Watershed is a Watershed

No there's a big difference between something that the ear natural finds musical, and something considered noise. For instance a band that learns a few scales, and wanks over them in every track are going to sound like they're more interested in running a marathon than playing music or even worse people who never took the time to learn anything about their instrument at all. As opposed to real musicians who take the time to master not only the technicality of their instrument, but also the theory behind it. Because learning both opens seemingly endless doors in the musical spectrum that someone like Varg could only dream of when he's not thinking about how to end his pitiful existence. Same goes for someone who writes about personal experiences from being worldly, as opposed to someone who can only read about the world from a Jail cell. You're comparing girls softball to the Major Leagues. And just so we're clear about this I'm saying Varg plays catcher in soft ball on his cell block.

Let's just go along with your rant and say that Steven Wilson has mastered his instrument and theory of composition (I wouldn't know if this is true anyway). What is he going to do with it? Nothing is going to change the fact that he writes ultimately disposable pop songs. Pop culture references, comedic word twists, they are all either non-ideas or useless ones. Bringing up someone's talent does not establish anything. I have no doubt Justin Timberlake is a good singer, but if he doesn't use that talent to create anything worthwhile, then it's a useless talent. Varg understood the very essence of music and used it to communicate great musical and thematic ideas.
Let's just go along with your rant and say that Steven Wilson has mastered his instrument and theory of composition (I wouldn't know if this is true anyway). What is he going to do with it? Nothing is going to change the fact that he writes ultimately disposable pop songs. Pop culture references, comedic word twists, they are all either non-ideas or useless ones. Bringing up someone's talent does not establish anything. I have no doubt Justin Timberlake is a good singer, but if he doesn't use that talent to create anything worthwhile, then it's a useless talent. Varg understood the very essence of music and used it to communicate great musical and thematic ideas.

I actually tend to agree. I got into Steven Wilson and Porcupine Tree mostly through Opeth and was quite disappointed. Sure, they have a few catchy tunes and some good sound, but ultimately, he is right: Disposable pop songs at best. While this is strictly opinion based and I don't mean to offend anyone, PT just doesn't do it for me and I don't think they live up to the progressive hype that everyone gives them.

As far as Steven Wilson as an individual is concerned, I think he is a brilliant engineer and does marvelous things in the music world, but his lyrics are quite vague and pretty hollow. I respect his abilities, however.
Nothing is going to change the fact that he writes ultimately disposable pop songs.


The only PT albums I can think of that apply are Stupid Dream and Lightbulb Sun. Even with those 2 albums, they are anything but stereotypical. A bit Radiohead-ish, yeah, but still unique.

Earlier albums, like Signify, and later albums like In Absentia and Fear of a Blank Planet, go even further away from the pop norm. The only way I can see you thinking that Steven Wilson is a generic pop artist is because you are ignorant of his music.

The only PT albums I can think of that apply are Stupid Dream and Lightbulb Sun. Even with those 2 albums, they are anything but stereotypical. A bit Radiohead-ish, yeah, but still unique.

Earlier albums, like Signify, and later albums like In Absentia and Fear of a Blank Planet, go even further away from the pop norm. The only way I can see you thinking that Steven Wilson is a generic pop artist is because you are ignorant of his music.

In Absentia is as pop as it gets. You think extending the length of songs and adding mellotrons changes anything? Do you listen to anything besides popular music?
So you're trying to say songs like Strip the Soul, The Creator Has A Mastertape, .3 are pop songs? A total lack of knowledge is what you suffer from.

Not that there's anything wrong with pop songs. Hopefully you'll grow in time, and learn the errors of your ways. Really I don't know why I'm even arguing since you can't argue with ignorance.

Stay trU! :rolleyes:
In Absentia is as pop as it gets. You think extending the length of songs and adding mellotrons changes anything? Do you listen to anything besides popular music?

Well, you'd be silly if you were to say that PT don't have a pop/mainstream feel to their last few albums. But you're wrong if you think that all their albums are like that. The Sky Moves Sideways didn't have any short songs, or pop flourishes on it. (3 of the songs being over 16 minutes) And Up the Downstair couldn't be counted as pop-ish as well. Catchy yes, but to really be a pop band, I would think they would need to be played on the radio with some kind of frequency. Now mind you, I stopped listening to radio way back in 1990, but PT probably isn't being played alongside Disturbed, or Metallica, or Coldplay, or Brittney Spears shit.
Please no Steven Wilson in Opeth records anymore. I mean he is good in PT and Blackfield and all the other projects (In Absentia and Stupid Dream are supreme)...but everytime he works with a band I like (Paatos, Opeth etc.) he changes the band to a artifficial clean state of music. It becomes a little bit soulless. It becomes a little bit too much of a Steven project, if you know what I mean.
As we see on Orchid, Morningrise, MAYH, Still Life and Watershed, they make the best albums without him. :)

that's your opinion dude.for me the best opeth album is deliverance and bwp...and the worst orchid and watershed...

ps: i heard that SW helps anathema with the new album!omfg i can't wait for it's release :Smokin:
i'm still looking forward to the mikael akerfeldt/steven wilson collaboration project that mike has hinted at in the past. it would be awesome to hear them doing something together that wasn't opeth/porcupine tree. that said, i don't personally care about genres. ppl seem to be too concerned about opeth breaking genre boundaries or whatever, fuck that. they play they music that's in their hearts, they may have started out as a black metal band and now they've become progressive metal. doesn't necessarily mean that one is better than the other. doesn 't mean that they're "selling out" or whatever because they chose a label that might help them get some more sales, because roadrunner records seems to be sold in a good majority of american retail markets, dunno bout abroad, but anyway. whatever
Ironic, since many many people consider Blackwater Park to be Opeth's greatest album.

Even many more people consider Britney Spear's music better than Opeth. You are right, if a lot people say something, it has to be the truth for all. Especially when it comes to personal taste. Thank you for enlightening.