Vote: Royal Carnage 2006 March Madness - Sweet 16

Demilich said:
actually, i know NAD does too, it's just one of those things... i guess you had to "be there" for slayer to mean something special over kreator to the point that you wouldn't even have to hear the other
there = in ur sofa with nachos and a funny haircut watching seasons in the abyss vid on mtv
Demilich said:
actually, i know NAD does too, it's just one of those things... i guess you had to "be there" for slayer to mean something special over kreator to the point that you wouldn't even have to hear the other
Nostalgia is a powerful thing, definitely. But I'd place Slayer way above all the other thrash bands I listened to back then. They are something way beyond their thrash peers.
on the other hand....




wtf why did i sell that album?
Demilich I guess you didn't see my edit, I listened to Kreator right after I voted. There's no way in hell I'd take that over Neurosis. I mean even if I were to become a massive Kreator fanboy, placing them on the same level as Rust in Peace, Arise, and Seasons, I'd still probably vote Neurosis over them.
I actually listened to about 4 songs thankyouverymuch.

Actually I think it was the same song 4 times but either way!
Okay, one big :lol: for these threads being taken so seriously. Every time someone does ANYTHING in them a huge gugsian argument breaks out, it's awesome!
NADatar said:
Demilich I guess you didn't see my edit, I listened to Kreator right after I voted. There's no way in hell I'd take that over Neurosis. I mean even if I were to become a massive Kreator fanboy, placing them on the same level as Rust in Peace, Arise, and Seasons, I'd still probably vote Neurosis over them.

I saw the edit, but I still don't see what Neurosis had to do with it. I agreed with you voting Neurosis over a band you'd never heard.
yeah but my point was you liked kayo dot after like 200503135 listens and yet you're happy to say "well kreator sur eisnt better than neurosis" after 4 listens to 1song