We all live dreaming, so... post here your feelings, your thoughts, your dreams!

@Serenla: "you are surely the kind of person I could fall in love with." <---- Your twisted thoughts aren't so twisted at all, you're direct as a shoot.

Ok, nothing more to say by my side about dark sides, because I don't know my dark one. And about the fear, you're right to use the word "mostly", because there are more reasons to feel afraid. But don't be afraid now, I won't theorize about the causes of fears. :D

In any case, it's difficult to advice or talk about feelings you can't describe (and I can't read and understand). Sorry, my greek siren.

|ngenius (there's no little perfect life... yet :) )
|ngenius bis (Surely the kind of robot nobody could fall in love with)
Originally posted by |ngenius
But don't be afraid now, I won't theorize about the causes of fears. :D

|ngenius bis (Surely the kind of robot nobody could fall in love with)

that would just be fear of pain again, i'm afraid. :D

everybody needs a robot some time in their lives. besides, i like your personality: i know that if you were a girl you'd be the kind of girl i should fall in love with.
it's the best i can do, sorry. :p

Oh, it was a joking "bis", following with the phrase of serenla, I'm a bit evil sometimes. But one thing is true: I'm the main attraction for those "bat factors" out there (Melon knows what I'm refering with that).

If someday I'll become something like a girl, I'll request you your telephone number. *seductive robotic waves as a smile* (Arghh! It sounds like a threat, a determination to inflict harm on you!! But it could be a pleasant torture, I promise)

|ngenius (too sweet, too acid, too variable...)
@siren I know exactly how you feel, fear is horrible. Fear bogs down my life in ways i can barely comprehend. If I could actually release myself of fear (which seems impossible at my point in life?) I would be so much happier, but I think if you can control it your ultimately a happier person. I think that if you hide feelings, or thoughts in the back of your mind itll eat up up, and end up hurting more than the pain of releasing it. I dont think I have those, but I cant tell i know exactly what your talking about...Ive been in a few cases where I make my mind think one thing because I dont wanna look at it like it is........its really hard, for me it was...
@|ng: About that post on the other thread, well that is some dream of mine, I just wish I could spend my whole life traveling around the world, no luxuries, no travelling mates, just me moving from place to place, watching the world go around without getting involved with it, as I've never had the need to be a part of the world/society/humankind/whatever, but have been forced to it.

@Siren: Nothing seems to catch my interest for too long, like if I was burned out on everything, don't know why but I hate the feeling, and the very few beings that were able to ignite some flames to light my darkness escaped my grasp and left me with the usual life annoyance.
As for your question, I think it's a matter of self acceptance,not that sure, but I think that I may know what this “dark side” is about, but the fact that it is a “dark” side doesn’t mean that it has to be something “bad”, and I don’t like trying to explain myself with concepts of good and evil because I think there’s none, you may have a dark side but it doen’t mean that this feelings and thoughts are something wrong, they just are there and you have to accpet them in order not to be bothered by them...uhhhh, I hope you understand my writing, I had a hard time trying to make myself clear, hope it helps you.
Thank you all for your replies. I'm going to bed now, so i'll just say to Thanatos really fast that i get what you mean :)
senla ehmmm well thanx :D

@siren well if it's the dark side of your reality you haven't faced...well then I can't understand why you don't know if it's there or not....I'm mean, you can't fear facts you don't know... of course you can fear "ignorance" or "not_knowing_future" but still those are facts you know. So if you fear taking some decisions then you know which decisions are to be taken but may be you don't know what will come out of that...but actually if you don't want to get that way, you always can give your back to them!
well as kind thanatos told me....
I'm feeling sad...
I can't help it....I don't know much why I'm like this....I had a little missunderstood with my ONE, and well actually I miss her a lot! We didn't broke (don't take me amiss, please) but still I miss her a loooooot. I can't explain you more....but well just so you could understand my mood tonight....and I know you can't help....but at least you deserved a line, my friends....

Dani, si hablas te mato vale??? ni coñas ni hostias!

@fathervic: can't you just reach her right now and try to make things alright again? if you feel so sad it's probably a good time to settle matters.
and i don't know who dani might be, but please don't kill him. ;)

not that easy man...not that easy

and well Dani....ehmmmmm he knows who he is....that should serve for now, and well may be I won't kill, if he's a good kiddie :rolleyes:
You 're right. And maybe it's not even his fault. I just wrote that in case this is what happened :)
i think rahvin is right....
talk with her....
even if you don't want.........closing yourself and leaving her outside doesn't help......

edit: correcting my shitty english
All we know who Dani might be, but we will say nothing, won't we? Anyway, I'm pretty sure that if Dani was here, in his opinion the wrong way is to say incomplete things. The fact that a Melon tell something incomplete is just 'cos he's wanting to be asked for. Otherwise, just say nothing (as somebody I know used to do and is NOT my advice). But I reckon Dani is still there, somewhere, despite the threat of kill him, waiting and allowing that everybody reckon about his decisions, and supporting them.

@Thanatos: Refering to your dream, I can say that is feasible. I know many ppl that did it, and now they're travelling around the world. And they aren't rich men at all!!

But I'm a bit surprised about that feeling you talked about, the difficulty to be interested on something. Just 'cos I'm feeling the same way, even with the ppl around me (almost in my city). I'm feeling a bit out of all, as an observer of my own life, but not caused by an absence of acts by my side, if you know what I mean. I used to say that God put me on Earth to play the game without a pawn.

|ngenius (Chupi)
Vic, cheer up friend. Too many people sad today........yes, papi vic, get in touch with her if thats whats ailing you. No need to be sad! Or maybe we just dont understand, in any case, dont feel so bad friend :).

Strangely enough I had a good day, maybe thats just the effect I have, when im happy, people are sad. Maybe I should be more depressed more often ;)
uhmmmm well no, you guessed wrong...it was not my ego....I have not much ego...but sometimes ppl are bound to pass some "tests" when they are getting to know each other....and well some differences between us just arose and it's sometimes difficult to explain yourself something the other one took amiss!!!

And no |ng, I wasn't expecting everybody asking (afterall you don't know me as much as I thought! :confused: ) it's just that Thanatos told me yesterday to post my sadness here and that's why I tried, but well couldn't explain myself better, yesterday night!

and about killing that Dani was implying of that Dani making jokes and riddles of my situation...that's the only stuff...

And today we talked a lot and everything is fine....sometimes I'm too selfish, I've been that way for 22 years sooooooo it's hard to change it in one month....but well I'm ready for a change, now that I find something that really worths everything :D
thanx dudes :)

fathervic (at home, once again)
@Fathervic: I'm glad you're fine now Venancio.

Tal vez yo no sea Dani ni tenga tu teléfono, pero si me regalas un coño o unas hostias te estaría muy agradecido :lol: