War on Drugs

Iridium said:
Ah, so you're a puritan, waking up in cold sweat in the middle of the night when the horrifying concept that someone, somewhere, might be enjoying themselves, crawls into your mind. In America, we pride ourselves on our freedoms, not our restrictions. It is entirely irrational to declare the war on some relatively harmless drugs, such as marijuana however, when more harmful ones such as alcohol and cigarettes are already legal. If it's the alteration to one's mindstate that bothers them, I've got one word: salvia.
puritan i'm not, but i respect my body and value my health. there are ways to have fun without the use of drugs, even for people who are fooled into thinking they need such things to have such experiences. In America, we pride ourselves on our monuments to freedoms long replaced with lies and deception, which we openly embrace. In America, restrictions increase daily under the guise of "national security" when such things are hardly more effective than the previous system, if at all. as i said, i oppose the legalization of alcohol and tobacco already... alcohol is a cleaning product, flammable... and you enjoy drinking it? i'm sure we've all seen the black lung cases due to smoking as well.

i for one will not subject myself to such idiocy, because as you said, some of us Americans still excercise our freedoms, and i'm free to oppose, and free to refuse.
I think this should be a pragmatism argument: there are no cases on record of governments successfully suppressing the drug trade, so why cheapen the law by sending it on a Pyrrhic mission?
As always I believe in the full freedom to do what we want with our body, which is our most inherent physical property. If someone wants to take a medication that has been found to cause a stroke in 45% of all who take it, let them as long as they know all the risks via warning labels.
Silent Song said:
puritan i'm not, but i respect my body and value my health. there are ways to have fun without the use of drugs, even for people who are fooled into thinking they need such things to have such experiences. In America, we pride ourselves on our monuments to freedoms long replaced with lies and deception, which we openly embrace. In America, restrictions increase daily under the guise of "national security" when such things are hardly more effective than the previous system, if at all. as i said, i oppose the legalization of alcohol and tobacco already... alcohol is a cleaning product, flammable... and you enjoy drinking it? i'm sure we've all seen the black lung cases due to smoking as well.

i for one will not subject myself to such idiocy, because as you said, some of us Americans still excercise our freedoms, and i'm free to oppose, and free to refuse.

How can you go through life not trying anything? What is it that brings you happiness, gets you excited and passionate about life? No, drugs are not the end all, be all, but at least we're experimenting. If you sit in your safe chair, looking out your safety glass window from your safe house, nothing extraordinary will happen to you. Take a chance, have fun, do something stupid just to amuse yourself....... live life, instead of saving it for the day you realize that it has all passed you by.
ZoMb!M@N said:
How can you go through life not trying anything? What is it that brings you happiness, gets you excited and passionate about life? No, drugs are not the end all, be all, but at least we're experimenting. If you sit in your safe chair, looking out your safety glass window from your safe house, nothing extraordinary will happen to you. Take a chance, have fun, do something stupid just to amuse yourself....... live life, instead of saving it for the day you realize that it has all passed you by.
i can fly off a mountain on my snowboard, crash with the waves on my surfboard, jump out of a plane, scuba dive the depths, and climb cliffs--- and extroadinary things will and have happened. without the need for the crutch that drugs pose to life. i am living my life with gusto, and with the knowledge that i will remember everything i do and say, that i will not die from some slow disease in my lungs or brain due to a petty substance. if it is my fate to die doing one of the above, then that is (as i am a christian) God's will.

so i say: live YOUR life, and live it with your own mind, your own perception and experiences. instead of saving it for the day you realize that all the drugs you did never amounted to anything but addiction, hospital visits, or a shorter life with which to experience life. the grand experiences of life are not drugs.
ZoMb!M@N said:
How can you go through life not trying anything? What is it that brings you happiness, gets you excited and passionate about life? No, drugs are not the end all, be all, but at least we're experimenting. If you sit in your safe chair, looking out your safety glass window from your safe house, nothing extraordinary will happen to you. Take a chance, have fun, do something stupid just to amuse yourself....... live life, instead of saving it for the day you realize that it has all passed you by.

