War on Drugs

ProjectedBlack said:
Why, because he posted a bunch of mostly irrelevant information to why it should be legalized?

Open your mind and quit being so thick headed. Unlike you I like to believe what I've experienced, seen, and know. Not what POLITICIANS told me. The same people that said Iraq had nuclear weapons. This information is not irrelevant. It's truth. Plain and Simple. Get your head out of the gutter. Did you even read it? I bet not. Please read it, and try to educate yourself.
Marijuana has little, or no short term effects. Maybe a little lung damage, but nothing near cigarettes. However, it is the gateway drug because the "trips" get a little less exciting each tme.
On the other side, the approach to stop drugs is taken the wrong way. For instace, the "Just Say no campaign" made shit come out of my nose. They expect a kid who is living in a shit condition, with little or no money, to just say no?
So my take on it, was put very well by Chris Rock, "The government only legalizes drugs it can make money on" Look at some of these painkillers. They fucking blow pot out of the water. I think the government should not legalize drugs, but should make better lifestyles for people who live in shit with the profits of the OTC drugs.
Xorv said:
What problems? Please explain.

Let's see, there's memory loss along with the potential for brain damage (much like what can happen if one overdoses on alcohol) and the possibility of lung cancer. That said...I can see why people think it should be legal, as with alcohol and weed it's pretty much "choose your drug, choose your cancer".
I think what he's trying to get at is that all of that information is irrelevant. Why? Because none of those are the real reasons people want Marijuana legalized. They want it legalized so they can smoke it, those are simply reasons people tend to throw out to say "Hey! There IS a good reason to legalize it, too!" when they really couldn't give a fuck if it's used for any of those things or not.
Hemp is the ONLY plant where the males appear one way and the females appear very different, physically! No one ever speaks of males and females in regard to the plant kingdom because plants do not show their sexes; except for cannabis. To determine what sex a certain, normal, Earthly plant is: You have to look internally, at its DNA. A male blade of grass (physically) looks exactly like a female blade of grass. The hemp plant has an intense sexuallity. Growers know to kill the males before they fertilize the females. Yes, folks...the most potent pot comes from 'horny females.'

Have you ever studied any biology? Wait what was that? No? Then stop talking about what you do not know.

The rest of the post that I skimmed through was a few half-truths with a lot of BS hung on for effect.
The Devil's Steed said:
Let's see, there's memory loss along with the potential for brain damage (much like what can happen if one overdoses on alcohol) and the possibility of lung cancer. That said...I can see why people think it should be legal, as with alcohol and weed it's pretty much "choose your drug, choose your cancer".

Alcohol does not cause cancer, but it dissoves your liver over time.

The mtyh about marijuana causing brain damage and killing brain cells is blown wayy out of perspectivie. There has never been any proof even after counltess studies that marijuana causes brain damage or kills brain cells. Same goes with the myth that marijuana causes lunger cancer. Ok first of all...do you know that medical marijuana is used for cancer patients? If marijuana caused cancer do you really think doctors would prescribe this substace to his\her patients that already have cancer?

Cigarettes are known to cause cancer, because they contain small traces of radiation. If you don't believe me...which you probably won't. Scroll down a little you'll see in bold "cigarette smoking"

The Devil's Steed said:
I think what he's trying to get at is that all of that information is irrelevant. Why? Because none of those are the real reasons people want Marijuana legalized. They want it legalized so they can smoke it, those are simply reasons people tend to throw out to say "Hey! There IS a good reason to legalize it, too!" when they really couldn't give a fuck if it's used for any of those things or not.

Fool, do you know there are over a hundred different things you can use hemp for?
Xorv said:
Alcohol does not cause cancer, but it dissoves your liver over time.

The mtyh about marijuana causing brain damage and killing brain cells is blown wayy out of perspectivie. There has never been any proof even after counltess studies that marijuana causes brain damage or kills brain cells. Same goes with the myth that marijuana causes lunger cancer. Ok first of all...do you know that medical marijuana is used for cancer patients? If marijuana caused cancer do you really think doctors would prescribe this substace to his\her patients that already have cancer?

Cigarettes are known to cause cancer, because they contain small traces of radiation. If you don't believe me...which you probably won't. Scroll down a little you'll see in bold "cigarette smoking"


I could swear it's capable of causing cancer in the liver and kidney. Fuck it, I tend to forget stuff from time to time.

I've seen this shit happen myself, so whatever studies they do that are inconclusive in finding the truth are irrelevant to me. Also....they prescribe it to terminal cancer patients. Due to this, will it really MATTER if they develop another kind of cancer?
not that they'd develop another type of cancer, but wouldn't you think the cancer would get worse?! Marijuana does not contain radiation which is what causes lung cancer from tobacco.
If they are already TERMINAL what the fuck does it matter if it gets worse? Also, that's speaking of one type of cancer alone (if they prescribe it for lung cancer), not all the types of cancer they prescribe it for.
Also, its not like marijuana is the top priority drug. Here in Oakland, its the last thing for cops to do. 1 year probation for a small possession.
Xorv said:
Fool, do you know there are over a hundred different things you can use hemp for?

Yes, I do. However, is this WHY people want it legalized? No. They want it legalized so they could smoke it. I tell you what...take a poll, ask all the people who are fans of marijuana how they would feel if government legalized hemp for every use listed EXCEPT smoking it, and still made it illegal to use as a drug. I can guarantee you they'd all be pissed off because the main reason they want it legalized is for smoking it, none of the other different things it can be used for.
The Devil's Steed said:
Yes, I do. However, is this WHY people want it legalized? No. They want it legalized so they could smoke it. I tell you what...take a poll, ask all the people who are fans of marijuana how they would feel if government legalized hemp for every use listed EXCEPT smoking it, and still made it illegal to use as a drug. I can guarantee you they'd all be pissed off because the main reason they want it legalized is for smoking it, none of the other different things it can be used for.

Well of course people want to smoke it, but thats not the only reason it should be legalized. Hemp can be used for many things even fuel. It can save our world from fossil fuel pollution, and can also save our rainforests. Even if it was legalized for all those others things except intoxication, it would definitely benefit our planet and alot of people. Though the lumber, oil, and tobacco industry will lose ALOT of money.
My point is, while it would benefit many if it was legalized for reasons other than smoking all the people who cry "legalize it!" would STILL be angry, so posting all the other reasons that it is useful is irrelevant to the discussion. Do you get what I mean?
Xorv said:
not that they'd develop another type of cancer, but wouldn't you think the cancer would get worse?! Marijuana does not contain radiation which is what causes lung cancer from tobacco.

Marijuana leaves different resins in the lungs; some say the evidence suggests those are removed by the body more quickly and have fewer carcinogenic properties.

My advice on drugs: wait till you're 18, if you cannot wait until 20. Give your body a chance to grow before you alter its hormonal balances.
The Devil's Steed said:
Is the only reason it traumatizes them because it's illegal? Perhaps they don't like you doing harm to yourself. Just an idea.

Maybe because his family has been brainwahsed into thinking marijuana is as dangerous or more dangerous than harder drugs. Like crack\cocaine.

What about the average tobacco smoker? do you think his family is devestated because he is smoking tobacco? Maybe when he developed lung cancer they will be.