Watershed is a Watershed

I agree that Watershed allows Opeth to do whatever the fuck they want next time, but Steve Wilson? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO thanks.
Please no Steven Wilson in Opeth records anymore. I mean he is good in PT and Blackfield and all the other projects (In Absentia and Stupid Dream are supreme)...but everytime he works with a band I like (Paatos, Opeth etc.) he changes the band to a artifficial clean state of music. It becomes a little bit soulless. It becomes a little bit too much of a Steven project, if you know what I mean.
As we see on Orchid, Morningrise, MAYH, Still Life and Watershed, they make the best albums without him. :)
My taste is fine, I just don't have time to listen to less than excellent music. And, surely you can't be thick enough to seriously call into question SW's love for the penis?

I don't care about his personal life, which I doubt either of us know about, but as someone in this thread said before,

lol. benton and varg both epic fail.

steven wilson = genius.
NO. Steven Wilson is a fag. Work with Glen Benton next album or something. Or better, Varg Vikernes.

How about Opeth just stick to working with what they have?

Seriously, Wilson is great, but he seems to get too much credit whenever he works on a project. Not his fault, but his fans start thinking that whatever turned out good on a project he was part of should be attributed to him. I've seen many Porcupine Tree fans refer to Damnation as "Wilson's side project" or some shit, even though he only co-wrote 1 song on that album.

The most richly produced Opeth album was never touched by Wilson (that album is Watershed, if you were coming up blank). They don't need him. I would like to see a Mike/Wilson project, but leave the Opeth name off of it.

My 2 cents.
Seriously, Wilson is great, but he seems to get too much credit whenever he works on a project. Not his fault, but his fans start thinking that whatever turned out good on a project he was part of should be attributed to him. I've seen many Porcupine Tree fans refer to Damnation as "Wilson's side project" or some shit, even though he only co-wrote 1 song on that album.

The most richly produced Opeth album was never touched by Wilson (that album is Watershed, if you were coming up blank). They don't need him. I would like to see a Mike/Wilson project, but leave the Opeth name off of it.

Yeah, Wilson is great, and both Porcupine Tree and Blackfield are amazing, but I think the albums he produced would still be great Opeth albums without him....
Please no Steven Wilson in Opeth records anymore. I mean he is good in PT and Blackfield and all the other projects (In Absentia and Stupid Dream are supreme)...but everytime he works with a band I like (Paatos, Opeth etc.) he changes the band to a artifficial clean state of music. It becomes a little bit soulless. It becomes a little bit too much of a Steven project, if you know what I mean.
As we see on Orchid, Morningrise, MAYH, Still Life and Watershed, they make the best albums without him. :)

Ironic, since many many people consider Blackwater Park to be Opeth's greatest album.

I assume you're not talking to me, Lightbulb Sun.

But to the guy you're quoting, I don't think Wilson changed the band much. Mike's clean vocals on BWP were a lot like the ones he delivered on Still Life, and BWP was an evolution of Still Life in many regards.

Wilson brought great production to Opeth, particularly on the vocals, but he didn't seem to influence the songwriting too much (I think Mike said he helped a bit to develop a certain riff on "The Drapery Falls," but that's about it). The songwriting is the reason why people love BWP, I'd argue, not the production.

Also, not that this really matters, but it seems to me that BWP is more of a favorite with the less dedicated fans. I see hardcore fans usually quoting albums like Still Life or MAYH as their favorite over BWP.

BWP was my favorite Opeth album at first (I first heard them in 2004). By 2007, I'd kinda gotten over it and consider MAYH, Still Life, and Ghost Reveries to be better albums. And Watershed too, of course.

It is strange... it was the album that really got me into Opeth, and I thought it was so brilliant... but now it seems kinda boring to me. I'd rank it as my 5th favorite Opeth album. I still think it's good, but now I have to be in a certain mood to listen to it.
I consider myself quite a hardcore fan, yet BWP is my favorite. You can't generalize, dude...
It's cool. Hey, I might even be wrong with my "usually." It's just something I've started noticing after hanging out with hardcore Opeth fans - "huh, I'm seeing a lot of people saying BWP is NOT their favorite album... this is so different than what I'm used to seeing!"
I don't care about his personal life, which I doubt either of us know about, but as someone in this thread said before,

lol. benton and varg both epic fail.

steven wilson = genius.

Uhm., both varg and benton wrote music with actual musical substance. Wilson writes shiny pop songs ripped off from beatles rip offs. which is better?
:lol: It seems you, and me have a big difference on what substance is. I call something that sounds musical with focus on good song structure, which most important of all is dynamic, and diverse substance, and you call riff based middle school mentality garage band noise substance. Which is better?
:lol: It seems you, and me have a big difference on what substance is. I call something that sounds musical with focus on good song structure, which most important of all is dynamic, and diverse substance, and you call riff based middle school mentality garage band noise substance. Which is better?

There's a difference between something being genuinely musical and something with the mere appearance of being musical. Considerations like diversity, sound quality and to a lesser extent, dynamics, are aesthetic criteria and do not contribute to musicality.
No there's a big difference between something that the ear natural finds musical, and something considered noise. For instance a band that learns a few scales, and wanks over them in every track are going to sound like they're more interested in running a marathon than playing music or even worse people who never took the time to learn anything about their instrument at all. As opposed to real musicians who take the time to master not only the technicality of their instrument, but also the theory behind it. Because learning both opens seemingly endless doors in the musical spectrum that someone like Varg could only dream of when he's not thinking about how to end his pitiful existence. Same goes for someone who writes about personal experiences from being worldly, as opposed to someone who can only read about the world from a Jail cell. You're comparing girls softball to the Major Leagues. And just so we're clear about this I'm saying Varg plays catcher in soft ball on his cell block.
Uhm., both varg and benton wrote music with actual musical substance. Wilson writes shiny pop songs ripped off from beatles rip offs. which is better?

Please don't say that about Steven Wilson. The man IS a genius. Just take a look at his discography.