War on Drugs

nope, i'm saying that marijuana is certainly capable of causing great harm, and despite whatever superficial and self serving reasons the government has for banning it, i still don't support legalizing yet another drug.
alcohol kills about 300,000 a year! Marijuana kills 0 a year!...now wheres the harm? Marijuana shouldn't be legalized to introduce society to a new legal narcotic, but to stop the FEDS and police from arresting pot smokers. Who are just normal people, not savaged criminals like the media portray them. This war causes more harm than any drug can ever do.
Xorv said:
alcohol kills about 300,000 a year! Marijuana kills 0 a year!...now wheres the harm? Marijuana shouldn't be legalized to introduce society to a new legal narcotic, but to stop the FEDS and police from arresting pot smokers. Who are just normal people, not savaged criminals like the media portray them. This war causes more harm than any drug can ever do.

i agree with you Xorv... the millions of $$ wasted prosecuting users would be eliminated by legalizing it. They could use that $$ going after coke, herion, and crack pushers that are killing people daily.

Yes, i know all about the uses of hemp.... countless practical uses snuffed out by America, Inc. The thing about oil is that there's a bottom to the well. We will run out someday and will have no choice.

Back to marijuana..... explain to me how i can use a drug for over 2 decades on a damn-near daily basis, and not experience ONE phisological symptom?

No coughing, no internal bleeding, no liver or pancreas damage, no brain damage .. nothing....... when was the last time you saw a story on the news where a guy comes home from a long night of getting high and beat his wife to death??? NEVER! it's impossible to get pissed when you're high. Maybe he shoved her aside to get to the fucking TWINKIES, but that's about as bad as it could get... damn... :D
i don't agree. you're only counting a skewed statistic.

0 people may die a year from actually doing pot, but people have been killed because of pot, in the same way that the statistics for dying from alcohol are different from those of DUIs, etc.
Silent Song, have you ever been to Amsterdam? Well I have... Let me tell you a story...
I walked in a coffe shop, buyed few grams of pot and went to roll one up... I was sitting near to one man. Let me describe him; he had Armani suit, a Rolex on his wrist, a buisiness briefcase, was reading Finnancial Times and was smoking a 10 cm long joint... In Neatherlands, if Police cought him with few grams of pot, they would do nothing to him, infact they would tell him to be carefull on the streets... In America (or Croatia, from where i come from) he could kiss his career goodbye...
A fact.
and what does this have to do with anything? you suggest that because he was rich, and within the scope of the law, that his body is unharmed by its effects? please.
Crimson Velvet said:
Thousands of people are committed to mental institutes every year because of the effect that drugs, including marijuana, has on their brains.

proof? please don't post bullshit unless you have some sources to back it up.
legalise drugs and start our own coke and heroin industries. That way terrorists will stop getting funding and we'll get an extra source of revenue on the side. Win.
Silent Song said:
and what does this have to do with anything? you suggest that because he was rich, and within the scope of the law, that his body is unharmed by its effects? please.

My point was that marijuana is not something for what a person should be considered a criminal...
If you are so concerned about harm that is coused to someones body, why aren`t you against alchohol, tobacoo, junk food, pork.... (If you are then I apologize, and you are consistent in your thought)

And just for the record, I`m just for legalization of marijuana not chemical drugs...
Xorv said:
proof? please don't post bullshit unless you have some sources to back it up.

Here are some links that speak of the effects that drugs can have on the brain, long- as well as short term:


You will see that key words such as "mental illness", paranoia, "killing of neurons", "altered mental status", etc, show up in all of them.

And here is an article that speaks of the effects that licit drugs, such as prozak and luvox, often have on people that use them:


As for statistics, I wouldn't know where to find them. But I have visited a local mental institution, and I would go as far (having spoken to doctors, and my mother was a nurse) and say that a sizable percentage of people committed to mental institutions are committed because of long term drug abuse. It is silly to try to deny that drugs have long term effects on the brain (something my fourth link proves).
L.S.D, Ecstacy, Hallucinogentic Mushrooms, Cocaine, Heroin, Inhalants, Opium, ect, all cause damage to the body in many different ways. LSD causes damage to the mind in a thousand ways.

Hemp, Cannabis, Marijuana causes damage to the lungs. Not cancerous, but other minro problems. It does alter your mind, but not to the extreme the way LSD or Ecstacy does, but once the effects fade you're back to your normal state of mind.

www.erowid.com <go here, they tell the truth about all types of narcotics. And they're not a coporate funded or government funded website.
The_Isle said:
legalise drugs and start our own coke and heroin industries. That way terrorists will stop getting funding and we'll get an extra source of revenue on the side. Win.
and a lot of f'd up citizens who could, in their insanity, be just as bad.
Disciple of the Watch said:
My point was that marijuana is not something for what a person should be considered a criminal...
If you are so concerned about harm that is coused to someones body, why aren`t you against alchohol, tobacoo, junk food, pork.... (If you are then I apologize, and you are consistent in your thought)

And just for the record, I`m just for legalization of marijuana not chemical drugs...
as it turns out, i also oppose alcohol and smoking, and all other drugs. i even oppose use of painkillers and medicines (if not absolutely necessary. i won't die from a headache.)
Silent Song said:
as it turns out, i also oppose alcohol and smoking, and all other drugs. i even oppose use of painkillers and medicines (if not absolutely necessary. i won't die from a headache.)

Ah, so you're a puritan, waking up in cold sweat in the middle of the night when the horrifying concept that someone, somewhere, might be enjoying themselves, crawls into your mind. In America, we pride ourselves on our freedoms, not our restrictions. It is entirely irrational to declare the war on some relatively harmless drugs, such as marijuana however, when more harmful ones such as alcohol and cigarettes are already legal. If it's the alteration to one's mindstate that bothers them, I've got one word: salvia.