|ngenius looks around him and sees nobody. He whispers, sits down at the floor and rests watching the stars, which are shining with a frozen brightness. The sky is enormous, wonderful and quiet. |ngenius' mind, who was playing cards almost the half part of his life (and sleeping the other half), starts to think, firstly slow and making a uproarius noise, and getting faster...
He whispers again, and his thoughts fly free around, his ideas about all concerning his life, his partners, his advantages, habilities and skills, his will and everything imaginable pass by his mind like a parade of funny dancers. Romantic feelings rise up quickly, they don't need to be called to rise.
Each second is sweet as the honey, and he wonders how can he feels as well tonight. There's a lot of work to do, but it doesn't matter, he's not alone, he's surrounded by ppl that give him support, love and care. And that's sufficient to encourage him. All could be possible, there are millions of beautiful things to see, millions of ppl to meet, millions of hearts to fill up. It's hard the learning to live, but he knows he can do it. And he will.
|ngenius (who finds himself still dreaming)