We all live dreaming, so... post here your feelings, your thoughts, your dreams!

Yep, I thought to go abroad too. The thought is still fresh in my mind, and considered as a feasible way to go through in the future (a very close future, in fact, maybe earlier than Melon Man).

But reckon about the problems or obstacles you will see in your way, your parents won't be there to support you in an economical way, it will be hard to start as a foreigner in a foreign place, where in the best of the cases you know a reduced group of ppl. The language could be a barrier too, and the main factor is the job, you know it's hard to find the right job you're looking for. Your friends and family will be away, and it could be painful.

After a good reckoning about all these terms, you'll be able to enjoy of the advantages of be abroad, improving about the new culture you're living in, analyzing the reality in a more objective way, experiencing another life style...

The advantages ponder in my mind over the disavantages. I NEED to improve, to see more things and specially to experience new sensations. And the hard side of the issue will be a part of the prize I should to pay, the effort by my side.

|ngenius (not prepared... yet)
Originally posted by |ngenius
But reckon about the problems or obstacles you will see in your way, your parents won't be there to support you in an economical way, it will be hard to start as a foreigner in a foreign place, where in the best of the cases you know a reduced group of ppl. The language could be a barrier too, and the main factor is the job, you know it's hard to find the right job you're looking for. Your friends and family will be away, and it could be painful.

yes that's the point. exactly. but on the other hand i'm of the opinion that being thrown in the cold water will force me to use my skills and wits to keep up. this could be very frustating and depressing at first, but i think i will be a stronger person if i can look back and say that i made it all alone in a foreign country (if i actually make it :) . maybe i will always think of what i am missing if i stay here. maybe i will never do the great step; it would be a lot easier with a partner, but that seems quite far away right now. so i don't know... i want, and i don't.

vc... not prepared either
Heh, it seems lots of us want to go abroad :)

Well, i'm not considering living abroad permanently, even though this could happen in the farther future... I believe it would be hard for me, mostly on the emotional side.

But i would love to live in a foreign country (wondering which one... ;) :p) for a short while, ie 3 or 6 months. I'm actually checking the possibilities to do so, and hopefully i will do it through my uni in some time (maybe a year? who knows...).

@Siren: I'm afraid you're not talkin' about go abroad to live, you mean a pretty holidays. There's a bit difference with what our german friend VC pretends, and the risks and obstacles are considerably inferior (I didn't say they don't exist).

@VC: Just what I thought, it's easier with a partner. But I'm afraid we don't have the jurisdiction to decide. Just see the possibilities and do.

|ngenius (waiting for the Rahvin's lesson about all this :D )
@|ng: I know what i'm talking about :D
I made clear that i'm not talking about living abroad permanently, and i do understand how different and difficult this is. :)
But i'm not talking about vacation either, since it would include studying in another uni for a short period.
I will also go abroad....straightly after finishing with my goddamned degree :)mad: )..... i've mentioned that millions of time i think :) and i've also mentioned to which country i want to reside (in the beginning at least).....

somehow i am doomed to go abroad,since i want to try to get some post-graduate education and since i am totally disappointed by the greek educational system and especially this crap university i was oooh so eager to get in - :rolleyes: - i'll try do this abroad....

well....*cough* you can also see studying as a chupi reason to live this country.....

yet....there is another more interesting side on my plan which is the most important one actually ;) ... i won't reveal many details ... but i can say it has to do with a super being I;m planning to share my abroad presence :) and well who knows....maybe we'll even end up to some other country in the end ....i only care for being close to that person.... :)

I know living abroad will be a hard step...but it's something i long to do...i'm already saving as much money as i can for that...and well i guess as a student i will have it a bit easier,but even later when i'll have to search for some serious job, I'll probably make it...It's a big challenge for me....and now that i'm not alone in that plan anymore it gets even more exciting....
For sure it's hard but many people have achieved that....even some people from my family left their countries to live abraod in even harder times....
as for the language....nah,i don't think it will be any significant obstacle....

well....to those who have similar plans or dream about it.... keep dreaming and trying :) and remind yourselves that although it hard it is something achievable..many people have done that...you can also do it!! and despite a possible hard start i suspect that if successful such an experience will pay off for all the trouble and fill one with some kind of strength :)
Good luck to all of us dreamers!
well |ng, you know which my fears are on that!
the economical help it's not a problem for me, since I wanted to leave my home when 26, I'll do it when 24 so I don't really find much difference. My friends?? well I can hold contact with internet, most of them I see them even more through the net that live!
My real problems are not having my family with me. They have been my reason to live up to now. Not seeing my lovely niece with me will be a very sad thing. But well at least I'll bring my girlfriend with me, so that's all I need :)
Another thing is the language, I know I'm starting Swedish next summer, buuuuuuuuut I know that I won't have a fluent Swedish by that time...but well I'll be forced to learn ;)
and the other little problem is the weather, I need the SUN, I'm so used to it, as I'm used to breathe!!!! but well I suppose after some months I will get along with it, if it doesn't nag me I won't nag it either :p

for the rest I guess I'm on the right things, got money (actually saving more), learning the language, finishing my degree...now I think I should tell my parents....a clue how??? :lol:

fathervic (totally prepared and longing for the CHANGE)
Originally posted by |ngenius
@Thanatos: Refering to your dream, I can say that is feasible. I know many ppl that did it, and now they're travelling around the world. And they aren't rich men at all!!

