extravaganza" in certain parts of this record. Progenies... is a good song, the orchestra parts at the beginning remind me of early hellraiser movies, although the video just doesn't do that much for me.
Dimmu Borgir and Death Cult Armageddon rule. I thought Vortex was used the perfect amount on Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia, four songs. The two songs he was in on DCA was too little but its not like he needs to be on every song either as I actually like Shagrath's vocals a lot. I thought that every time he was used on Puritanical it was perfect as was pretty much everything else on that album.
jjaja ok its fun read all this opinions.

i think, the position of vortex in dimu is of basist not of the lead vocals. and i think he is doing a good work.
in my opinion sagrath have more value than nikolas barker. because i dont like this (if you want to hear a good drumer hear to hellhammer its good because its feels the music. there are more good drum players than nicolas in borknagar, ophet ,emperor ,morbid angel ,hate eternal......)
i think dca is a good album
theres only one think i hate, and this is the estetic
is too much funnyy.......
for me the best is the spiritual black dimensions