War on Drugs

Hah. No one brainwashes people into believing it's more dangerous than hard drugs, now you're just exaggerating.

If the family has some foresight, then yes, they will be devastated because they'll know the smoker will most likely eventually get lung cancer from it, just like if the person smokes weed. Except, they won't have to worry about them developing brain damage from the cigarettes.

I believe the main reason a family would be devastated by someone smoking weed (aside from the reasons listed above) is due to the risk of getting caught since it's illegal or moral/religious reasons; not because they think it's as dangerous as the person snorting cocaine or something along those lines.
Believe me or not. I've met people who think marijuana is crystal meth's plant-like cousin.

Weed DOES NOT cause brain damage. After many years of study, there has neen no proven evidence that marijuana causes brain dmage. Not even slightly.
Okay, you do have a point. However, those people are the in the vast minority, and there are no real attempts made to make marijuana look as dangerous as say...crystal meth, even though some people may interpret it that way.

As for the brain damage, I've seen it happen, and that's evidence enough for me. I've seen people that used to be fairly intelligent degenerate into complete fucking morons after some years of marijuna use without any other drugs being used, not to mention ones who can't even remember their own fucking phone number, address, etc. when sober.
I don't need to prove that it does, when there's no real evidence that it doesn't.

I'm speaking of personal experience and my knowledge that it does. There's no purpose in trying to convince you of it, and I'm aware of that; no matter what kind of logic you use you can't convince someone with dogmatic beliefs that they're wrong.
The Devil's Steed said:
Is the only reason it traumatizes them because it's illegal? Perhaps they don't like you doing harm to yourself. Just an idea.
i agree.

i just don't see any longterm benefits to using marijuana or any drug.
I suppose that if every once in a while it could do some good, however, I'm thinking of using it in a different context than they do (i.e. an occasional crutch when someone is very depressed rather than for recreational use). I personally wouldn't advise that, though.
ahhh.....I'll never forgot the moments I've had. Me and a few friends sitting in his backyard, passing around a roach. While someone in the background is rolling another joint. And there we are...just having a good time, listening to some tunes...not a care in the world. Just relaxing and letting our thoughts drift into conversation. I'll never forget those times....I'll never experience them again either.

Do we sound like criminals? We're just relaxing, and enjoying our favorite past time. Even though we all know our lungs are beings contaminated, even though we all know what we're doing is illegal. Are we really bad people? No! Then why does the government treat us like this? Can't they see they face an army of millions? that just want to end the war and live in peace!
here comes the big question Xorv. don't you think you can have those very same experiences without weed?

in the process, you'd save yourself fines, jailtime, and extend your lungs' lifetime.
yes, but can an alcoholic have a fun night out without beer? can a tobacco smoker enjoy one day without a cigarette? People choose to take drugs for many reasons, it's mankinds nature to alter his mind. It's been like this for thousands of years.
Xorv said:
yes, but can an alcoholic have a fun night out without beer? can a tobacco smoker enjoy one day without a cigarette? People choose to take drugs for many reasons, it's mankinds nature to alter his mind. It's been like this for thousands of years.

I tried to phrase a comment on this without insults,it wasn´t possible since you are a fucking idiot
Majesty said:
I tried to phrase a comment on this without insults,it wasn´t possible since you are a fucking idiot

Coming from someone that can't think up a mature response, but instead turns to his childhood instics and call me an idiot. Hmmm.....is that puberty I smell?

Drop some balls and come back when you've grown up. This is the Philosopher not the rant.
Xorv said:
Coming from someone that can't think up a mature response, but instead turns to his childhood instics and call me an idiot. Hmmm.....is that puberty I smell?

Drop some balls and come back when you've grown up. This is the Philosopher not the rant.

I´m 18 if you think age has anything to do with it.
I think that anyone who willingly destroys his body for short-term pleasure is an idiot and should be executed for the sake of humanity
I have smoked since I was 14. I am now approaching 40 and have felt no ill affects. The reason pot isn't legal is that it's so easy to grow. The government needs their cut and it would be difficult to tax something that you could produce by literally tossing seeds in a clump of dirt and waiting. Obviously, more potent marijuana take more care than that, but it's a weed, not hard to produce. Alcohol and tobacco are legal because of the difficulty of production. The government collects taxes from users, and licensing fees from distributors. It's all about money. Meanwhile, police are wasting valuable time hunting down the users and dealers of a relatively harmless drug. :loco:

Ask your self this question: How many people have you ever heard of that died as a direct cause of using marijuana???? Now, ask yourself the same question of alcohol and tobacco users.........:Spin: :yell: :erk: :Smug: :err: :oops: :confused: :dopey: ;) :yuk:
Xorv said:
Studies say boys mature very slowly. I think you're a perfect example.

Xorv dude.... these idiots just don't understand the whole marijuana experience. There's no point in trying to explain it. I've been smoking for 26 years and have a college degree and a good-paying job that i've had for a long time. Alcohol and tobacco have MUCH worse effects on the body than marijuana ever will. But, the government can make money off those products, so they remain legal. As far back as the 1920's, the ignorance about weed has been propogated by every administration that has been in power.

If you are interested, i can send you a video of how marijuana has been misrepresented by the media and the government for over 75 years... it's pretty funny too.......
I believe the reason marijuana is kept illegal is, because huge corporations don't want to lose millions or go bankrupt. Hemp can be used for about 25,000 different things. It can even be used as a fuel. An alternative for oil, but of course oil companies know this, and don't want to lose their buisiness, so in secret they pay our government millions or even billions to continue to keep fighting the war on drugs. Even though this war hasn't stopped anyone from taking narcotics for the past 80 years. It's a waste of money.