War on Drugs


Drug the Priest
May 30, 2005
the bowels of lochness
Almost a century this war has been raging all over the world. Especially in the U.S.A, but can't you see? Our government is fighting a war they cannot win. About 70 million people in America have admitted to trying a type of drug. You can try to brainwash our youth with lies, but even that will not work. You can protect our borders, but they still come through, you can recruit more policemen, but thats a waste of money. Last year our government spent over 20 billion dollars fighting this war, and they still haven't done any damage to the organized crime! This "war on drugs" does more harm than good. For fucks sake! the war does more damage than the fucking drugs! Decrimilization and then legalization is the ONLY way to end this war, and thats a FACT.
I believe in full freedoms for all people as long as they don't hurt others, or impinge on property rights
The government pathetically straddles the middle ground between idealistic concern for our wellbeing and cold, political pragmatism. Cigarettes, which destroy one's health, are allowed to prosper, but with ridiculous political concessions(make advertisements telling people not to use your product, but keep selling it). Marijuana, on the other hand, must have "war" waged on it. It's certainly not because it's an intoxicant; alcohol is legal. It all speaks to the inability of the system to come together, to be unified, to avoid self-contradiction. The war on drugs is just another symptom of insanity.
I support legalizing drugs. Paying money to support people who think its fun to poison theirselves, to the cops who need to arrest them and for the living of drug dealers who spend years in jail is a waste of taxes.

Why does it matter if drugs are sold legally insteead of illegally? Economy can only benefit but instead we let the black market thrive and lose money. Besides if it's legal there can be some supervision on it. These days when they buy drugs they don't know if there are "pure" drugs and what they consist. So it's more safe that way even for drug consumers.
Xorv said:
Almost a century this war has been raging all over the world. Especially in the U.S.A, but can't you see? Our government is fighting a war they cannot win. About 70 million people in America have admitted to trying a type of drug. You can try to brainwash our youth with lies, but even that will not work. You can protect our borders, but they still come through, you can recruit more policemen, but thats a waste of money. Last year our government spent over 20 billion dollars fighting this war, and they still haven't done any damage to the organized crime! This "war on drugs" does more harm than good. For fucks sake! the war does more damage than the fucking drugs! Decrimilization and then legalization is the ONLY way to end this war, and thats a FACT.
i'd like to see where you got those numbers, and further, the bolded made me laugh it is so stupid. what lies? that drugs are bad for you? go to the hospital and ask the ICU if they're bad for you.

i love how you capitalize "fact". :tickled:
NeverIsForever said:
There are enough messed-up people out there without making drugs legal. IMO drug use is one of the stupidest choices an individual can make. I see no reason to make it easier for people to ruin their lives...
agreed, and also with demiurge

legalization is an asinine idea. what needs to be done is remove the demand, and supply will lose all value. since drugs are addicting, this is extremely difficult. the war on drugs should be in the minds of the people, not the streets. confiscating drugs only makes supply scarcer, prices higher, and the stakes more dangerous. instead they must educate people better, show the lasting effects of such decisions, and step up their campaign on a complete scale. as demiurge said, no more "these drugs are bad, but these are ok" BS.
Silent Song said:
agreed, and also with demiurge

legalization is an asinine idea. what needs to be done is remove the demand, and supply will lose all value. since drugs are addicting, this is extremely difficult. the war on drugs should be in the minds of the people, not the streets. confiscating drugs only makes supply scarcer, prices higher, and the stakes more dangerous. instead they must educate people better, show the lasting effects of such decisions, and step up their campaign on a complete scale. as demiurge said, no more "these drugs are bad, but these are ok" BS.

Doesn't work. There will always be demand. And they've tried to teach us, but that doesn't work either. The numbers just keep rising.
Silent Song said:
i'd like to see where you got those numbers, and further, the bolded made me laugh it is so stupid. what lies? that drugs are bad for you? go to the hospital and ask the ICU if they're bad for you.

i love how you capitalize "fact". :tickled:

I never said they aren't. This whole war is nothing but lies, especially with marijuana which is much safer than some of the things we eat.
It takes a simple course of Econ 101 to understand how idiotic waging a war on the Drug supply really is. Lets see, the government is spending billions to drive up the prices of drugs to make them so profitable to low income and inner city people, that they will kill each other for it and forego finding a traditional legal career. Thats the stupidest thing I have ever heard. Didnt prohibition teach anyone anything?

Frankly there is no easy solution. Obviously attacking the supply is a total failure. And hell, they arrest users all the time. Lets face it, there will always be a segment of the population that will use drugs. These are people that want to get away from the sufferings of life. Drugs provide the escape.

And as for the truly destructive nature of drugs, I know plenty of higher class druggies that have done everything but heroin and meth, and they have no problems operating in society at a high level. Its only those that abuse them to get away from life, or have addictive personalities, that really get hooked.
Xorv said:
I never said they aren't. This whole war is nothing but lies, especially with marijuana which is much safer than some of the things we eat.
that depends on what you eat. :err:

the war is not lies. the problem is that the message isn't clear, and isn't well-stated.
speed said:
It takes a simple course of Econ 101 to understand how idiotic waging a war on the Drug supply really is. Lets see, the government is spending billions to drive up the prices of drugs to make them so profitable to low income and inner city people, that they will kill each other for it and forego finding a traditional legal career. Thats the stupidest thing I have ever heard. Didnt prohibition teach anyone anything?

Frankly there is no easy solution. Obviously attacking the supply is a total failure. And hell, they arrest users all the time. Lets face it, there will always be a segment of the population that will use drugs. These are people that want to get away from the sufferings of life. Drugs provide the escape.

And as for the truly destructive nature of drugs, I know plenty of higher class druggies that have done everything but heroin and meth, and they have no problems operating in society at a high level. Its only those that abuse them to get away from life, or have addictive personalities, that really get hooked.
i agree, and that is why i said the only way to stop it is to attack the demand.
Silent Song said:
that depends on what you eat. :err:

the war is not lies. the problem is that the message isn't clear, and isn't well-stated.

Really? It seems that everyone is aware that cigarettes are unhealthy, heroin is addictive, etc. There's been more than enough propaganda in relation to these matters and I'm not willing to expend more resources telling people what they already know. No amount of education will stop teenagers from smoking weed. It's also not going to stop people in hopeless situations from turning to the harder junk.

The anti-marijuana ads are amusing, though. For instance, when the two guys are driving out of a fast food joint and they run a kid over because they're high. Apparently, we're supposed to take away from this that we shouldn't use marijuana. I, on the other hand, got the impression that we shouldn't drive while high on marijuana.
that is why i said they need to clarify their message and *show* the results of using drugs. the attitude that needs changing is that of "i just don't care anyway" even though they know it's bad. some others just don't know how bad it really is. in general they have the right idea but haven't done a good enough job.
What, like the ads showing a people smoking cigarettes through holes in their necks? That doesn't show how bad it is? The mandatory health classes that go into the details of what different substances do to one's body? People have the information. You're not going to get rid of the demand for drugs. Some really aren't that bad. The anti-weed propaganda is way overblown. I've smoked it at one time or another, so has everyone I know. Other drugs are used by people who want to escape longterm, as Speed said. Their problem isn't that they're not aware of the drugs being addictive. Very simply, you cannot eliminate the demand.