good point. I probably found ND from a review like 10 years ago, or whenever I found you guys. I still read reviews and every once and a while, I buy a cd based on a good review. Either way, sometimes the review is accurate, and others...well, yeah they suck lol/

I think as a band. it is great to hear what people that are qualified have to say about my hard work.

How did this thread get derailed again? I still haven't had time to re listen to the album yet. I will this week for sure, Being laid-off and all.
It's hard for me to make my point with this one... OK, let me try to start over...

Reviews are good, from a reputable reviewer. Guys who KNOW their shit, and don't do this just to get a bunch of free CD's. It's the guys who KNOW music, and respect the scene enough to give their reviews thought, and honesty, without being a total fucking jag off like the metal George's of the scene. Also, no reputable journalist will be a little cunt and leak music to look cool for the rest of their fucking basement dwelling, pimple faced shit bags, who get a stack of discs to review, and the first thing they do is rip them, and post them online.

Now, saying that, I have a lot of respect for a lot of reviewers. I DO think that they are important to the scene, and promotion for the band. I do feel however, you can cut down the promo list to about 50 or so people, who are trust worthy, and professional. I think the major zines and sites, including the guys here at Ultimate Metal, do a great job.

I stand by this though... Promos should NOT go out until the disc is already for sale. It will at the very least, give someone the opportunity to purchase the disc, if they choose to, at the same time it is available online for free. It would remove the temptation from those honest people, knowing they can get it. Also, as soon as they read a review that will entice them to buy it, can have almost instant gratification if they like the actual disc and artwork in hand. Leaks will never be stopped, but I think it can be minimized if everyone can get it at the same time.
Here's where I think reviews suck...I had read all the reviews for TNR here on the forum, both the professional ones in the locked thread, and the one's that the fans have post so far....I WANT TO HEAR THE GODDAMN THING NOW!! Still a few weeks away before Feb. 20, and I keep hearing how good "Rain" is (and from the sounds of things, it seems to be most peoples favorite song), and that whole CD rocks...Drown the Inland Mere is just fucking superb! Sounds like the whole CD is some kinda "WOW!"...yet, I still have to wait....I agree with Paul, if the CD were available now, I could read the review and then get the CD instantly...the wait is one thing, but people keep saying how good it is and I'm still waiting, well, fuck, goddamnit ;)
Listened to more of the cd today while on route to get my babies birth Certificate and do my taxes. It blew me away!!!! The first 3 or 4 tracks are so powerful, and then a nice break with the acoustic song. Very good production I must say too. A well rounded journey overall. I am definitely digging the album. Can;t wait to have a real copy though.
I've had The Novella Reservoir sitting on my hard drive for a few weeks now, but a number of factors had kept me from listening to much of anything. Yesterday, however, was a very different story.

I spun this album a good half dozen times throughout the day, and for as much as I like The Pale Haunt Departure, TNR is an incredible leap forward to these ears. The sound is immense, the dynamics incredible, and the overall flow of the album is excellent. While I don't think there's a weak tune on the disc, I'm currently enamored with the almost seamless movement from "Twilight Innocence" through "The Voice of Failure."

The sound is massive, but I'm eager to get my hands on a legitimate copy of this album so I can listen to everything as its meant to be heard. Although its very early in the year, I think I can safely say that The Novella Reservoir will rack up a lot of plays, and will very likely rank among the year's releases for me. Can't wait to hear some of this material at Powerfest.
Thanks for the nice remarks. I'm glad that people seem to be enjoying the new cd. As for the whole matter of ranking in year end lists and things like that....we always get a bit screwed there because our albums always come out either very early in the year or very late, so we either get forgotten or we miss the deadline! lol Honestly, we take all that stuff in stride anyhow, but I will admit that it'll be nice if people still have TNR fresh on their minds 10 months later :)
As was mentioned on another thread, supposedly The End Records site has short samples of each song on the album. Not sure if this helps or makes it worse for you! But it might help some of the curiosity.

