Vote: Royal Carnage 2006 March Madness - Sweet 16

Bracket #1
Negura Bunget (okay whatever.)

Bracket #2
Black Sabbath
Destroyer 666

Bracket #3

Bracket #4
Iron Maiden
Demilich said:
How is it that you love Slayer but won't give equally bland thrash bands a fair shot?
Okay this quote RULES, but no. Slayer are one of the greatest bands of all time.
Are they even really that different? I've only heard 1 album by each band, but thrash is thrash is thrash as far as I can hear from "Reign in Blood" vs. "Pleasure to Kill". One might be better than the other, but they're not THAT different at all eh?
i'm glad someone sees what i'm getting at here.

actually, i know NAD does too, it's just one of those things... i guess you had to "be there" for slayer to mean something special over kreator to the point that you wouldn't even have to hear the other
Erik said:
you havent even god damn fucking hell in shit fuck ass cunt rump boobs HEARD kreator. you, horse you rode in on --> ur mum, STAT

Just like you've heard Kayo Dot, right?

(bringing up something not even valid in the argument itp)