Drugs aren't for everyone.

If he doesn't want to do them, he may know something we don't.

Fair play, in my view.

Also, there's plenty in life I don't need to try to realize that it's not my thing. Anal sex with men. Judaism. Dumping toxic waste in rivers. Need I say more?
Silent Song said:
i can fly off a mountain on my snowboard, crash with the waves on my surfboard, jump out of a plane, scuba dive the depths, and climb cliffs--- and extroadinary things will and have happened. without the need for the crutch that drugs pose to life. i am living my life with gusto, and with the knowledge that i will remember everything i do and say, that i will not die from some slow disease in my lungs or brain due to a petty substance. if it is my fate to die doing one of the above, then that is (as i am a christian) God's will.

so i say: live YOUR life, and live it with your own mind, your own perception and experiences. instead of saving it for the day you realize that all the drugs you did never amounted to anything but addiction, hospital visits, or a shorter life with which to experience life. the grand experiences of life are not drugs.

Where exactly did you get that drugs are a "crutch" for me? Marijuana is not and never will be physically addictive, i've never been to the hospital as a result of getting high, and i have had physicals throughout my adult life.. every time my lungs are clear. I have gone months at a stretch without it, and there are no withdrawals to speak of. I, too, am a Christian, and believe that I have no control over when I die. If I choose to do something that enhances my experiences, why not? Marijuana is the only unprocessed drug there is (correct me if i'm wrong). Alcohol, tobacco, cocaine, heroin, LSD, etc... all have synthetic processes to "create" them. So, why would God create a substance that is so easily renewable and abundant? A substance that can be used as medicine (for Glaucoma among other diseases) and also give a feeling of euphoria to the user? All of this by picking is off a branch and either eating or smoking it?

The bottom line is don't knock it until you've tried it. And if you choose never to try it, you have no basis of argument against it. If you read government studies, of course they will say its bad for you, there's no money in it for them. Why would they support something that they don't profit from? If you are ignorant enough to believe that the government wouldn't lie to you, you need to take your training wheels off and open your eyes.
why would God create grapes if not so you could drink yourself silly? you already know the answer to your own questions, and why i disagree with you, if you are really a Christian.

drugs are a crutch for those who need their experiences "enhanced" and feel they cannot otherwise attain such experience.

don't knock suicide until you've tried it. :Spin: what a competent argument that would be.

as for the government, read any of my other posts and you will see i strongly oppose a vast majority of their actions.
Silent Song...while his argument was ridiculous, I'll say this to you, for your own good:

What you're doing is an exercise in futility. Trying to convince any of these people that marijuana is harmful is the equivalent of trying to convince you that God doesn't exist. It's just not going to happen....
i'm aware of that. but that which one does not oppose, one passively supports. so despite impossible odds, i shall endeavor to try, just as you and others attempt to sway my faith.
To be blunt about it, I'm more interested in helping people see the reality of drug use than trying to convert you away from your religion. Actually, I don't really have a problem with you believing in that religion to be honest, it's when you drag it into debates as a definite answer/definite wrong or right that it annoys me. However, despite my stubborness, I can see when people are too brainwashed to accept reality, and they won't.
The Devil's Steed said:
To be blunt about it, I'm more interested in helping people see the reality of drug use than trying to convert you away from your religion. Actually, I don't really have a problem with you believing in that religion to be honest, it's when you drag it into debates as a definite answer/definite wrong or right that it annoys me. However, despite my stubborness, I can see when people are too brainwashed to accept reality, and they won't.

.... wow, you two are so amusing... SS, grapes need to be processed into wine. I love grapes, and in all the times i've eaten a handful of grapes, i've never once caught a buzz.

If either one of you can produce evidence that anyone in history died due to physical effects produced solely by marijuana, i'll stop smoking right now and go on a crusade to stop others.

Until then, don't comment on something you know nothing about.
There was a drug made in the 70s by the American Government as a kind of form of population control, and it evolved again in the 80's. The drug was originally meant to control the African American population, and was actually put on the street by the C.I.A. That drug is called Crack-cocaine. I bet a lot of people didn't know that.