Yes, the 60 sec. clips are great....and I think I know what Paul means at the beginning of "Rain", when he says, "Becoming one with madness, a choas to embrace...", he meant for those of us waiting for the CD!:p

Much looking forward to Feb. 20, not only for the CD, but the book too...I pre-ordered both:rock:

Thanks guys!:kickass:
One has to be critical when reading reviews. It's generally pretty obvious who has a clue, wants to say something relevant, or share a passion vs. who wants to collect promos, get listed for shows, and be "cool." Unfortunately the latter really took to the Internet and are much more present than they used to be. I can't recall picking up a non-local print mag and reading anything as bad as some of the unfounded illogical "criticism" out there.
Thanks for the nice remarks. I'm glad that people seem to be enjoying the new cd. As for the whole matter of ranking in year end lists and things like that....we always get a bit screwed there because our albums always come out either very early in the year or very late, so we either get forgotten or we miss the deadline! lol Honestly, we take all that stuff in stride anyhow, but I will admit that it'll be nice if people still have TNR fresh on their minds 10 months later :)

Haha yeah, I know what you mean. The Great Cold Distance came out in April here and it was tough to place it in my top 10 even though I am a huge Katatonia fan. I think that had a lot to do with me having listened to it about six thousand times. But, it did make there just because it was such a strong album. Same went for Ihsahn's solo release. Let's hope TNR stays in the rotation for a long while.
Dear Larry & Co.,

This letter is intended to serve you with notice of a possible lawsuit. "Rain" and "Drown the Inland Mere" are directly responsible for severe emotional distress. Whilst listening to a promo my chum loaned me on the train, I could not help but engage in some serious air guitar soloing. As if this were not humiliating enough, I then proceeded to grab an imaginary mic stand and mimic Paul's stage moves. This was especially shameful because work requires short-cropped hair essentially glued to my head so the mighty locks I flipped were "phantom hair." As a fan, I feel I cannot sue you. Please, however, be a bit less awesome in the future.



p. s. As this is the Internet, I feel compelled to mention that the above is a product of pre-7am-on-a-Saturday sarcasm/humor that I might regret when actually awake but find awesome now.
Okay....not sure why you didn't get it...I'll try to explain best I can.

Sometimes when you listen to new music (or even watch a new film, etc.), you're not instantly attracted to it, for whatever reason. Alot of times it's because the music is not simple and straightforward, and so it requires more listens to fully grasp and absorb it. Other times, it's because the music might not be the type of music you normally listen to, so you'll have a tendency to not really give it the proper attention it deserves, or allow yourself to adapt to it, so to speak. Or some times, when a band has a tendency to change their style a bit from what you're used to hearing from them, the shock of the style-change will initially turn you off, and you won't give it a chance. But then once the shock wears off and you come back and give it another, more open-minded chance, you find that you enjoy it for what it is. I had that happen to me when Voivod came out with "Angel Rat"...it was such a departure for them, at first I couldn't get into it and it took some time and many more listens before I really was able to appreciate it for what it was.

And also, I think sometimes the best albums are the ones that remain interesting and new even after many listens....those songs or albums that you still hear new things in every time you hear it. Those are the ones that have lasting power, and will continue to grow on you and impress you even after you've heard it many times.

All these reasons, and others I've not even touched upon, are reasons why I think it's good when people allow music to grow on them, rather than always going with their first, impulsive impression. Like I said before, it's always nice when people hear you for the first time and enjoy it....however, I'd rather that people perhaps get into our music and gradually learn to appreciate it more and more over time, and have real lasting power...rather than someone really liking our music when they first hear it, but then being tired of it and more or less forgetting about it a short while later.

I also realise that certain terminology like "grow on you" might seem odd to our friends here on the forum who don't have English as their first language, I apologise. Hopefully my explanation has made it more clear as to what I meant by that term.

Thanks a lot Larry..I get it..or atleast you made it more clear for me..I honestly had no idea what you mean by that expression..I'm probably one of those people who make you scratch your head,right?..I'm sorry ok..also I apologize for the late reply..

But I admit I'm one of those impulsive people who gets hit by the first few notes (not sure if that is the term for sound?..) but I hope you get my point!..
For christmas I got an album of a band I had never heard of before "Sylvan's,Posthumous Silence "..and I was totally blown away by the music and the story told thru that album,just amazing and soooo beautiful..and still till now I have to listen to it every day a couple of times,it made me cry my eyes out in the beginning..but now I listen to it in another way still emotional tho..simply cause it tells a real sad story..oh well,I just had to tell,I'm sure it has nothing to do with the above you mentioned lol..
Anyway to make a long story short...
I will try to let an album grow on me..I still have a problem listening to the last Arcturus and Opeth albums for example..maybe I should start with that and learn to apreciate it more.. :)
Ok so I forgot why I went into this thread, LOL!
The new album just get's better and berrer each listen.
So far I think the song that hit me the most (for obvious reasons) is Leaving This, that song is freaking amazing, wow! Also loved They Were Left to Die and Rain, overall and awesome album that grows with time! I hear a maturity that is of leaps and bounds! Holy shit I am really digging the album guys, congrats!