We all live dreaming, so... post here your feelings, your thoughts, your dreams!

Just watchin' LOTR, and re-reading the books (just beginning the third and last book) I felt that the whole mankind is really becoming slave of its advances and technological prosperity. Another good movie (where's my thread of movies? I forgot it!) that talks about that is "Instinct". We're living times of confort and we spend our time crying for things that really doesn't matter, things that don't put our life in danger or whatever. I don't know, I suppose we must think more about our dreams, and don't believe about them as a fantasies.

Mental note: Switch off the brain, maese |ngenius...
@|ngenius: in the past it was just the same, everybody felt like they were going through too much comfort and prosperity (except maybe during the xiv century plague epidemic, that is) and believed there had been some sort of golden age when mankind had truer values and a feeling for things that really mattered. well, it never happened. those are our dreams. you can't help but feel a longing for something. except it never actually was there in the first place. ;)

Yep, I didn't say that past times were better, just that nowadays we're living the opportunity to dream and fix hard goals...

And refering History, the classic Rome (or the classic Greece first, if you would) was a good reference (and far away in time) of the times we're living, despite the technological edge between both periods. They lived confort enough to spend time in intellectual works, and improve their life.

I don't dream with melancholy about better past times, if you got my point Sir, maybe my words caused a misunderstood. :)
@|ngenius: your words have caused some misunderstanding in the fact that right now i'm not sure what you meant anymore. ;)
you said mankind was becoming enslaved to technical progress: in respect to this, i think that pretty much happens in every culture at any given time. society becomes more and more complex and we can't just pull water out from the well anymore, we have to carry it everywhere through ducts and such. surely 2000 years from now (well, not surely ;) ) someone will think of these as carefree times when mankind was closer to its instincts.
then you said we pine for things that have no relevance, and that might be true but you have to give people credit for being able to choose what is worthy of relevance for themselves. i mean, i know that generally life is close to the top of the list, and in truth very few people would give theirs for nothing. when it comes to other people's life, well, that's another matter entirely. what are the things that matter to you that you find are being overlooked?

Argh! I pressed the TAB key and posted only the first part of the message. /me tonto.

I'm no trying to judge what really matters in life, and I'm the first worried by little relevant things. But sometimes that causes ppl to lose the north (that expression exists in english? :P), to lose their expectations, their forces.

Of course, the civilization (good video game, can we call the mankid as "civilizated"?) becomes more complex, that's the reason why I don't like to make comparisons between diferent times. We're living a concrete period of time in a concrete circumstances depending on our born place. Maybe the future will bring us a better life and comfort, but nowadays we should to think if we have comfort enough to find our way more easily. (I didn't say easy)
well you're right |ngenius but that doesn't make it easier for us to reach what we're searching! Our goals normally get at the level of the complexity of our society. In the past ages the expectations of life were much ehmmmmm simple(??)
I always think if humanity will ever have enough. And I don't know if that's a good idea though....
Knowledge is a strange thing, you could do the worst things in the name of knowledge and progress and still feel proud of having done them. And who knows if it was better for us to having not reach to know some things we now know....but hey, it's late and I'm not in the mood to discuss the matter of life, since I can't even find the matter of my own life....how judging the humanity then (but may be I ranted a little bit though)

fathervic (who lost the few sparks of sanity left in his head)
If you're asking about the way of the whole mankind, the answer could be too general and abstract (perhaps you can hear the voice of John Lennon singing about peace while Yoko "cable provider" Ono is closing the windows?). I wish see the mankind running wild and pride through a way towards the full understanding of itself, I wish to see some light above us that fills us of knowledge, bla, bla, bla... I believe that fight can be won.

About me? I wish to see more intelligence around me. :P

Btw: Coño, I like Projector by DT, I'm just beginning to hear their stuff.

i agree with the light above us filling us with knowledge, that would be nice and a good show besides. full understanding and peace on earth, on the other hand, are not sureshots for happiness, imo. if we're talking nirvana here (not the band ;) ), i think i'll pass.

as for being surrounded by intelligent human beings, that's necessary but - frankly - not enough.

as for being surrounded by intelligent human beings, that's necessary but - frankly - not enough.

step by step rahvin, step by step.....
once I find that the 50% (so that's at least the half!!!!!) of the ppl I know, to have some kind of coherent behaviour, and not dull conversation, not the automatic way of thinking (which I'm begining to have!) and somehow "alive" I'll try to search for more!
I usually search for more with the 100% of the ppl I meet in my way, but 55% are silly, 44% are drunked and silly, and the 1% is the Master of the Melons. But still searching! When I'll meet everybody, then I'll give you the correct information. :p
Originally posted by |ngenius
I usually search for more with the 100% of the ppl I meet in my way, but 55% are silly, 44% are drunked and silly, and the 1% is the Master of the Melons. But still searching! When I'll meet everybody, then I'll give you the correct information. :p

that means either you know just 100 people or father_vic is considerably fatter than what we thought. ;)

no, that means we knows 200 ppl but he knew me twice ;P

fathervic (who has learned how to take advantage of false statistics)
biblical is too much, may be tabloidal (even I guess that's too informal even!!!!!)

fathervic (who when it's come to talk about a compile of papers, looses his!)
Okay, this is completely out of topic, but has to do with this thread, so sorry if I interrupt your discussion.

Fantastic: I'll pass this NYD on bed because of this -ing fever. This means that I won't be with the person who's so special for me, that I won't even be able to drink the spumante, because it would cause me tremendous aches in my stomach...
Malveaux, that wasn't a discussion, that was a dying paranoia, thanx for the break.

Tomorrow I'll be at home, seeing an old person that isn't the grandmother of past times, my father saying useless things (or screaming them) until the sleep conquers his brain, my mother trying to convert that scenary into a christmas party and my brother playing Fifa 2002 or something. Do you want to change your NYD with me? Oh, and I haven't a special person to share the last feelings of this year with. It sounds so good.

Despite that description, I'm feeling fine, and my optimism hasn't decreased. Life is just a game that I should to win, and I'll do it.
ehmmmmmmm I'll be working the whole day aaaaaaaaaanddddddddd when I get home I'll have supper with my parents and then I'll watch Shrek alone on the sofa, fighting the worst shadows of the past!!!
I fear tomorrow!!!!!
Oh, I'll work tomorr... er... oficially today too. I forgot that point. Master Melon, just face the new year without painful voluntary liturgies, read my ICQ note.