We all live dreaming, so... post here your feelings, your thoughts, your dreams!

so act quickly....

and well "don't shake me I explode" could be the great topic for a new thread :)
I also have same problem when direct light comes to me, water, coffe, beer and chalk touches me!

and as you may have notice, I always try to avoid exploding myself, just got used to be in one piece
Originally posted by FatherVic
oh! now I see you haven't understood me!
I just not only prayed for Rahvin to come....I did and then made some smoke signals (and previously I went to "Old Cheyenne" classes to learn how to draw a beautyful "Come back you damned Italian" in the sky with some smoke clouds!

i never watch the sky, in case some catalan just decided to post me some messages there. ;)

but it seems i'm back after all. i had to take an exam and do a couple of other interesting things that kept me away from this board for a while. i'd like to join in again on the discussion between |ngenius and atlantis about not getting what you want, though it's a little later for catching up.
so i'm just going to express my pov briefly, for now. i mostly agree with |ngenius: one should never give up on the grounds of some mental struggle, because there's just too much at stake both for you and other people. unfortunately, though, i must say that my problem right now is being denied a chance for happiness. so i know how depressed people of all shapes and size feel. there is no helping it. and yet.

I said all I wanted about that, so I let the other ppl to reply if they wish to.

There is a thing 'bout Rahvin I like specially, he can alternate between the absurd paranoia and the serious threads with naturalness. I think there are so many ppl hiding behind a forced smile, afraid to express themselves, and ppl afraid too, but behind a serious face of stone. Let your ideas fly away, and express yourself as well as you can, both in paranoic and serious threads. That's the true intelligence. Ain't reason to be afraid.

Originally posted by the "pizza eater":

- "i never watch the sky, in case some catalan just decided to post me some messages there."

You don't know how persuasive our catalan president Pujol could be...
Originally posted by |ngenius
There is a thing 'bout Rahvin I like specially,

:hotjump: :hotjump:

as for the rest of your post, it's not as if i'm always in the mood for funny posts... some days really are a bitch and i can't help but feeling as if everything that matters is out of reach. it's just that i have some sort of overgrown feeling for ridicule. i sometimes even think about what i said in dire circumstances and i'm like, 'well, that has to be the most ludicrous piece of crap i've ever said in my life'. so it all makes some sense after a fashion: it's not that my being an idiot cheers me up particularly, but at least i can still notice. ;)

rahvin. (wanted: absurd paranoid)
Oh, you're just an idiot and "ludicrous" is the correct word to define your posts. I'm clever, my english is better than the english itself (eing?) and I'm walking through the street with a pink panter and watching my brain dance over a bloody floor.

I know you're human, the only robotic partner here is a fuckin' crazy catalan who's trying to save the world. So, I know (and hope I'm not alone in the belief) you can go wrong, you have bad days, you have an ass and you have nasty thoughts with naked girls. But if you assume the responsibility of change your pov if you're wrong, if you can express your opinion and how to invent an amazing paranoia, if you can laugh and cry... you're one step closer to that strange thing called "wisdom", if you know what I mean.

|ngenius (still far away of the absolute wisdom)
so, I'm the pink panter????

and we all have rahvin, those days (weeks) when everything seem a little worthless....Now thankfully for me, the ones I care are not out of reach, but well are still very far away from me at the same time! It's just time I try to get closer and closer. You wouldn't be human (or robot) or you just would be stupid, if you hadn't bad days/weeks/months/years. That would be unnatural!

fathervic (in and out)
I love your movies FV, that damn detectives always after you.......

Final Vision (Wishing he had something serious to add.......but he doesnt........... :cry: )
@|ngenius: i don't think that i'm an idiot and i have some doubts about the panther stuff, too. ;) it's just that at times i act like one (idiot, not panther) and this is disquieting, but funny.

@fathervic: i know bad days happen, but i can also see something wrong with the structure of my life when i feel i have a very bleak outlook, no perspectives, and i can't have what i want out of life.

Originally posted by rahvin i don't think that i'm an idiot and i have some doubts about the panther stuff, too. ;) it's just that at times i act like one (idiot, not panther) and this is disquieting, but funny.rahvin.

Yeah, I knew that you know that I know that... you know what I mean, don't you?. To agree is chupi indeed.

Ohh, perspectives, you said you're near of reaching a goal. So... that is a perspective, that focused goal doesn't give you the perspective, the direction? (You don't need to explain yourself, but you started the engine of my mind thirsty of answers) :D

|ngenius (praying God for an answer about all)
@|ngenius: i like your posts, they keep me company for all the time i spend trying to decipher what brilliant intuitions hide between the lines. :)
perhaps a brief explanation - not an answer - will do: i do see a goal, as in that's where i'd like to be. but i know i cannot be there and the decision is not in my hands. so i think: instead of a perspective i have a wall.
the thing with walls is: you never see one until you have some idea of what's on the other side. my wall is transparent. hence the cause of my growing pains. ;)
if you think i wasn't clear enough, well, suit you. :p

rahvin. (praying god for |ngenius to be around for a long long time, and he really means it)
Yep, so, following with the metaphor of the wall... I know how painful is to see your wishes through it on the other side. I won't say anything to encourage you, 'cos I know nothing about the issue. But sometimes ppl can pass through walls that seemed too high to climb.

