Apr 7, 2006
Promo copies for "The Novella Reservoir" arrived in the hands of different magazines for review this week, so it's inevitable that people will obtain an early copy online. I spoke with the band about this today. THEY DO NOT SUPPORT DOWNLOADING LEAKED COPIES. Saying that, they also understand there is nothing to be done to stop this from happening, so you are welcome to post your reaction to the music on the forum.

Knowing there will be some excitement for this release, THERE ARE RULES.

You will be BANNED instantly, and permanently from the forum if you do the following...

1. If you post a link to a direct download of the material.
2. If you mention the name of a website or location on where to find the material.
3. If you even hint to where you can find the material.
4. If you brag about downloading a copy early, showing a great disrespect to the band.

If you obtain an early copy, treat it as is you received an official promo copy. Use your head, DO NOT MENTION ANYTHING ABOUT DOWNLOADING THE MATERIAL. Feel free to post your reactions to the music, and BUY a copy when it's released.
It's tough.
This album without a doubt is my most anticipated release for 2007 (and there are a LOT of good albums coming out this year).
That being said, I am going to try really hard to avoid listening before release day (or whenever my pre-order package arrives!)
I feel for the band. Obviously, this situation isn't unique to them; all CDs become available prior to their release. That said, I do believe the Metal community is pretty good about buying what they like. Regardless, hopefully this CD will bring the band the exposure they deserve.

I'm gonna buy the album..I waited a long time for Pale Hunt so I have no problem waiting for the next one....
I have read a few reviews of people who have heard it.
All the reviews have been VERY positive.
Looks like this is going to be a great year for you guys....
Can't wait to hear it!! (on Feb 20th) :)
I'm glad you're being so understanding about the downloading issue. I assume there are other bands that just explode when they find out about their albums leaking. I will wait until the pre-orders to buy my copy, and will wait until I receive it to listen to it. Still very excited.
If you guys get it, like it was said, you CAN post your thoughts on the music.
Awesome. An early contender for CD of the Year 2007. Three listens in and it's probably going to be my favorite ND CD (replacing TPHD). The headspace seems to be similar to "Pale Haunt", but more evolved. If only the Opeth minions would take notice, you guys could quit your day jobs.

By the way, will Satan be getting a writing credit on the new disc? The opening riff (0:44 - 1:09) for "The Voice Of Failure" was clearly conceived in hell. You guys better play this monster when I see you at Powefest.:kickass:

Also worth noting, I love, love, love "Twilight Innocence". Just beautiful.


EDIT: by the way, I know Opeth comparisons aren't something the band is fond of. However, I wasn't comparing the two bands. Simply noting, it's hard to believe someone who loves Opeth wouldn't be quite fond of your music.
EDIT: by the way, I know Opeth comparisons aren't something the band is fond of. However, I wasn't comparing the two bands. Simply noting, it's hard to believe someone who loves Opeth wouldn't be quite fond of your music.

Yeah, I know what you mean Zod.
Every time Opeth comes to town, I always say to myself, "Why the hell isn't ND on this bill? They would easily gain hundreds of new fans!"
Yeah, I know what you mean Zod.
Every time Opeth comes to town, I always say to myself, "Why the hell isn't ND on this bill? They would easily gain hundreds of new fans!"
Unfortunately, tours are built to maximize ticket sales and little else. There's no point, from a promoter's point of view, to have multiple bands on the bill that draw from the same well. So, while Opeth and Novembers Doom would make for a natural pairing, it'll never happen. Case in point, Iron Maiden touring with Bullet for My Valentine. This opening slot would have been such a perfect fit for Iced Earth. But Iced Earth wouldn't bring anyone to the arena who wouldn't isn't already a Maiden fan.

I'm glad you're being so understanding about the downloading issue. I assume there are other bands that just explode when they find out about their albums leaking. I will wait until the pre-orders to buy my copy, and will wait until I receive it to listen to it. Still very excited.

