@siren: in italian 'flame' is of the female persuasion, too. this is not an excuse, though.

as for the questions troubling your mind, it's probably better to adopt a more immediate approach, one where you don't get lost in afterthoughts all the time. it's not as if i'd suggest you take something to the limit, just try to ignore the strain and see if the breaking point gets closer.
@|ngenius: i like long posts too, but hearing from alfred almost every day of my offline life is sometimes enough to wish for a little more emphasis on synthesis and simplicity on his part.
the car driving stuff wasn't exactly a metaphor, more like an example, but anyway i get your point about bad feelings and i do agree: we have to learn from experience. unfortunately, 'broadband' feelings like shame or fear or joy or disappointment tend to rise up in many different situations. i can single out specific issues and avoid them, but i'm bound to stumble upon fears and other bad feelings anyway. so my view is that it matters
less if they're alcohol- or car driving- induced.
i don't know what the problem in hell might be, either... perhaps central heating?

i'm waiting. i hope i'm gonna like what i'll see.
@thanatos: i would never encourage ignoring questions. one should maybe try to answer as best as he can, and then, if he feels there is no answer available, try again. and then, if he feels there is still no answer available, maim everything in sight until the answers start to pour out. and then, if he feels there is still no answer available, break down and cry and plead for answers. and then... oh, i think there
has to be yet something else to do.
@bluemoon: thanks for the words of praise. we enjoy your lurking.
@serenla: you didn't tell me you wanted to be part of the show.

there's a thread for newbies you might want to visit, btw.
as for alibis, i feel at 83 you have very few alibis for
not having reached your goal yet, but you probably don't care at all either way, so you might just say that you wish you were 83 in order to be very very careless, especially 'round the groin region.
stop to wonder = to stop
and to wonder
stop wondering = not to wonder anymore
and you're not 24 yet.
rahvin. (digging deep into the pitch black pudding-like maelstrom of the universal soul, whatever that means)