But I'm a bit surprised about that feeling you talked about, the difficulty to be interested on something. Just 'cos I'm feeling the same way, even with the ppl around me (almost in my city). I'm feeling a bit out of all, as an observer of my own life, but not caused by an absence of acts by my side, if you know what I mean. I used to say that God put me on Earth to play the game without a pawn.

|ngenius (Chupi)

I wanted to discuss that when I read it, but I had a good reason to stay away from this particular thread, I had this problem and din't want to write about it till I could give good news...

About the time I was posting my "useless thread" and worrying about pusillanimities, my best friend was getting kidnapped, this was the second time and I was fearing I wouln't see him again but thankfully my pessimism was wrong this time and tonight I have him by my side again, I have so many things in my mind right now, maybe I'll talk about them in a future post but for now I just want to share my happiness with all of you. :)
@FatherVic: I don't want to spoil it for you, but have you thought the possibility, however remote it may be, of something going wrong and breaking up with your girlfriend? :confused:
I don't want to be pessimistic, but this could happen either before or after you've moved in Sweden... And the "after" case is quite scary...
I sure wish from my heart that this doesn't happen, but you should be prepared for both the best and the worst... :)

@Thanatos: Kidnapped.....................................?
I hope this never happens to you (ie your friend) or to anyone else again.......
I'm happy it turned out well :)
I would love to live abroad, I think. I think its more that I would like to see the world, I would die to take me and my best friend and go to Europe, and just travel the country. Several problems impeed this idea tho........like money. Its gotta be insane to do that, a lot to travel anyway. I mean shoot its already like I got family over there, shoot over to Sweden and stay with the Grand Nagus himself, shoot over to Germany and hang out with VC for a while, fly over to Spain, drop in on that damn catalan robot and master melon, than run over to Greece where Im already owed a personal tour by the Siren herself :D , than Mel can come on over and well go bar hopping everyday! MUWHAH! :lol:

Id be nervous about being in a new country tho, itd seem so big, i wouldnt really know anyone, ok I wouldnt know anyone, and the language barrier and all, it would be a strange experience indeed........

@FV Hope everything works out for you papi vic, you deserve to get out and have some fun ;)
@F_V: If you would die how would you get to see Europe with your friend? :confused: :p
Uh, and i hope that by "go to Europe, and just travel the country" you don't mean that Europe is a country, do you? :D :p
As for the tour, it's a deal ;) :D
uh of course not...........uh.......i meant the countryside........uh yeah......thats it :lol: Just a mess up on my part hehe.

Dont try and back out on the deal now, I WON THE CONTEST! ;)
@Thanatos: That is scary. Your best friend has been kidnapped two times? I find that shocking and frightening, probably as kidnappings rarely happen here where I live. I am glad he is okay. That is a really horrible thing to go through.
I would love to live in a foreign land (especially Europe)... but it is probably not a possiblity. I do not know any other languages very well, and I have not travelled anywhere by myself before.

My parents would also be worried sick as I am their only child (they would fear something bad happening), and I am not used to travelling by myself (I am only used to being by myself :) ). I also don't have much money, and my future career will only make me a middle class income. I would also be quite nervous and annoyed about not knowing how to communicate properly with others. My career is also not in demand in other countries, so that limits, if not stops, my ability to move anywhere.

As for stories about starting a new in a foreign country: my father immigrated to Canada at 18 without any higher education (only high school, and not very high marks), minimal English knowledge, and no money, being from a family which lived in poverty in a housing project. He, my mother, and I are doing well now -- we are middle-class, own our home. I just thought about my parents, since today is their 20th wedding anniversary. :)They also still kind of like each other which is rare for couples who have been married so long. :lol:

For anyone who wants to move to another country, go for it. You can make it; since most of the people here do have money, good language skills and knowledge, lots of education and no severe circumstances that force you to move elsewhere. As for me, I feel a bit jaded, so I will probably just settle for living and working in the frozen wastelands of Edmonton, Canada.