Believe me, seeing the CD leak made me physically ill, and I am pissed beyond words, but it's not the fans fault, and I would be a hypocrite to tell people not to download it. I'm guilty of that myself for certain bands I adore. I'm not pissed a fan wants to hear it early. I only get pissed when people are disrespectful about it, and openly brag about it, and tell people where and how to steal our music. The real fans will buy it, if they download it or not, so fuck it, no need to keep it a secret, tell us what you think. I'd rather hear the thoughts of fans, then a lot of the brain dead reviewers out there anyway. The other guys can chime in and post their feelings on this as well...
Awesome. An early contender for CD of the Year 2007. Three listens in and it's probably going to be my favorite ND CD (replacing TPHD). The headspace seems to be similar to "Pale Haunt", but more evolved. If only the Opeth minions would take notice, you guys could quit your day jobs.

By the way, will Satan be getting a writing credit on the new disc? The opening riff (0:44 - 1:09) for "The Voice Of Failure" was clearly conceived in hell. You guys better play this monster when I see you at Powefest.:kickass:

Also worth noting, I love, love, love "Twilight Innocence". Just beautiful.


EDIT: by the way, I know Opeth comparisons aren't something the band is fond of. However, I wasn't comparing the two bands. Simply noting, it's hard to believe someone who loves Opeth wouldn't be quite fond of your music.

Thanks Zod! It's good to know you like it so much! Twilight Innocence is one I am most worried about. I read a review already that basically called me a pussy because of it. :lol:
I feel for the band. Obviously, this situation isn't unique to them; all CDs become available prior to their release. That said, I do believe the Metal community is pretty good about buying what they like. Regardless, hopefully this CD will bring the band the exposure they deserve.


well said, ND rules and i'm psyched waiting for this one.
Believe me, seeing the CD leak made me physically ill, and I am pissed beyond words, but it's not the fans fault, and I would be a hypocrite to tell people not to download it. I'm guilty of that myself for certain bands I adore. I'm not pissed a fan wants to hear it early. I only get pissed when people are disrespectful about it, and openly brag about it, and tell people where and how to steal our music. The real fans will buy it, if they download it or not, so fuck it, no need to keep it a secret, tell us what you think. I'd rather hear the thoughts of fans, then a lot of the brain dead reviewers out there anyway. The other guys can chime in and post their feelings on this as well...

I like your stance... since I would be considered guilty... :oops:

That being said, it is phenomenal and as soon as I see I can order it from The End... it is done, in a click of the mouse. Will be playing this on MSRCAST for sure.

I swear I must order twice a week from The End... :lol:
Thanks Zod! It's good to know you like it so much! Twilight Innocence is one I am most worried about. I read a review already that basically called me a pussy because of it. :lol:

I got my promo copy a few days ago, and i was waiting to listen to it until i could sit down and take it all in at once. I have to admit i don't usually keep up on ND, so i wasn't even aware that i was to be expecting a new album, but i must say i was excited. I'm a fan of the stuff i've heard, but i just haven't had the time to listen to a lot what with all the promos to review plus the shit i buy. Ugh, being a metal fan is a tough life i tells ya.

Point being: All this discussion about this particular track piqued my interest, so i put it in just now to listen to it. My first impression of THIS SONG ALONE is absolutely fantastic! I have yet to listen to the whole album, but this song is just amazing. It is so beautiful. Listening to the first track now and it is a nice way to kick off the album :headbang:

Novembers Doom > Opeth or most other music out right now. I really don't know why i haven't spent more time/energy/money on this band. I think that'll change. I'll post more comments later as i absorb the album more. Thanks for the music Paul and crew!
Thanks Zod! It's good to know you like it so much! Twilight Innocence is one I am most worried about. I read a review already that basically called me a pussy because of it. :lol:

lol you gotta love metal folks sometimes.

I found it earlier today, I havn't stopped listenning since... incredible disc.

Can't wait to see this stuff live, lol hopefully up in Toronto again :)