|ngenius (Planning his climbing on the Everest)
@rahvin: well and sledgehammer once enlightened you, why wouldn't it help to you??? I wouldn't even bother in climbing but beating that wall off (and then you could sell bits out as done with the Iron Wall (which was made of concrete and not iron though))

same problem is happening to me in a way, but my wall it's not only transparent but also have some little holes in order I can hear what's on the other side (hours and hours :D ). But it's some days since I just decided to buy this Wall2Dust TM and just destroy that goddamed wall...I know that the works will take 2 years, but well once I'm on the other side everything will be LIGHT
I suppose on the other side there's not ehmmmm PEACE FOR EARTH and sort of goal sooooooooo I asume it's not THAT impossible, specially when you know a wizzard can do it all!!! ;)

fathervic (beyond his own comprehension)
@|ngenius: i tried walking through it. that's how i noticed it was there first. *ouch!* :eek:

@fathervic: no, peace on earth is not even close to what's beyond the wall, unless i suddenly decide to wreak havoc on everything in sight if i don't get past the damn barrier. ;) i'd like to borrow the wall2dust tm suff when you're finished with it. two years are quite ok. i would settle for ten. and, well, nothing is impossible for a true wizzard, it's just that unfortunately not everybody has read terry pratchett, so they don't know. :cry:

but you have! and it's you who have to choose where to spare that extra Z :D

fathervic (trying to say to himself everything's possible and taking in consideration the rest of ppl try to believe that, as well as he is trying to do so!)
Yep, sure, everything is possible, and maybe when the storm has passed and the calm returns, the sun shining high in the sky and the birds singing like Joselito, you can see the truth, looking back over your shoulder and seeing the way and its difficulty, and smiling if you rode it with success.

But Rahve and others (me included) are in the start of the path, an uncertain point that is confussing us, because isn't easy to decide the best way to do it chupi, or simply how to do it. So, if I can advice something, just choose a direction, and force your mind to think all is possible and this fight be won, after all. Think about your skills, how lucky you are of have them!

Btw: I like to hear other opinions, other ideas, other contributions. If you don't like this subject and you're reading this, you can change the direction of the thread to new interesting horizons. Thank you!

|ngenius (Still missing some intelligence around!)
|ngenius looks around him and sees nobody. He whispers, sits down at the floor and rests watching the stars, which are shining with a frozen brightness. The sky is enormous, wonderful and quiet. |ngenius' mind, who was playing cards almost the half part of his life (and sleeping the other half), starts to think, firstly slow and making a uproarius noise, and getting faster...

He whispers again, and his thoughts fly free around, his ideas about all concerning his life, his partners, his advantages, habilities and skills, his will and everything imaginable pass by his mind like a parade of funny dancers. Romantic feelings rise up quickly, they don't need to be called to rise.

Each second is sweet as the honey, and he wonders how can he feels as well tonight. There's a lot of work to do, but it doesn't matter, he's not alone, he's surrounded by ppl that give him support, love and care. And that's sufficient to encourage him. All could be possible, there are millions of beautiful things to see, millions of ppl to meet, millions of hearts to fill up. It's hard the learning to live, but he knows he can do it. And he will.

|ngenius (who finds himself still dreaming)
|ngenius is not alone. rahvin sits on a rock nearby, and he dreams also, through blood-encrusted eyes and sleep-struck brains.
rahvin opens his mouth as if to say something, but the pattern of the stars as it shines in the depths of rahvin's soul tells him that the time is not now, and silence is golden as it should be.

rahvin. (finding himself still alive)
I'm sorry I can't follow this poetic thing :cry:

Anywayz, I believe that the time when talking will be golden might come. I'd love to say it will, but noone knows.

I'm not sure silence _should_ be golden, maybe words and deeds ought to be...

I do think that some people, if not all, deserve happiness.

Siren (who thinks rahve and |ng should write a book, novel, poem or something together)
Originally posted by Siren
Anywayz, I believe that the time when talking will be golden might come. I'd love to say it will, but noone knows.

I do think that some people, if not all, deserve happiness.

Siren (who thinks rahve and |ng should write a book, novel, poem or something together)

i'm afraid i can write short novels only in italian. english might be an option for the future, but i still have some work to do about that. ;)

the time to talk will come, although i doubt it will be any colour but black.

i think that all people deserve a chance to find happiness, but there's a price to pay. think of me as a bank robber. :)

Yep, same in my case, I only used to write short stories in spanish, my english needs to improve, and it will take some years.

Totally agree with that italian bank robber, ppl deserve a chance, but the chance deserves an effort by our side too. :D

And... is not the time for rest in silence, just talk, dream, my greek siren, that will be boring soon if you won't.

|ngenius (This is your chance to talk and be heard)