The only way I could live in a foreign country is if I married someone from another country (band member? :D) and had to move. (That is my dream. :) ) My folks would still be worried about me, especially if I was only about 18 or 20. :lol:

:bah: Almost no one, except for Rahvin, feels like visiting Edmonton. We do have a big mall. It may be the cold weather that will prevent people from visiting... Maybe a few of the guys here are afraid of me. :lol:
i think a lot about moving. particularly i think about moving some paperwork from this desk onto someone else's. ;)
as of now, i don't see leaving home for good as something that could happen tomorrow. i have a job (posting on this board, clearly) and i wouldn't want to leave my friends because i love them too much ( :cry: ). on the other hand, i'm sure i'd feel pretty dumb if i were to spend the rest of my life in the same town, same country. i want to see the world and widen my views, but for now this has to be limited to vacations and - with a little luck - university projects. in a while things might change, but i'd still need a different job and some significant other to share the will to leave with. i still have neither in sight, though, which means they're hiding together someplace where my significant other is stealing my new job. :)

@fathervic: boys say go. that's not about the beauty of acting out of a whim: that's about the beauty of changing one's lifestyle for the better. if you feel excited about it and don't belong to the kind of ppl that would feel excited just about anything until they actually start doing it, well, this is a very good thing you have in your hands. be it for a girl, for studies or running away from the police, going abroad might prove so enriching you'd eventually forget why you came and would want to stay anyway. ;)

@siren: i don't think it's so terrible even if they do break up, as long as this doesn't happen the day after he traveled all the way to sweden. after all, he will find friends and maybe even someone else in that same country, with time, and there are things that are worth the risk even if in the end we find ourselves in a very different situation.

@Siren: Pay attention to the words of Rahvin, he's right but he's going too far. Don't think about a situation that doesn't happened yet, the wise way is to reckon about the advantages and disadvantages a priori, and after using your mind, just
follow your heart. The first estimation is ok? So, if you don't try it you won't hope.

In the particular case of Melon I don't care, 'cos I know him deep enough to know he won't fall wherever he goes, his coherence precedes his passion. And before his leaving, he should listen some words by a robot...

@Final_Vision: You're quite welcome here, I tell you. If the only barrier is to save money... I think you're the one with less obstacles to overcome (except the Atlantic ocean, and I think there are things called airplanes who can help you a bit).

@Thanatos: Glad to see your friend is back safely again. You can talk about all you want, you know it so well, though. If we don't follow your subject, persist! :D

@Rahve: Hummm.... I think my significant one is the best friend of your significant other, and both are stealing the jobs we are dreaming for!!! But they cannot hide permanently...

|ngenius (dreaming all the time)
well Siren, I've been thinking quite a lot on this....yeah....it's one of the fears....but this is one of those fears latent but not really a burden.
Why??? well I was on a relationship that everybody had for "sure" it was something to last forever and after more than 5 years it went bad. So it really doesn't matter where I do bring my love, it always could happen again. It's absurd to say I KNOW it won't be wrong, everything can happen these days, but at least I've learnt that it could happen here, in Sweden or in Greenland!!! So I can choose two ways, either do I refuse any love in my life again (since all the love I'd take has possibilities to fail) or I do take it with the strongest will!!!! I chose the second, and even I know there are possibilities of not going that well, I don't care much, I've given my heart, and I've got a heart back aswel!. So what the hell, I'll jump into it...and squeeze my love just hoping and trying time not to say I was wrong!!
Now I have this, and is the most passionate and deep love I've ever felt, why should I leave it aside??? hell no!!!!! I'll enjoy it to the max....and I'll give it all for that, 'cause is the most important thing for me....no work, no family, no friends but my heart!!!
aaaaaaaaaand if someday it doesn't end happily I always have two options, try again (there in Sweden or here in Spain) or just stop searching love, since once I had and didn't end in the way I expected it to be....but hey,time will say...I'm just with my heart this time....I'll hear my head later ;)
the big burden is to loose my family here....but even that is bearable with the best company :)

@rest: thanx for sharing your thoughts (encouraging or not me) it makes me feel somehow special :)

@thanatos....damn!!!! that's something horrible....I'm sorry you had to pass through something like that!!!! I had my wristwatch stolen in Mexico 3 years ago by two bastards with a gun in my head....and it was something really difficult to get out of my head...the feeling of being useless and helpless....at least he's now OK....enjoy him as much as you can!!!!!!!

fathervic (dreamy)
@Papi: This is all i wanted my catalan friend, to make sure you've thought about this possibility, so that the worst (ie you breaking down all alone in another country) will be avoided. :)
Of course the first time of adjustment is the more crucial and difficult. Once you go through this successfully (of which i have no doubt ;) ), i'm sure you'll do just fine and that you'll be able to deal with any situation :)
And i have to tell you i found some wisdom in the words you said, i think you are right...

Siren (will be dreaming in a while :p)
heheehehehe glad to read :)
well I'm not rushing things out.....I'm not doing things blindly...but I really want to do this....even I know I take a high risk, but this time it worths the effort and the risk!!!
and yeah! I've think of nearly all possible situations...even started to think on the morphing into monsters and being helped by Gozilla....and those ones are unlikely to hapen ;)

fathervic (not too metamorpher)